If not being hateful, bitter and misogynist is all we need, why does foreveralone exist?

41  2018-05-18 by bcat124

They're basically submissive and tame incels.

Reminder that reddit used to bully R/forevelraone hard before incels came in.


i think r/foreveralone are just mentalcels. Like normies who lacks personality.

No theyre 99% ugly men

then they are just delusional truecels

Yeah most of them think it has nothing to do withtheir looks. Pretty bluepilled sub

No. I've seen tons of highly upvoted threads there saying that personality is heavily influenced by looks.

Foreveraloners are just as Incel as us. They're our Incel brethren and we should love them as we love ourselves. However they must be ready to accept the glory of BlackOps2cel in their hearts.

as we love ourselves.


But I hate myself?

They are but sheep in the dark.

But but but it’s Just World! I refuse to believe bad things could ever happen to good people!

They lack camel gandy meme

I tried to go there when incels shut down I got banned quick for sharing a catfish story . They wrote me saying get my incel shit out of here.

Maybe they feel better not hating people?



Not for you incel teehee

Disgusting pig.

And yet they’re just as alone as we are

It's incredible how MUCH they intentionally miss the point to avoid facing the obvious truth because it's too uncomfortable.

But they are alone like we are. So our toxic behaviour isn't pushing away women, it's obviously our face.

You're missing the point. They are alone even though they don't hate people, therefore it's not caused by personality.

It could be their personality, but in the sense they're too agreeable/beta, compared to normies.

Not logic! Anything but that!

There are many people who have self-hatred, fear, and social anxiety which makes dating harder.