In comments to the BBC article about the sadness of living about sex, IncelTears users commiserate. It seems like their BERRY GUD PEAHRSONALIT is not helping with getting into relationshits, I wonder why?

32  2018-05-18 by geneticSubhumanTrash


You goys are getting like real attention now.

Society is closer than ever to admitting that you have a case.

And what the fuck would society ever do in relation to that? If the mass of male virgins is not critical enough (let's say, <20% of total male population), then any guy who has not lost his virginity before high school graduation will be executed. If the mass reaches critical level and incels can fight back, it will be the death of the Western civilization and another Dark Age. And we all know that humanity will probably never recover from that, considering how reliant we were on coal and how most of the easily recoverable coal has been burnt.


It's cope that you're getting some positive coverage?

I do notice how this is the BBC, from England, and they are not using the term incel, and these emails are based on an article on a guy who didn't have sex until he was 37 but then had a long term relationship with his wife he met then and she died when he was 60 something and he was just lamenting how he didn't get much time with her, I read that and think he's lucky and whining too much and was a volcel at worst.

Snot really positive coverage is it mate? It's more just coverage really rather than positive coverage.

You goys

that one guy talking about "lover shyness" I remember now there was a Wikipedia page about that which I found years ago but I see it's gone now. I wonder if they just realized that phenomenon was caused by guys being ugly or autistic and took down the wiki page in hopes of covering it up

Indeed, the English version seems to be gone. However, the German version is still up:

I can't read that but if it is the same thing, I remember some chad scientists doing studies on it like oh man what could possibly be the cause

what in the sweet fuck? everyone go to this link and scroll to the very end where it says:

"Don't like sex?

Stacey It is thought that between 1-3% of the population is asexual, meaning they do not feel any sexual attraction to other people. For years Stacey was puzzled about why she never wanted to sleep with anyone, even her husband. It was her doctor that told her the truth."

And see the picture that is placed along with it.

I do notice how this is the BBC, from England, and they are not using the term incel, and these emails are based on an article on a guy who didn't have sex until he was 37 but then had a long term relationship with his wife he met then and she died when he was 60 something and he was just lamenting how he didn't get much time with her, I read that and think he's lucky and whining too much and was a volcel at worst.

Snot really positive coverage is it mate? It's more just coverage really rather than positive coverage.

Indeed, the English version seems to be gone. However, the German version is still up: