Ever wondered why your hobbies have gone to shit? - Here's why

146  2018-05-18 by TwoGendersOneIncel


Women arent interested in dwarf fortress

Anything requiring actual thinking puts up an anti-femoid barrier. Other genres that women (real ones, not trannies) don't like are simulations, grand strategy, and engineering games. Literally never come across a femoid who has played and enjoyed a Zachtronics game for example.

No doubt one out there played Infinifactory for 10 minutes and then claimed it's one of their favorite puzzles games though. Par for the course with them

Then i'm glad, it is a medium they can leave me to.

Let's be fair, most dudes don't like those kind of games either. (Because why play an engineering game if you can just, you know, design an actual product instead?)

If you enjoy those engineering games, you might like this though.

I never said anything about most dudes liking them. I'm saying ZERO (or double digits at best) actual girls like them. A lot of guys clearly do, which is why they sell plenty of copies.

Considering that around 5-10% of people in my engineering major are women, I doubt that.

There's no all-male hobbies really. They all have a constant 2-10% of women in them. Source: have multiple almost-all-male hobbies.

Why are you comparing whores who were accepted into STEM because of diversity quotas, with whores and engineering video games?

That's a non-sequitur.

There's no all-male hobbies really. They all have a constant 2-10% of women in them.

Factually incorrect, and no source provided.

Source: have multiple almost-all-male hobbies.

Anecdotes are not a source.

Never seen so much wrong information in 3 lines of reddit before. Done with your tedium. Run along now

Ah man, I should've realized you're one of the guys that actually warrant the stupid incel stereotypes IT has. My bad.

Go play Microcorruption though, it's really fun.

Congrats, now you can save a pic of this conversation and show it to these women, and they'll fuck you.


You're the brown stick figure in your post, OP. Women indeed do stuff like you've described but there are women (a very small minority), that have more of a male pattern thinking and brain and they are accepted as "honorary men".

They are rare but they exist, no need to be that much of a dickhead.

Congrats, now you can save a pic of this conversation and show it to these women, and they'll fuck you.

Sorry, having an opinion which runs parallel blind hatred doesn't mean I'm a white knight.

being a white knight makes you a white knight

I used to have a female friend that engaged in nerdy activities and was not a tranny and wasn't there to snag Chad.

Yes, this is an anecdote but that's what I'm saying - a very, very small minority of women, basically outliers. You don't deny the existence of outliers that do not disprove the rule, right?

I'll believe it when I see it.

Fair enough. My personal experience shows that they do exist. Your experience with women shows otherwise.

I just figure your perception is flawed, because you're a white knight.

Blind hatred makes you no better than bottom dregs from IncelTears and BluePill who worship every inch of women.

My eyes are open, but I see nothing good. You have rose tinted glasses on.

If you call my position "rose-tinted glasses" then you have achromatopsia.

factual statement

You've put it into more eloquent and accurate wording than me, thank you.

5-10% of people in my engineering major are women

they do it to meet engineering chads and yeah they'll get good jobs

engineercel here, in our actual jobs there are a lot of barriers to actually designing a product, money, female bosses etc

a game that gives us more freedom can be a lot more fun tho it doesn't pay the bills.

"Product" wasn't the right word I guess, I meant "home DIY project".


You don't even have to go that niche. The Total War games are literally impenetrable to girls.

I've never known a girl that played civilization or age of empires. Most titty streamers will play easy clicking games like WoW or RuneScape or CoD (Which are okay games, but don't require much thinking really).

AoE is mainstream enough that I've known a couple girls who played it. It's real-time after all.

Civilization though, never met a girl into it.

My friend literally spent days playing aoe/mythology before her dad had to rip her off the screen.

There are nerdy girls that like nerdy shit. They're just hard to find, because like braincells, they don't come out of the house.

I am not leaving the house because it's hotter than a volcano's cunt outside

Yesterday it was 108 F/41 C where i live. I hate heat

Girl here. I played lots lf civilization, and way into stellaris now. Shrug.

Please God keep it that way. And also God please give me the dwarven economy update.

Please God make my dwarves actually pick up ammo

Because it's so autistic

Lmao as if femoids were actually interested in anything besides putting on makeup and gossiping. JFL

Spot on Calhoun’s eat experiment tbh

over for calhouncels

This is true of this very subreddit too.

To any CIA, FBI, or NSA agents reading my comments: please cease and desist from harassing and stalking me.

To any members of the media reading my comments: I DO NOT consent to the reprinting of my comments or posts in any manner or in any medium.

To any CIA, FBI, or NSA agents reading my comments: please cease and desist from harassing and stalking me.

To any members of the media reading my comments: I DO NOT consent to the reprinting of my comments or posts in any manner or in any medium.

😂Does this actually work though? I feel like the CIA doesn't give a fuck

I posted this in another comment:

PRISM collects all data. Posting on an incel forum raises an individual's XKeyscore. /r/IncelTears members have gloated about reporting incels to the FBI.

To any CIA, FBI, or NSA agents reading my comments: please cease and desist from harassing and stalking me.

To any members of the media reading my comments: I DO NOT consent to the reprinting of my comments or posts in any manner or in any medium.

CIA has a roastie in charge now. just kek at the hell that is to come.

Roasties be like, "But it felt like terrorism"

Who is John Galt?

fictional guy made up by a roastie

Clearly you have not read Atlas Shrugged, you are just repeating what you've heard other people say about the book.

"Who is John Galt" is essentially the phrase people say in Atlas Shrugged when people who create new things leave the people to destroy their work.

clearly you have not read my comment which is factually correct

You are an idiot

I haven't read Atlas Shrugged but I've read The Fountainhead and God that book is a life changer. Even if you don't mesh with ayn rand's philosophy you can't deny that her writing is stellar

100% of people I tried messaging on dating sites were not attracted to my perfect piano recordings of several Scott Joplin's master pieces. Playing the piano since the age of 4 and even wasting time with a music degree has done nothing to help me get laid.

some urban youth might sample your recordings and become the next hot producer. Such is the life of a musician in these turbulent times.

fucking lmao

Actually not that unlikely if he's real good lmao

Why not play the market and use your skill to do stuff normies care about?

I am in the process of doing so, I just need my first fucking house to finish its land registry so I can record in privacy.

Yooo that's sounds like you're living the life. Good luck with that

Who the hell told you that making piano recordings would be an effective way to get laid?

Just about everyone telling me to get a hobby.

That's not advice for how to get laid, that's advice for what you can do to help make your life happier. No one thinks learning piano will get you laid.

Or they mean "get a hobby" in the same way people mean "get a life" because you came off like you had too much free time.

No, all the IncelTears idiots come here telling us to get a hobby like thats meant to get us laid.

No, you need to get a hobby to have a happy life. Don't let women be the center of your life, live for something more than being with a woman.

If you want to get laid, different advice is needed.

that advice is get born with good genes lmao

I think it's more complicated than that but I know I'm probably not gonna be able to persuade you.

In my view, it’s really not, but if you have the time and patience, you could elaborate. I would be more than happy to hear your opinion on the matter.

Do you identify as an incel, because thats who I would be gearing my explanation to.

I do not anymore, I’m just a sympathizer.

Good, so we can agree one can escape being an incel. What did you do to escape it?

Nothing really, I got lucky. She broke up with her bf a few months before we started dating and felt lonely. I'm not going to say anything bad about her even though she cheated on me in our last month together, but she was an ok person to be in a relationship with.

I'm sorry to hear that she cheated on you. I dont believe that means you'll have to be alone going forward though, there are definitely ways to get girls.

Not that many for ugly people. And even if they do, as seen from my example, women will realize that they can do better, and will cheat on them.

I know there is a huge opposition in this sub to the idea that your personality matters, but it really does for things like keeping your girlfriend. However, the personality thats helpful isn't the one you've been told by most of western society is the right one (just benice, be a feminist, etc).

I wasn’t clear, and in extension we aren’t clear when we say personality doesn’t matter. It does. After a woman is initially attracted to you it matters. But for all intents and purposes, it doesn’t matter for us.

I think that attitude ignores grey areas where your looks are such that your personality will either make or break attractions. And I think those situations are actually the majority. Sure, some have deformities that make it nearly impossible, and some are so physically attractive that they can say anything and get laid, but those aren't most cases.

Nowadays <4/10 men need an enormous amount of luck to find a partner. Women have practically no problems in finding a mate, and this makes these men miserable. My girlfriend for example wasn't attractive at all. Recessed chin, bad teeth, mouthbreather. Still, I was her 4th boyfriend, and she hasn't spent more than 2 months being single. Women live life on easy mode.

I agree, there is a role that personality plays if you can jump that initial threshold.

I think women have an easier time finding a sex partner, but they don't have it easier getting someone to settle down with them, at least not someone they want to settle down with.

At the end of the day, female hypergamy actually hurts women because it makes them unable to be happy if they think there is a better man able and willing to date them.

Plenty of people learned guitar and started bands "to get laid". It works.

It works because they are out there playing in public sharing a part of themselves in a non-toxic manner instead of wasting hours crying on the internet, but it works.

Guitar is very different than piano. Guitar is a more popular instrument, lets you play easily recognizable songs, and you can bring it to parties (letting you demonstrate the talent easier). If you wanted to learn an instrument just to get laid (which I strongly don't suggest doing), guitar is a better pick than piano.

For sure! But man, but you can do plenty of that with a piano/keys too. I definitely don't suggest picking up an instrument for the sole purpose of "getting laid". But the constant isn't the guitar, the constant is actually doing something social with the skills you have.

Starting a band or going to open mics and meeting People is a heck of a lot more fruitful than sitting in your room alternating between your Scott Joplin practice and redditing until you hate the universe. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Why not just make your group private then, so you can perpetuate your whole "no girls allowed, they have cooties!" thing in peace?

That's all you got from this story, huh? Expected as much, to be honest

Well everything else is just sexist BS, but from experience you guys aren't open to seeing those flaws in your argument. So the easiest solution for someone who believes this is what's happening is to make their group private, right?

everything else is just sexist BS

Why are you here then? What's your goal if you don't see the nuance?

I see the attempted nuance. I'm here because I don't understand why you're complaining when you could just set the group to private, and I'm commenting as much because ironically enough it applies to this exact situation.

What business is this of yours why or why we aren't private?

His life is shit so he either comes here as an incel in denial or as a very low tier normie who needs to find the rare group of people lower than him on the hierarchy

Well ideally you want to expand the community to include more people. If I'm playing a game it gets less fun if I'm playing against the same 2-3 people all the time. In fact I'd probably abandon the game myself if the group were so limited.

The problem is that the expansion process requires filtering, and a few bad eggs will start letting non-serious people in and fuck it up.

That's the same thing that happens as any community grows. It has nothing to do with women, it's just a people thing. The solution is to establish barriers to entry that filter out people you don't believe are serious enough.

Women don’t have cooties, they are in and of themselves a cancer to any community they touch. You lack so much self awareness, you don’t even realize you’re found it RIGHT NOW. Fuck off roastie whore.

So why not make your community private?

We shouldn’t have to make it private, retards like you should stop interjecting yourselves into our community. We could be out in other subreddits talking about this, spamming our ideology in female spaces, but instead we come here to talk among ourselves. In a way this place is private. Hope you rope.

You could, and it would be taken care of by our community standards and/or moderation. Afaik I'm not breaking any of this community's rules. I'm not here to spam or bully you, I'm interested in incel culture and discussing it. It's your choice whether you want to interact with me or not.

You’re not welcome here. I’ll just leave it at that.

No brigading. If you want to share a post or comment from another subreddit, please screenshot it. Usernames in screenshots should be blurred, blacked out, or otherwise concealed to prevent harassment.

I'm not brigading. I'm subbed, comment/discuss often, and I generally don't vote on posts or comments. I'm interested in discussing incel culture. Is that not allowed?

Youre not "interested" in shit youre a typical feminist whore sticking your filthy nose in where it doesn't belong just to get a rise out of people and cry victim like the everyday entitled Cunt.

If I were trying to get a rise out of someone it apparently would have definitely worked on you XD

It did work. I hate everything invasive manipulative hypocritical whores like you stand for.

Youre a fucking "feminist" with a Rape and degradation fetish lmaooo

But but toxic masculinity but but patriarch. Lmaoo.

Get out of here freak bitch your input isn't wanted.

Oh nooo! You looked at my post history. Now you've seen the things that I'm 100% aware anyone can see if they wanted to spend their time combing through my account.

I'm definitely willing to have a good faith debate about my points of view on things, including my kinks, if you'd like, though?

You act as if i was expected shame from a soulless cunt like you.I was simply informing others of the type of clowns that come here to spew bullshit.

Why would i debate a hypocritical idiot such as youself lol?

A fucking "feminist" that likes being raped and degraded that comes on a incel forums to start arguments.

Youre beyond pathetic and a perfect example of why noone takes feminists serious lol.

Ok. Have a nice day then.

Hey cunt. Can you piss off instead? No one wants you here. Please get gangraped by a pack of niggers and die in HIV. You are filth and nothing else

You probably just made her panties soaking wet lmaoo.

These feminist cunts should be in the pysch ward instead of worrying about incel business.

Please get gangraped by a pack of niggers

dude that is exactly what she wants tho

How Is she being a hypocrit?

Also, having a rape fantasy doesn't mean you like being raped - for someone who talks about nuance, as you do, I would expect you to see this clear and obvious difference.

Being an incel is one thing, but you're just utterly toxic man. Relax, she wasn't even attacking you/anyone.

Also, having a rape fantasy doesn't mean you like being raped

just lol at the lack of logical conclusions

The low IQ hurts me

Dude, seriously? There is generally a large gap between people's fantasies and what they actually like in real life. You may be surprised to find out that rape fantasies are one of the biggest fantasies that women have. That doesn't mean women want to actually be raped.. they want to act out the idea with someone who is safe and who will stop if they tell them to.

Just like many men have cuckolding fantasies but can't handle the reality of doing it in real life.

isn't this all common sense?

Can't believe you're staying So calm lol. Good fucking job, dude's a nut


Lots of them are nuts, but worse things have happened to me than angry kids calling me a cunt on the internet. I do think there's a point to talking to them civilly. Good luck!

go fantasize about chad raping you some more

Spoiler alert; I act it out in scenes, too! ;)

What's wrong with you. Reported.

reported you for bullying

Lol. Kay then.

Completely missing the point. As usual

why don't we make this sub private? cuz a ham is in charge of it

Because our mods are cucked

Women ruin everything tbh.

They do

Even sex?


The ancient greeks knew what's up.

Every man in the ancient era knew that women were pure evil

this is like how I went to see a heavy metal show and the band had a fat woman singer. This explains how that happened.

Ok I'm not anti women or anything like that but this is undeniable true.

Instagram was a legit photography website before Instagram models. Twitch had the same fate.

Reddit on the other hand is pretty good because it allows fringe communities to grow within it. Also strict moderation is great too. Though some communities have been destroyed by attention whoring e.g r/pics, me_irl, r/gaming

This whole phenomenon is pretty much the product life cycle in economics. Peter Theil always talks about how good startups are made by mentalcels

Femoids turn everything into a Chad bullying group

Yeah, I've gotta say you braincels actually have it spot on here.

In high school there was this cute girl dating a 4/10 guy and they played this game called cutthroat caverns. They'd have groups of 5 people who come over to the guys house and play a round or two, and they worked together.

Then I transferred to that high school, and became friends with that girl. She invited me over for a game night and honestly I just ruined everything fun about the game. I started killing allies, stealing gold, and I actually became one of the dominant players because of this strategy.

Fast forward a few weeks and I was actually acting like a douche to everyone there besides the cute girl, and sometimes I'd even give her unfair help so that she'd win.

Next thing I know, she breaks up with the game host and starts dating me for the rest of senior year. Girls are literally evil, the key is to capitalize on it.

die by fire

savage. what was the 4/10 guy's height and yours

I'm only 5'9 and he's like 5'7 but I'm a Germanic/Anglo blue eyed blonde and he was brown hair-brown eyes Greek so instant win for me.

And this is the story of how the legendary gambler came to be...

What ever happened to the mythical greek autist? I haven't seen him around since incels (((died)))

He posts as unfitforreproduction. Unless he deleted again

I would've kicked you out after you started acting like a dick ain't nobody got time for that shit

Yeah that's why you're on braincels

Im more a mgtow then a negative ass incel i don't sub to this board just here to read some topics and leave my opinion.

I went to an co-ed overnight summer camp for a year and it was hell on earth. We were only 11 and I wanted to do camp things like canoe, and rock climb, and play sports because it was camp but even that young, every other boy just seemed obsessed with following around the girls and wanting to do what the girls wanted to do (spoiler alert: it was sit around indoors reading the magazine their parents sent them from home). I was actively ostracized for daring to criticize the girls for being boring and wanting to participate in activities.

For the next four years I went to an all-boys camp and it made the best and most formative experiences of my life. I learned so much, saw so much, and made so many new friends that I've kept and use to this day.

Not really wemon specially on this kind of thing. Its more the company marketing something to the general public, and not fans of the thing. If the public picks it up, they make way more $$ than if they only marketed it to the fan base. But the general public is retarded. So they have to dumb everything down and pander to minorities/demographics. Fallout 4, street fighter 5, D&D 5th edition, magic the gathering, super heros. They all realized that then general public has more $$ than any singular fanbase.

fan loyalty is such a lost hope.

Cnograts, you somehow topped the autistic level of this subreddit

Get back to prepping your gfs bull, cuck.

Musician here..I have seen this happen to several bands, where one of the guys brings his GF to sing backing vocals or just shake a tambourine. It ALWAYS goes to shit.

In what way?

Yoko Ono

Ok here's my question though. If incels are vying for social attention and the chance to flirt wouldn't it be easier to practice those skills and even be successful if you have a mutual activity. Like a "chad" who strolls into a D&D game is probably just going to be a hot nerd and less likely to be some gym bro. Sure he may get more attention than you but wouldn't you still have a better chance with the women in those groups than just random girls on the street. I understand what its like to lose control over something you created and nurtured but why not use that as a new opportunity?

here's your retarded comment tho

Thanks but it doesn't really answer my question.

  1. Someone posts a meme about gynecologists getting accused of #metoo.

  2. You: "But if a gynecologist wants to have sex with women, can't he just ask his patients out on a date?"

Wow, that's a really beautiful strawman you built. Can we agree there's a difference between a group social activity and a professional relationship? In one case its people who elect to interact socially with each other for that person alone whether its friendship or the possible extension of a romantic relationship and in the other its the provision of a service and yes it would be unprofessional to create an extension beyond a strictly professional relationship.

I don't know if its because you don't have any debate skills, because you don't understand social context or because you just absolutely don't want to believe there's a chance you can turn your misfortunes into positive experiences but clearly something needs to be reworked.

It's interesting you offer the option they don't understand social context, but at the same time suggest to date people in your D&D group. If they turn you down it can break up the group if it's awkward between the two of you. If you do get a relationship it may break up the group. If you two break up, it may break up the group. It's the same reason you don't date coworkers or your gynecologist.

You are incredibly retarded.

My understanding is that people meet through social circles all the time. There’s even the meme of the platonic female friend introducing a single female friend to MainProtagonistBro. Given that the vast majority of relationships do not work out, then extending your reasoning, all social circles are being broken constantly?

There’s got to be a minimal threshold of “fucks given” built into the system, right? Otherwise there would be anarchy all day, every day.

It's about how you don't get the meme. It went over your head, and you asked an irrelevant question. Now you're ranting because you still don't get it. And probably you never will. But you will be right. People like you are always right.

Incels in a nutshell. /r/incels [rip :'( ] was banned and several communities emerged from it that eventually and gradually all became different from it. Due to few reasons including your pic OP.

Ironically, the incel subculture(if we talk only about incels.e) is already in step 4, with places like /r9k/ being literally in the latest step as all truecels come to the reddit communities after fakecels and roasties invaded.

The only thing saving it from destruction is that Sergeant has not to sell out his last dignity for money and don't allow females to join, but boy who knows what can happen in the future.

"Except for based black femoids! They're God's greatest gift to earth and we should suck Tyrone's dick to lube it up for her pleasure."


Black femoids are the best femoids because they're closer to an Orangutan than they are to people. Incels don't hate animals.


Muh azn waifu

This is retro gaming now basically. The stuff I've been collecting since 10 fuckin' years ago is now a hobby overrun by upper-middle class numales and femoidfags willing to pay $100 more than what I've paid for everything. I can barely afford retro gaming anymore. My middle finger's out to you bourgeoisie fuckin' numale shitheads and femoidfags.

Considering that around 5-10% of people in my engineering major are women, I doubt that.

There's no all-male hobbies really. They all have a constant 2-10% of women in them. Source: have multiple almost-all-male hobbies.

Congrats, now you can save a pic of this conversation and show it to these women, and they'll fuck you.


over for calhouncels

Oh nooo! You looked at my post history. Now you've seen the things that I'm 100% aware anyone can see if they wanted to spend their time combing through my account.

I'm definitely willing to have a good faith debate about my points of view on things, including my kinks, if you'd like, though?

clearly you have not read my comment which is factually correct

I haven't read Atlas Shrugged but I've read The Fountainhead and God that book is a life changer. Even if you don't mesh with ayn rand's philosophy you can't deny that her writing is stellar

What's wrong with you. Reported.

The low IQ hurts me

Dude, seriously? There is generally a large gap between people's fantasies and what they actually like in real life. You may be surprised to find out that rape fantasies are one of the biggest fantasies that women have. That doesn't mean women want to actually be raped.. they want to act out the idea with someone who is safe and who will stop if they tell them to.

Just like many men have cuckolding fantasies but can't handle the reality of doing it in real life.

isn't this all common sense?

Not that many for ugly people. And even if they do, as seen from my example, women will realize that they can do better, and will cheat on them.