Face > Race. Stop coping.

65  2018-05-18 by redpill_truths

Before I begin, I know my username is spelled as 'redpill_truths' but it was actually because I thought the 'red pill' was the 'blackpill'. I am blackpilled as fuck and looks matter the most, and is probably the only thing that matters.

With that being said, I think it is a bit much to blame your race rather than your looks. White men have an advantage in this world. Period. Noone is denying that. At the same time though, if you have good facial features, you WILL score women. A lot of the race coping guys here are currycels and ricecels but ask yourself: do you seriously see no chadpreets and changs around you getting into bed with hot women due to good facial features?

The whole generalization is actually extremely racist especially considering the diversity of those races. Compare a Pakistani to a South Indian. They will look different. Compare a Chinese person to a Korean person and then to a Japanese person. They will look different.

The only thing all of us incels have in common is that we are pretty much all ugly (unless if you're a mentalcel). Whether you're white, black, south/east asian, if you are ugly, you are fucked and if you look good, you are golden. It's as simple as that. Again, I'm NOT saying that on average there may be taller black people compared to taller asian people for example. But on an individual level, this doesn't mean that "LOL even if you're Indian or Chinese and tall and good looking, you're fucked". This statement is completely not true and is racist.


Well i remember seeing this girl who once dated a fellow white dude, then saw her a year or so later with an Indian who was taller, was better looking.

Being good looking of any race is better than ugly in another. But some races definitely have less masculine features on average. Asian females have more youthful looking faces, white and black males have more masculine features.

Yes sure, which is why I never said anything against what the average is. But on some threads here, if you find a good looking ethnicel (with masculine features), you have a lot of people saying that the person is still fucked because he's an ethnicel. THAT is what is definitely not true just based off of experience and reality.

If the person is a true manlet and ethnic he really can legit be incel even if he is a 7 in face. But yeah, a tall ethnic 7 shouldn't have any issues

As someone one who is “curry” it bothers me cause even though i know most “Indians” look a like, theres a lot of ethnicity’s just how not all white people look the same. For example I’m west indian and most of us are taller and have european/black facial features. The biggest annoyance is the comparison to indian people in which we have no similarities too at all other than appearance.

Exactly the kind of sentiment this post was trying to get at. Asians/Indians are very diverse.

Doesn't matter. The notion that women all want the most masculine men possible has never even been true.

"attraction science" has zero consistency in this regard. It claims that women prefer more masculine men in countries where people are less healthy, but more feminine men in countries where people are healthier even if "those men aren't as healthy" which is loaded to begin with. There is no proof that "more masculine" men are healthier but is just an unscientific presumption.

Also we have media impact which influences opinions on average but it's impact varies per individual just like the media might want all girls to love Justin Bieber and on average it works, but then some girls end up repulsed by him and love Cid vicious

What are you basing this on? Youve likely had such a small sample size . I've never considered black women more masculine in re face, and I've seen a lot of black women.

Did I say black women are masculine?

High IQ post

High quality post.

face > height > race

Cromagnid admixture matters. Robust whites, Asians or mulattos are attractive no matter race.

2 Iq post, all “””whitecels””” are just locationcels who dont want to go to Asia

If white is by definition 50% sub5, then other races would be at least 65% upto 80%

It's not cope to say some races are better looking than others.

It's not a wonder that the best looking ethnics have white features. An example of this would be indians/pakis and bollywood, the best looking indians/pakis look like high tier middle easterners.