The Manosphere

406  2018-05-18 by HydraRuler


And then they wonder why everyone on reddit hates IT


I don't know if this image is pro-incel or it's made for mocking us.

But IT will take it like something funny, they want us to rot and mock/criticize everything we do.

If we say we don't want women they laugh and tell us we couldn't get any even if we wanted.

If we try to improve ourselves they tell us we are overcompensating and pathetic.

If we accept that we are truely inferior and we must rot, they call us mysoginist because if we accept that our height/looks is what makes us incel we are indirectly refering to women as shallow for not liking us.

Hey, IfIHadANidoran, just a quick heads-up:
refering is actually spelled referring. You can remember it by two rs.
Have a nice day!

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This was meant to mock groups like MGTOW and RedPill lol. It's also similar to the path I took. I went from Blue Pill ---> Red Pill ---> Men's Rights/MGTOW ---> Incel

It's also similar to the path I took.

Just curious did you actually put in the work required at the red pill step?

i.e: Lift, you are the prize, women are a by product of success, hold frame.

If theory you should be above average physique wise (assuming you didn't get screwed genetics wise), you should have a decent career, you should have working knowledge of game.

It's either Blue Pill ---> Red Pill ---> Men's Rights/MGTOW ---> Volcel


Incel ---> Incel

Personally I got lucky and went Incel--->Red Pill ---> MGTOW

What made me transition from redpill to mgtow is

  1. seeing a friend get baby trapped

  2. Had a girl take the condom of and try to force herself on my dick.

  3. Girls get unpleasant to be around when they realize you're not getting married, giving her a baby or spending much money on them.

Yeah I do strength training because I'm an amateur boxer. Career wise I could use improvement. I also worked on improving social skills, frame, etc. I feel that Red Pill really only works for average guys though, and I have a pretty ugly face.

I have fully accepted no one wants me. That's why I stay in my place, I wish people would stop making fun of me for my virginity though.

Same. Sooner or later you will accept who you are. I accepted my role and i am happy with it now. I am an adult male virgin and i have no problem with that anymore

Thanks to my upvote, you're now on -2 karma!

Come to a country where hookers are legal. I am so lucky, thinking about it...

who makes fun of u for being a virgin?

Nah, a lot of you guys are far from accepting anything.


How is denial not bluepill

Blue Pill isn't really "Manosphere". But yeah, IT and BP are also denial.

Bluepill is pre-denial, you don't even think about it when you're bluepilled, at least in my experience

so what does it mean to be on both r/MGTOW and r/Braincels

High iq

r/MGTOW is for when you have a choice.

r/Braincels is for when you don't.



Braincels is not acceptance at all and should be with r/foreveralone under depression. It is close to female worship and longing to be with women. MGTOW is closer to acceptance than braincels, since most of them are volcels.

Yeah I agree. I called people out for not accepting their fate a while back on this sub and the top comment said "MGTOW is that way".

MGTOW is the only true salvation for men. It is the warm life jacket in a tumultuous sea. Incels see the problem but they are drunk on the image of Woman and can't get over it. They cling to every hot woman's word on instagram and declare that it is suicidal fuel. How is that acceptance? Men go their own way because it is about having peace of mind, prosperity, and equanimity, which is something braincels will never foster for its subscribers. It only generates misery and anguish, nothing positive.

MGTOW is the only true salvation for men

What's wrong with RedPill?

Too much work

Too thirsty and thus too dependent on wymyn

Sometimes the truth isn’t positive, and the truth for them is that women are attractive, and they always will be. It’s a constant battle to suppress their natural urges that could last their whole lives.

Even MGTOW can acknowledge the fact that women are still desirable no matter how much you bury yourself in your hobbies or career. Being an incel is a essentially a declaration of “Hey! I’m not getting my needs met, and this is not okay!” Vs. the MGTOW’s blinders-on approach.

No one says mgtow is that way on this sub. Incels are involuntary mgtow anyways.

Most MGTOW are actually MSTOW though, hence denial. Braincels is about accepting that you are unwanted and that it's over.

Nope. MSTOW is a bluepill/tradcon cope adopted by incels to trash MGTOW. MGTOW is normal men seeing the situation, coming to a point where they saw that they either could understand women or love them, knowing they can't do both. They decided to leave. Women are not the well-crafted images they work hard to develop since a very young age. Braincels, however, is quite the opposite. It is a place where you consume rage fuel and incels become suicidal, depressed, angry, and above all, tormented with their daily reminder threads. Braincels is nowhere near about acceptance but about wallowing in the filth of misery. This is the truth. For males who are prone to self harm, it is chalice of poison and the door to destruction, not acceptance.

Look, in theory I agree with the MGTOW philosophy and all. But as someone who use to identify as MGTOW and spent a lot of time on the sub, I can tell you MSTOW is kinda accurate.

It is a place where you consume rage fuel and incels become suicidal, depressed, angry, and above all, tormented with their daily reminder threads.

Except MGTOW does the exact same thing. Like all the posts there are about how bad women are, hypergamy, false rape, etc., and people getting worked up about it. That's hardly acceptance.

You were never a man going his own way though, but an incel. You sought out MGTOW because you thought it was some kind of panacea to your problems. You can't use "leaving MGTOW" to diminish MGTOW as a way of life and you definitely can't make the claim that MGTOW is about denial and braincels is about acceptance. Once a MGTOW, always a MGTOW. If you were MGTOW, you would have realized and internalized truths about humankind and the nature of women, and pack up your bags and leave the plantation of misery, delusion, and filth.

Just for the record, I'm banned from r/MGTOW and I was never a fan of that place. I was on that place when it had about 6K subs and it has since degenerated. If you learned MGTOW from that place, I have nothing to say to you because that place does not do the MGTOW philosophy and lifestyle justice in my opinion.

Once a MGTOW, always a MGTOW. If you were MGTOW, you would have realized and internalized truths about humankind and the nature of women, and pack up your bags and leave the plantation of misery, delusion, and filth.

I do realize internalized truths on the nature of women. The difference is pretending I'm choosing not to play, and not really having a choice in the first place.

Just for the record, I'm banned from r/MGTOW and I was never a fan of that place. I was on that place when it had about 6K subs and it has since degenerated. If you learned MGTOW from that place, I have nothing to say to you because that place does not do the MGTOW philosophy and lifestyle justice in my opinion.

Just curious, what got you banned?

and not really having a choice in the first place.

One man not having a choice does not have any bearing on other men. I'm for the most part volcel, about 65% to 75% volcel. What some men see in women only elicits disgust in them and have left women behind. That disgust supersedes incelibacy, virginity, or the desire to be with them in general. I left; was not sent (although you could argue hot women sent me away, but they are so disgusting, depraved, and materialistic on the inside anyway so it is a mutual disgust. How could I actually be with her seriously and be a decent human? These women want to be BDSM'd, choked, slapped, and then spoiled with money). I left because the juice was not worth the squeeze.

I got banned for making a comment that was probably mistaken for being racist, even though I'm not white. Then someone went through my post history and saw a post where I was laughing at a dog that was killed for being annoying.

What some men see in women only elicits disgust in them and have left women behind. That disgust supersedes incelibacy, virginity, or the desire to be with them in general. I left; was not sent (although you could argue hot women sent me away, but they are so disgusting, depraved, and materialistic on the inside anyway so it is a mutual disgust. How could I actually be with her seriously and be a decent human? These women want to be BDSM'd, choked, slapped, and then spoiled with money). I left because the juice was not worth the squeeze.

No offense mate but....this sounds like massive cope. Look, I get it. I use to believe these things too. It's easier to convince yourself that all women are actually disgusting vile creatures. That they all just want to use you for your money. I mean, I could provide plenty of examples where this is the case. But I'm the type of guy who always questions my beliefs. And I came to realize that I might not be so right after all. Everyday I see normal interactions between men and women. I see relationships that aren't about money but just mutual respect. That not all women are into BDSM (I don't see the problem with this anyway, I enjoy this sort of thing). But I'll never experience those things because I'm too ugly and antisocial. That was hardest black pill to swallow, that the problem is me, and not the world.

You can't call that cope because it's a raw feeling that comes from the core of my being. Seeing what you think you see (the interactions and all) and choosing to believe that it is all well and good but it is a cope in and of itself. You don't know how things are in private. The whole of braincels attacks women for being "roasties" and basically subhuman but when MGTOW say it, it's cope and suddenly you don't see that in real life. I browse brainecls every day and all I see is incels mocking and criticizing women for being disgusting vile creatures, roasties, whores, and sluts. You love that sort of thing, fine, the rape fantasies they have, the BDSM, their demand that you become the provider, the leader, and the dominant one, and not the equal in all things, their mimicry and reflection of individual male ideals pretending to be original. I'm turned off by it. The fact they the see most men as objects of utility and only a few as genuine objects of attraction is telling. Men go their own way and leave the lie behind.

Look, women are not what I and a lot of other men put them up to be and thought they would be. They are not like our mothers or what you evisaged and removing the cover has made them unattractive as human beings not just objects of attraction. They don't offer anything to MGTOW anymore. They are just void.

You seem to be pushing the NAWALT narrative. If that is the case, if that not all women are into BDSM, or are vile disgusting creatures, or this or that, then how can you say you will never experience that? Why is it that AWALT when it comes to looks but when MGTOW declares AWALT, you call it a cope and assert its not true?

You can't call that cope because it's a raw feeling that comes from the core of my being. Seeing what you think you see (the interactions and all) and choosing to believe that it is all well and good but it is a cope in and of itself.

I mean, perhaps what I believe is a cope. The question is, what am I coping from?

The whole of braincels attacks women for being "roasties" and basically subhuman but when MGTOW say it, it's cope and suddenly you don't see that in real life. I browse brainecls every day and all I see is incels mocking and criticizing women for being disgusting vile creatures, roasties, whores, and sluts.

I don't personally agree with all this. There was actually a post about how this is really just a cope, and I'm inclined to agree.

You love that sort of thing, fine, the rape fantasies they have, the BDSM, their demand that you become the provider, the leader, and the dominant one, and not the equal in all things, their mimicry and reflection of individual male ideals pretending to be original.

You misunderstand. I enjoy both dominating and being submissive. I fine both appealing. And I don't want a relationship where I'm the breadwinner, I want equal footing.

Look, women are not what I and a lot of other men put them up to be and thought they would be. They are not like our mothers or what you evisaged and removing the cover has made them unattractive as human beings not just objects of attraction. They don't offer anything to MGTOW anymore. They are just void. MGTOW don't feel attracted to them anymore.

Well yeah, women aren't angelic perfect creatures. There humans like you and me. And there's a lot of shitty ones out there.

You seem to be pushing the NAWALT narrative. If that is the case, if that not all women are into BDSM, or are vile disgusting creatures, or this or that, then how can you say you will never experience that? Why is it that AWALT when it comes to looks but when MGTOW declares AWALT, you call it a cope and assert its not true?

I'm kinda confused by what you mean. Looks do matter a lot. The chance of me finding someone willing to look past this is extremely rare. This is why I say I'll probably never experience it. But I don't think being judge mental about looks makes women evil. Men do it all the time as well. It's in our nature to care about looks. While I disagree with the whole 8+ only, if you are extremely ugly you're screwed. Average guys will do fine though. MGTOW's AWALT is about women caring about money, always branch swinging, only wanting Chad. It's different.

just lol how in this conversation the incel is being nice to women and the mgtow coper is being mean

Funny, innit?

I got banned for making a comment that was probably mistaken for being racist

This is probably the real measuring stick for whether a community is actually worth a damn or not. "Can you get banned for victimless crimes?"

MGTOW fags are way more bitter. They've turned their personal feelings against women into some grievance ideology complete with pathetic memes. Braincels is more fun.

most of them are volcels

I lul’d

It is close to female worship and longing to be with women

You serious nigga? /r/Braincels is more like some darkly comic version of Hell. The souls have accepted their lot in life and proceed to make witty/stupid observations about the shit.

Ppl here realize femoids literally cannot reciprocate love, and in the end it's all a big joke. /r/ForeverAlone meanwhile is caught in the fantasy world so it's boring self-pity shit all the time.

Men COPING their own way.

mgtow is denial. There is no way to turn off my biological instinct to have a relationship with a woman. Many mgtow are 40-50 year old married men. Many of them think they should have girlfriends and fuck them but not marry them. Who the fuck upvoted you?

Most of them are volcels

No they aren't, lmfao. They're incels.

Braincels is basically MGTOW but without the possibility to actually get laid. That's why MGTOW is denial here.

The last stage is the rope

I mean, I've accepted it. I would still call myself depressed about it, maybe even a little angry.

Any of these subs can be mixed and matched to represent either stage according to how the poster feels about each sub at any given time. Medium IQ post

Last step is actually ascension to be with our Lord Saint blackops2cel, peace be upon him.

High IQ comment

You got depression and acceptance the wrong way round but otherwise accurate

there needs to be a noose around the neck of that last smiley

Who let the MGTOW bitter betabux in? They're proselytizing so hard here, it's pathetic.


bitter betabux

Choose one. MGTOW don´t provide for foids. God some of you are too retarded to grasp basic conceptcs.

A big chunk of MGTOW is divorcees. Do I need it to spell it out for you?

Then say former betabuxx.

Hence the qualifier "bitter".

I thought that was obvious.

Rope is acceptance

Yup, i've been through all the stages.

MGTOW is the real Red Pill. I’ve started to move over there for the philosophy, but stay around here for the “Just wear a cool hat bro” meme


The bluepill is the denial stage. The incel community is in the anger stage. If you had truly accepted the implications of the blackpill then you wouldn't be here raging at roasties or trying to vindicate yourselves to normies.

The ultimate blackpill is that believing in the blackpill is fate, not choice.

high iq comment

Lmao this is so true. Though I jumped around a bit. I went from

foreveralone -> mensrights -> redpill -> mgtow -> volcel -> incel -> volcel and back to incel.

6th stage - become a villain Manos(phere): Hands of Fate

Many people on here hasnt accepted their fate yet...they could have a decent life if they do so...

lmao so true! lmao at the "mgtows" acting like they are walking away from women... they had no women in the first place.

MGTOW is the end of all.

I wish acceptance were distinct from depression instead of both staying at the same time.

MGTOW isn't a pity party like Braincels they actually talk about and do self improvement.

I like how the Braincels one has NCT

You forgot /r/MensLib

I don't even know where it falls

Totally true. I know I’m an ugly piece of shit that will never have a future with a women so I have accepted it.

If you guys accept TRP and MGTOW then you already lost. This picture is propaganda to de-legitimize involuntary celibacy.

....what? I think you've missed the entire point of the post. The point is TRP and MGTOW are copes that bare resemblance to the 5 stage grief thing

You called them as all being part of the manosphere in the title, so you definitely accepted them as being related to involuntary celibacy. That's exactly what people who think like IT want because the manosphere has already been invalidated as a right wing misogynist movement.

I'm not sure how my post has anything to do with right wing misogyny..... Are you saying that involuntary celibacy = right wing misogyny, and by saying that the Manosphere is about involuntary celibacy I'm conflating it with right wing misogyny?

That's an interesting theory but just odd. Incels aren't political, we dismiss the right and the left. Besides, people already think that the Manosphere is misogynist. People think that TRP and MGTOW are misogynist even though they don't associate involuntary celibacy with it.

You're being obtuse...

The manosphere has received criticism of being right wing misogyny because of TRP and MRA/MGTOW.

YOU choose to associate involuntary celibacy with the general manosphere therefore you accept and agree that there is a valid relation between people who identify as incels and right wing misogynists.

Look, I could give a shit less about politics. If people want to associate the alt right with involuntary celibacy then fine. I don't care about what misinformed fools think.

You are so full of shit right now. Is this not your reddit post?

It's not okay to generalize Incels

This is something that has seriously bothered me. When an Incel posts something saying "all women want Chad", people say it's wrong to generalize all women. Then these very same people have no problem turning around and saying "all Incels are hateful, violent misogynists", which we aren't. Many of us are just frustrated with our lack of success in our romantic life, despite trying for years.

Of course you care about the politics. So why would you lump TRP and MGTOW with involuntary celibacy if you cared about not being generalized as a hateful, violent misogynist?

I care about what people think of Incels, not TRP and MGTOW. TRP and MGTOW can suck my cock. I only fight for my brothers in arms.

Well nice job boyo. IT will see this graphic and use it as proof that incels from the same misogynist breed.

IT already thinks we're misognists lol. And they feel the same way about TRP and MGTOW. Nothing we do or say is gonna change their minds at this point. The people we should focus on are Normies who don't really know much about us other than second hand info. Hence why I made my post on unpopularopinion.


Remember: only really ugly guys experience all 5 stages of the manosphere.


Sorry, I'm on a mean streak right now.

No worries, I already know I'm butt ugly lol.

For good looking guys in the manosphere, IMO the optimal solution is a combination of MGTOW and TRP: TRP logic for hookups and fwb, but never settle down into anything serious. That way you can have short flings and also maintain your freedom.

Yeah that's a pretty solid plan. Anyway how did you find this post, its pretty old.

I'm looking at the top posts of the past month


whats the manosphere?

Too much work

You are so full of shit right now. Is this not your reddit post?

It's not okay to generalize Incels

This is something that has seriously bothered me. When an Incel posts something saying "all women want Chad", people say it's wrong to generalize all women. Then these very same people have no problem turning around and saying "all Incels are hateful, violent misogynists", which we aren't. Many of us are just frustrated with our lack of success in our romantic life, despite trying for years.

Of course you care about the politics. So why would you lump TRP and MGTOW with involuntary celibacy if you cared about not being generalized as a hateful, violent misogynist?