365  2018-05-18 by IgorBogdanoff


that deer looks retarded

It looks like a goat without horns.

Hahaha It’s a goat. It would be a retarded looking deer though.

You don't say!

Its a goat?

Call of duty crybaby edition.



When I see BO2cel I don’t even notice ugliness anymore. I view him as transcendent of all beauty. He has ascended into an angelic, higher being

Funny, I didn't think incels believed people can oversee ugliness?

He never said he’d date or fuck BO2cel lol.

But he can reach a point where he no longer finds him ugly and finds him "angelic" to look at, surely this trait isn't limited to only him?

finds him “angelic” to look at

It’s a meme u dip

Oh that's right, everything is just a joke when you guys are confronted with logic...

Why do low IQ people always double down? BO2cel as our lord and savior is a very popular meme here. Just look at the right side of our banner if you’re too lazy to lurk more.

I just find the double standards funny that's all, you somehow took that as a personal attack and got defensive, oh well that's incels for you....

you somehow took that as a personal attack and got defensive

No? You said a wrong thing and I said you were wrong lol.

Sure you did buddy, you are such a big boy, mommy must be proud.

It's always funny how they go for condescending/emasculating insults when they have no more points to make. Really shows what they themselves are insecure of lol.

Why do low IQ people always double down?

Yes, that is quite funny...

"no u", the post

The double standards are real...

This guy is legitimately retarded. Goes on incel forum to make fun of incels but is too stupid and gets rekt

when you lose an argument, so you resort to using condescending remarks as a desperate attempt to seek validation.

smh dude i'm a literal autist and even i can detect sarcasm better than you, apply yourself

Good for you buddy, maybe you can aply that skill and actually contribute to society somehow?

i work 50 hours a week, normalslime

Sure you do buddy.

An average of 7 hours per day, or 8 hours per day with 1 day off isn’t a farfetched claim, kid.

>he says, as he spends a full hour bullying virgins on the internet

I'm not even a fucking incel and I can see how petty and pretentious your acting.

It's not petty acting I think. I think the dude is legitimately unintelligent. The way he writes, the way he misses easy logic make me think his IQ is around 80-90.

"Why do low IQ people" Things only faggots say lmao.

But you're just a 15 year old kid who thinks he's edgy

Men can.

Whats ironic is this is the same way women view chads asshole personality

Yeh but dat positive canthal tilt tho

"Le checkmate, incels!!!"

Fuck outta here dork.

The more i look at it the more beautifull hr becomes . May he bless us

Tbh his face has grown on me. The first time I saw him I wasn’t impressed. Now, though, he’s starting to look better in my eyes.

He would look much better with a decent haircut and shirt

Right? Some hair gel and a suit would work wonders.

This is how honestly how women feel about less attractive guys all the time

Honestly, yeah. Sometimes you have to get used to how someone looks before you can start feeling any sort of attraction towards them.

The problem is, if I stare at a woman all the time I’ll get arrested before she gets used to me.

I guess it’d have to be in increments so as not to be too long in duration to make a woman feel uncomfortable. Then she could warm up to someone like this saint.

Whats ironic is this is the same way women view chads asshole personality

He looks like my daughter's first boyfriend. Scrawny, lanky, but tall and super geeky (knowledgeable about his interests.)

Blackops2cel is the real predator.

Sexual predator

Femoids and roasties love hunting prey. They only want to be on top and think they're in control. This is the main reason they hate hunters aka incels

By god, have we been the true chads the whole time and women don't get near us because we are too alpha?

Omg.. this HAS to be true

Truchad checking in

I thought in the last post incels had prey eyes. It was a baby deer and a wolf. Which one is it? Or how does that work?

everyone but me gotta learn this is true.

Sean O'Cel on suicide watch

That guy isnt even that bad looking if he would shave his mustache and get a haircut... And not post these kind of things...

I dunno. He does look a little like Sid, from Ice Age.

But that’s besides the point. Confidence balances an otherwise uneven equation. If you are confident, carry yourself well, and are a genuinely decent person, then looks are really a tertiary consideration.

Are you blind?

It doesn't work for fish species.

High IQ

Lol some poor Bosnian fuck with a wife gets made the poster child for this sub's faggotry.

The ultimate pill is realising BlackOps2Cel is a lie

Blasphemy get this traitor out of here

What is factually incorrect about what I said?

Blackops2cel shits on that guy

I hope the only reason Reddit let’s this sub exist is so that the FBI has a window into this fucked up culture and can keep an eye on all you mentally unstable people.

He mogs them all, peace be upon him.


Pack you things guys the problem has just been solved just live under water.

By god, have we been the true chads the whole time and women don't get near us because we are too alpha?

He would look much better with a decent haircut and shirt

This is how honestly how women feel about less attractive guys all the time