Girl asked to see a pic of me tonight

285  2018-05-18 by NewLoadsOfFun

And immediately blocked me after I showed her my face

Happy thursday everyone


Girls do that, they want Chadlike features.

Just take the pic from the right angle and smile more bro - CuckTears

Take the picture in the shower

Calling IT CuckTears would imply that incels are cucks?

Sshhhh you're not supposed to tell them.

Oh shit

go make another post on /r/depression pussy

No, they're cucks and they're crying about us.

I almost sounds like they game themselves the name CuckTears to me you guys look retarded.

What are you even saying?

Says the guy who can't even formulate a proper sentence.

Burnt 🔥🔥🔥🔥

I see what you did there, smart goy

you had a gf once. what happend?

Hey, -SpinxS, just a quick heads-up:
happend is actually spelled happened. You can remember it by ends with -ened.
Have a nice day!

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She broke up with me and is probably whoring out in her new college

She said to my face she had offers from hotter guys than me and only dated me because she had such a low self esteem she thought we looksmatched

and how long was since the break up?

2 months ish?

You had a gf so ur volcel.

I don't feel very vocel with getting a 100% rejection rate since

So if I suddenly get a gf and we date and have constant sex then we brake up I can come back here saying omgosh tfw incel, I’m so foreveralone I will never find anybody

Please point me to the direction I can get pussy then

YOU tell ME. You got pussy before, a long term one at that, i didn’t. So can you please point me to the direction where I can get pussy?

That's the point mputh breather I don't know. Last one happened purely out of luck. Now quit spazzing out over my flair

Luck or not once you got a girlfriend you can’t be incel anymore. You could be a loser sure but not an incel

Sounds like you don't know what incel means

The nearest whorehouse.

Not if he can't get another

So normies who’s on dry spells are incel now?

not after 2 months

if he is still that way for like 2+ years despite several attempts, then he's at least temporary an incel.

Volcel implies he could get laid whenever he wants in a romantic relationship. It doesn't sound like that's the case with OP. But again, 2 months is way too soon, I agree.

Das low bruh. Women pure garbage


Its almost like a species that breeds to the point of being cancer to the earth bases its identity on the quality of genetics it can attract.

Fuck human civilization

What a cunt

Damn, sorry to hear bro.

Just get a dog from a shelter and give it a good life, dogs never betray you.


" She said to my face she had offers from hotter guys than me and only dated me because she had such a low self esteem she thought we looksmatched "

And oddly enough, normies accuse incel men of only going after super models, but here you've got a confession from a woman that she would only date her looksmatch if she has low self esteem. So we're "entitled" for having basic biological needs and urges, and for not being able to attract our looksmatches, or even one or two notches below our matches, yet, fat women are not called "entitled" when they are sunning around with fit, strong, athletic, average-faced men whom are way out of their league.

post pics of her

...but...personality tho

Personalities seals the deal AFTER you are deemed physically attractive.

Idk why you guys are acting like this is new news.

Could have been the other way round. She’d realised he had a terrible personality but was willing to overlook this if he was remotely attractive.

Stfu cuck

Get a hobby and do something with your life.

Fuck off, Jordan Peterson

Because IT users regularily deny it. "Just be friends with her for 3000 years first so she will ignore your face!"

Lol because motherfuckers like you come here everyday and say that personality is what really matters and you can get laid being a Quasimodo with a great one.

Personality matters a bunch! You have to be socially autistic to not realize that. But being physically attractive also matters a whole lot. Why would a woman want to be with a man that has inferior genes.

Bottom line if you are ugly you better make up for it in other ways.

The best way to make up for being ugly is dying

If you think so, go for it!

If you are ugly no woman will want you unless you have money. And by that point you aren't the one being wanted. Your cash is.

Incels are mistreated horribly by society.

If you are 20+ years old and haven’t lost your virginity than there is something wrong besides your faces.


What is it that you can't control, exactly?

The bones in our skull.

So the appearance of your face, essentially. Then define the mistreatment you refer to?

'We dont get to force people to be attracted to us'

Not having our social contract be fulfilled. Society doesn't care about our suffering yet forcibly steals money from us through taxation.

Because people like you come here and tell these guys they are incel because of their misogyny, toxic beliefs, entitlement and bad personalities... not because of their looks.

Stories like this directly disprove that. Looks matter first. The other stuff matters only afterwards.

Yes I literally said that. Looks matter first, this is an obvious fact. It’s the first thing someone sees when they look at you. But if you don’t have the personality to back your good looks up than it’s also a deal breaker.

You need to have BOTH

The thing is the guys here are not getting rejected for their personalities.

Yeah because you guys are ugly right


You need to have only looks, you dumb fuck. Personality = looks. Period.

What sort of mental disability do you have?

I'm perfectly fine, thanks.

Lol doesn’t seem like it



Well we're ugly. So we're pretty much doomed.

Welcome to the club

Has happened to me personally more than 5 times

That's not that many...

I started to get the hint after 2

Where were you talking to someone that they didn't know what you looked like?


And how many more will it take until it becomes 'too many'?

The nerve of you fucking people...

Has happened to me personally more than 50 times, volcel


It's because you're toxic!! Teehee

Seriously this happened to me tons except they usually just ghost me and ignore

You should have combed your hair! FUUUCK!

imbalanced difficulty settings tbh

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nothing worse than getting immediately ghosted after she sees your face. has happened many times to me

Whatta throwback

Didn't that Stacey come through?

No I don't recall any messages from that post and I know nothing came of it

She could detect your horrible personality.

Where do you all meet these women who actually want to talk before seeing your face.

In his imagination?

This. A void won't lose her time talking to a guy who she never saw the face before. Even for being friends they have a looks threshold that you have to pass.

use faceapp dude and put on the hollywood filter

during the first week of college i dmed a cutie on yik yak who said she needs new friends to chill with and we had a good random convo then she she said what do you look like? so i sent her my instagram. still waiting for a response its been about 2 years


I assume you sent her your dick pic.

No, face pic

I assume you always excuse women's behavior


Sad hahaha

Did you forget to hold frame brah


Just take 10 showers bro then your picture would look good 😉

Did you take a shower before taking the picture? I bet you didn't.


bet ya didn't take a personality shower first!


Where? I can’t think of any platform where talking with a stranger with no face pic is commonplace.

LOL this place cracks me up..


It has happened to me many times.

Imagine when you get to sending someone a dick pic and then you get blocked. That's some shit, I'd say you got off light

ya dodged a bullet bro

Nice excuse bro

Been there lol. PERSONALITY

Most guys I try to message on gay dating sites immediately block me too.

But oh noez you cant be a gay incel ... absolutely fucking false.

Props for actually sending a pic. I would have left her on read or tried to chain the subject. Or just tell her no I'm ugly

What do you look like dude

4/10 I'd say

Like Lurch from Adam's Family


What a LOSER

How does someone deal with such a reality? "Rejection? TO BRAINCELS :D"

I don't feel very vocel with getting a 100% rejection rate since

Not if he can't get another

Yeah because you guys are ugly right

Lol doesn’t seem like it