Girl on tinder who loves my jokes ans personalityand called me every night to talk for 2 hours instantly stoppped replying me the moment I showed her a clear photo of my face

172  2018-05-18 by not_good_looking


Another one bites the dust thanks to female idiocy

obviously u didn't shower enough

He did shower enough. He just took the wrong shower. He needs to use the showers ShlomoCels used in 1942.

I hear there are these new kind of showers called ovens

You need to take the Shlomo shower first and then you take the oven shower.

I need zyklon B showers

Nope, Cucktears*

They’re having seizures right now

has happened to me before as well

Shouldn't have sent a picture. At least talking to her gave you human contact

Lol it's like eating a plate of shit and saying "well at least you fed yourself"

I wasn't serious ;)

She'd have to see his face eventually if his goal was a relationship. It's unavoidable.

And before you say it, blind chicks like to get the approval or disapproval of their vision-capable friends before dating a guy.

You need to make a really good 35mm digital camera photo with good composition and then photoshop the hell out of it. Thats what girls do

And the filters, don't forget those..

Why so you can just get rejected in person and waste all that gas money?

Inceltears would say it's because you are so toxic

Also I've done this too,I've even told them I wasn't the Chad in the fake profile then some have said let me see the real you I don't go by looks, showed her and she ghosted.

Sounds like you are cat fishing people

Fucking lmao, this needs its own post

yeah durgesh is a god, not only catfishing but also whupping ass? sign me up for prayers duties for this new prophet.

tfw Durgesh kicks your ass after catfishing you for the 4th time that month


No, it’s showing off his awesome personality that would otherwise be unnoticed because of his face. If personality is all that matters, then catfishing doesn’t even exist, doesn’t it.


I understand that however how can you become angry when you’ve concealed your identity

is that Sherlock holmes over there

She saw your personality teehee

She instantly saw his misogyny

She could tell you post on here when she saw your face.

Once met a girl from POF and the second she saw my face and frame in person, she started with, "I have to go, my parents want me home. I snuck out and they caught me."

I didn't believe it, but just in case it were the truth, I tried to message her on my way home. I had already been blocked.

She definitely saw my personality at a worse angle in real life.

a fat cow looking roastie said she had to go from a date because her grandma was sick just why why why

Dont feel bad bro. I was talking to a somewhat masculine early-transition trap off tinder via text. Things were going great. Was going to lost my virgin. Feels good man. Then she saw me in person, left in the middle of date- blocked off all social media, ghosted for life.


A tranny? Dear god.

You guys really are fucked lmao

She saw the true face of your personality.

I don't engage in conversations with females,because I know it won't go anywhere.

I’ve had this about 10 times. It’s absolutely brutal

Back in the days of chat rooms, I met so many women online. No lies. 100% honest about my personality, life and hobbies. They fell for my personality, developed a close connection, and loved chatting with me online and on the phone. Eventually they'd want to see a photo. Then it's over.

I'm sure it was my misogyny and entitlement.

How did you match with her in the first place? Did you have some kind of wallpaper profile photo?

Photo of me and my dog, but I was looking away from the camera so she could only see 70% of my face (which is still a lot but yeah).

This is standard procedure now, I think I'm just going to stop responding when they ask for a pic from now on

I'm sorry that happened to you. That's brutal.

I have also had the experience of clicking with someone very well over messenger and the phone only to have things go awkward when they saw me in person.

The sad part is we are superficial creatures whoever there is someone out there for you. They just may not be look the way you imagined them to

More excuses and garbage platitudes. Keep justifying the systematic oppression of incels, norman.

The level of frustration and sadness I feel from this message is sad I hope you find less excuse and positive change for yourself


Men gotta be the women's clown, am i right?

What annoys me the most is how they'll just instantly stop replying with no explanation whatsoever. I would prefer some sort of closure, like "sorry I don't think this is gonna work out :(" or whatever. Personally I would feel pretty guilty if I just suddenly started to ignore someone without giving them an explanation first. It's a shitty thing to do.

Men do the same thing to women all the time. Ghosting is common practice among both genders because it’s the easiest way to reject someone even though we all say we prefer someone just telling us. But imagine if she flat out said “I don’t want to talk anymore because you are ugly” that would be devastating too. There is no good way to reject someone

Seems like I struck a nerve - I'm guessing you're probably a perpetrator of exactly what I'm talking about, Katie. Maybe Chad "ghosts" you, but I personally would never just straight up ignore somebody without at LEAST giving some kind of BS excuse first beforehand. Yes, I would much rather hear "sorry, this isn't going to work out between us because I don't find you attractive" rather than just ignoring me and leaving me hanging forever without some kind of closure.

If you perpetrate this kind of behavior then you're a roastie piece of shit.

I’m actually not. I try very hard not to ghost people, but I’m a very up front person. I also date all kinds of men: short, tall, skinny, larger, virgins, and man whores. Not all ladies discriminate based off the one type you think we all fall for. And for the record I would rather be ghosted then insulted to my face by some I don’t really care about (different if the person isn’t a stranger). It’s all based on personal preference. Also if someone ignores you for over like a week and it’s not normal for your friendship then move on.

I try very hard not to ghost people You shouldn't have to "try" not to ignore somebody, Katie. Tell them you aren't interested and move on. If they keep contacting you after that, THEN you're justified in ignoring them, as you've already given them their answer. Simply ignoring somebody, or "ghosting" them as you put it, is a cowardly and shitty thing to do.

I also date all kinds of men I don't care what kind of men you date. We aren't talking about you. We are talking about the female gender as a whole, and research has shown that women do indeed pursue a very specific type of male. Maybe you're the exception to the rule, maybe you aren't - either way, it doesn't change anything.

I would rather be ghosted then insulted You don't have to insult somebody to let them know you aren't interested. It's very possible to let them know in a kind and dignified way. Stop doing mental gymnastics to justify your shitty roastie behavior, Katie.

Also if someone ignores you for over like a week and it’s not normal for your friendship then move on Why play bullshit mind games when you could just be upfront with me? This is why we hate you.

Did you not read that I don’t ghost people...that’s not what I’m about and yes someone made it about me in the comments saying that I was probably the type of girl who does this all the time hahaha so that’s why I brought it up.

I guess that’s cause I’m extroverted and talk to people all day everyday and it’s easy to lose track of a conversation, not even trying to ghost and accidentally ghosting someone isn’t out of the realm of possibilities for me.

You say if they keep pestering then it’s fine to ghost, but the pestering happens almost every time you reject someone (no matter how nice) so a lot of girls get fed up and just ghost instead of putting up with the insults and name calling that follows. It takes both sides.

"Did you not read that I don’t ghost people"

You said yourself that you "try" not to. This implies that you are indeed guilty of doing it in the past.

"someone made it about me in the comments saying that I was probably the type of girl who does this"

That "someone" was me, Katie, and I leveled that accusation at you because you responded defensively to my original comment. Why would you be defensive over something you aren't personally guilty of doing?

"it’s easy to lose track of a conversation"

Again with the mental gymnastics. I'm guessing the roastie in the OP "accidentally" started ignoring him too right?

"a lot of girls get fed up and just ghost"

Which is just one of the many reasons why we despise roasties like you. You should treat people like human beings and give them closure like they deserve. Just because they're ugly doesn't mean they don't have any feelings.

"It takes both sides."

It literally doesn't. The only male "ghosting" is done by Chads who have hundreds of roasties like you trying to hit him up for sex. I personally would never "ghost" anybody and I'm betting most half-decent people here wouldn't either. On the other hand you, and all roasties like you, have no problem at all with straight up ignoring ugly males because, whether you want to admit it or not, you view them as subhuman. Their existence isn't even worth acknowledging.

I think it's ok for men to do it since roasties are also ghosties

If it really happened like this I feel really sorry for you. Fucking bitches.

Happens to me all the time brother These shallow whores should be shot

This is the sadistic state of modern world guys




Where do these decent human beings hang out? Certainly not on this sub.

Speak for yourself

The culture of this sub speaks for itself.

Logic, justified misogyny, good humor and personalities, roasting low IQ low T reddit "men" and more

What's not to love?

roasting low IQ low T reddit "men"

I thought you guys were against bullying incels.

Incels are higher IQ and range between all kinds of T levels, from ogrecel to weakcel

I love how you didn't address the rest

Mental gymnastics, sour grapes, and blame externalizing? Not really signs of decent human beings.

Sorry that I made you cry

Lmao that was your best response? So much for high IQ. This sub should be renamed r/brainlets

When will you run out of tears?

No because braincels comes from brainlets but is about incels. Imagine being this stupid in 2018

You are racist, we have sandcels, niggacels, currycels...

What a diverse group of shitty people!

I’m sorry that ya had to deal with that, but if it’s any consolation I’m pretty sure if she’d be that critical of looks then you probably dodged a bullet. Sad truth is that many people really are very superficial, however her ghosting you almost instany would probably be better than finding out that they’d been cheating since the beginning 5 years into the relationship. It sucks, it really does and I feel for ya dude, but at the very least you don’t have to deal with their bullshit anymore.

You don't care about OP's situation at all. If you did you would support measures against these things.

what exactly are "measures against these things"?

Anything that works to reduce the promiscuity of women in our society.

Sounds like youre here more to shit on women than look for support with your inceldom. You care less about OP and are just using for an agenda.

I sure am, bitch. What are you going to do about it?

u don't care about OP's situation at all. If you did you would support measures against these things.

Why did you accuse them of doing the exact same thing you're doing? Isn't that hypocritical?

How am I doing the exact same thing I am accusing him of doing?

doesn't fit the context, did you confuse promiscuity with freedom of choice?

They don't have sex with incels because chad will fuck them anyway.

Would you fuck people you are not attracted to if you had the chance to fuck models? Not that this is what ACTUALLY happens for women, just checking.

I believable there are variable levels of attraction and it's not that simple.

oh I believe that too, no doubt. I'm also not saying no matter how you look like or what gender you have you would ALWAYS, if you had the chance, fuck someone who's more attractive than you. But if we're only talking about sexual attraction and nothing else and you had the CHANCE to actually be with someone you're really attracted to physically anyone would take that chance, it's not a woman-thing.
And I mean, maybe some incels would say in response to that that they would indeed fuck someone who was on their level of attractiveness, although I doubt it's many, but that has more to do with their insecurity.


No girl on tinder would talk to yoh every day for hours before shes even seen your face.

Go post your attention seeking bullshit elsewhere

don't be dumb.

You can easily alter your picture with filters and shit.

If you read closely you can see :"After I showed her a CLEAR picture of my face". Without any filters.

Stop this mental gymnastics

It's kinda your own fault for not putting a face pic on your tinder profile

Then how is he supposed to be able to talk to anybody and show off his personality if he has a face that causes instant ghosting?

You deal with the fact that not everybody will like you. What he's doing is going to set himself up for disappointment

You deal with the fact that nobody will like you.

Ftfy. And some of us like to cope by trying still; I'm not one of them, but I'm not going to tell them to stop trying, either. What he's doing is the only way an incel can even get a girl's attention: talking to her without her knowing what a hideous beast he is.

“It’s somehow your fault bro”

You talked to a girl for hours on the phone nightly? Are you 12?

You don't want to be judged by looks yet use tinder. Ok.

Keep making excuses for the horrible mistreatment of incels by society, norman.

^ what does this even mean?

Tinder is a look based dating app. It was created as a reaction to the dating sites with "too much text", as a way to just easily impulse date based on who in your acquaintanceship circle or city by mainly photo was also interested in dating you.

Lol if you think real life is not like this at all. Naive

Too bad Tinder's a representation of real life. It's OVER for ugly people

You should have stretched to AT LEAST 6'3" before you sent her a photo! That's part of personality!



has been PUAs

I'm confused, how did you talk on tinder without her seeing pictures of you?

Funny how they have nothing to say about real blackpill threads like this.

I've had a girl laugh at me on the phone when I told her I was 5'8". She was 5'2" or so.

It is. He knew what he was doing by posting a vague photo. Deal with the consequences instead of whining

It is what? Lol it wasn’t a vague photo, just a photo taken at a good angle, which is your advice retard. Just lol at you.

You were still being deceptive. I would insult back but it's almost too easy.

What the fuck man?

Lol I bet you wouldn't say these things to m'lady with Photoshop and 10 filters

Females do that every time. Cows hide their 3-4 chins and fat bodies, focusing on their "cleavage" and makeup-slathered faces to try to fake the "hot slut" appearance.

“It’s your fault for not using better angles bro”

“You are being deceptive if you use better angles bro”

Just curious, what is your IQ?

Maybe we should start doing what these Stacys do, and use makeup to hide our real face.

Your personality was malfunctioning

fake news, why are you lying to disenfranchised and nearly suicidal people?

Look I'm not promoting anyone to do this because I don't wanna get in trouble, but fantasy-wise, I'd love to see someone throw acid in IT's face and disfigure him for life, make him an incel. THEN he'll get it.

You don’t need to do that, they already are incels

If that is the way you approach your every day life, then yeah, you will amount to nothing. Just throw your hands up and go, I'm ugly, society hates me. You hate yourself, that's all there is to it. Stop blaming the world around you, get a grip. This world isn't filled with super models. Average isn't average for no reason. Only you decide wether you are ugly or not. I see a whole lot of ugly in here but it has fuck all to do with looks.

Average isn't ugly.

We're ugly.

No, it’s showing off his awesome personality that would otherwise be unnoticed because of his face. If personality is all that matters, then catfishing doesn’t even exist, doesn’t it.

I hear there are these new kind of showers called ovens

is that Sherlock holmes over there

I need zyklon B showers

I believable there are variable levels of attraction and it's not that simple.