It's a lot harder for incels to have a social circle because nobody wants to show off an ugly friend.

84  2018-05-18 by bcat124

Say what you want, but friendships are a LOT about social status. People want to tag their friends in facebook photos or instagram, they want to tell everyone that they are friends with chad, that they party with chad.

Incels ruin all of this. I used to hang out with some "cool" kids in highschool because we had similar hobbies. But they never invited me to parties or birthdays, or cool social events they were having despite how much fun we had hanging out doing our hobbies. We even had similar sense of humor, but still didn't cut it. They never included me in photos, or snaps.

I once confronted one dude about this directly, he said "Yeah, I have fun hanging out with you, but you just wouldn't fit in with the crowd, you don't look like you would belong in parties with girls." . Meanwhile, some of the deadbeat chadlites with no hobbies and lowIQ were always invited everywhere.


The only friend I need is a bottle of vodka. Everyone else just uses me as the butt of a joke how ill never get laid and how I should kill myself.

drinkin and drugging yourself to death is preferable to suicide.

related to the concept of ldar

It's just a slow form of suicide, and if you had intimate knowledge of this subject you would not find it preferable at all.

Hey Man, just had a brother pass away due to alcoholism and my sister did last year. Lost my dad and several close friends to drugs. You should calm down On it-if you want to talk shoot me a pm.

I used to hang out with some "cool" kids in highschool

As usual, incels assume High School dynamics define all of life.

Guess what? As an adult no one fucking cares what you look like. We aren't monitoring our Facebook feeds to remove ugly people from it. Are you fun to be around? If yes, then you can have friends and a social life after high school.

no one fucking cares what you look like

Unless you're looking for a job or being judged in a criminal court case. But you're right, being ugly doesn't make people think you're less likeable.

Oh wait

That was the smoothest BTFO I've ever seen. Props man

"Unattractive women had by far the worst results, with a 7% callback rate. Unattractive men had a 26% rate."

Lol. That really sucks for unattractive women.

Well yeah, that's what happen when men don't have a reason to overlook an ugly woman's face lol.

Yes you are quit lieing bro

Lol jobs care most about looks the halo effect is most prominent there. That's why if you're ugly they tell you to go to college and stuff like that because people know you are undesireable and probably won't find a job or be able to join a gang looking ugly

Lol jobs care most about looks

No, they don't. Incels care most about looks. The rest of us are focused on other things because we don't desperately need excuses for our failures.

Sounds a lot like a major depressive order. Maybe talk to a psychiatrist?

Major depression is not an order buddy

it's a disorder. lol.

You, what do you own the world? How do you own disorder, disorder

Now somewhere between the sacred silence

Sacred silence and sleep

Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep

Disorder, disorder, disorder

Exactly tgis,you can't even make or maintain friends ,sometimes even maintain family .

Can't speak for the women but most of my male clients didn't have any actual friends ~ they just "work friends" (acquaintances) that they occasionally did stuff with. Any time a male client retired they reported becoming a social recluse. This didn't really happen to their wives as far as I know.

Crazy. I feel like im destined to be that (minus the wife ofc). Are you a psychologist? Did you manage to help some of those men out of their situation?

High IQ post. This is very, very true. It's all very surface level and nothing to do with how good of a person you are, or how well you can keep a conversation. All these people see you as is how you reflect upon them, rather than if you are a genuine good guy or not. Social media and the ability to actually quantify one's social status in terms of likes, followers, and upvotes has only made this worse.

I’m a dude and I couldn’t care less how my friends look and I’m pretty sure none of my buddies have ever given a thought about how I look in pictures. I’ve never met a guy who is concerned with how attractive their male friends are and how they look in their social media pics. But maybe I’m old and out of touch

If you are older than 25 this doesn't apply to you

So guys below 25 care about there friends looks? I work with guys that age and have never heard of that.i can’t imagine the guys I work with caring about that half of them don’t even have FB

That's obviously not a representative sample then. Most people have Facebook nowadays.

I do think it’s a bit of a stereotype that all millennials are valid social media obsessed narcissists. Sure I agree a majority have some kind of social media but the ones I know really are not obsessing and using it to perpetuate some kind of social standing

Stereotypes typically don't pop up out of thin air. Just the fact that Tinder didn't die in a ditch should show you how vain millenials actually are.

Should've specified that I was only referring to the "popular" Type A crowd OP was talking about.

you do it unconsciously

Only talking about the popular normie crowd. Most introverts/shy/socially-awkward types tend to have much more genuine friendships in my experience.

I’ve never met anyone who didn’t invite someone solely based on looks. In my personal experience the only “ugly” guys that ever were excluded were excluded because they were lurking, staring at girls, trying to give unsolicited hugs and scaring them.

yes you have

If someone didn't get invited to stuff, it's not explicitly mentioned that the reason is looks, but it can be deduced fairly easily.

I don't think many people (there are probably some) choose not to hang out with someone solely cause they are ugly but it's constantly on their mind subconsciously because someone's looks are what you see 90% of the time

yeah you need social value to leech off of or combine with. we bring nothing to the table. it sucks, but it's understandable.

Not understandable just rude and fake as fuck and shows that humans are nothing more than overglorified animals.

Learn to play electric guitar. It worked for Angus Young, it can work for you.

Not really, im oretty good looking and uts not like this

Maybe not for you, cause you may be a good guy, but for a majority of the population, its like this.

This is the only post here that really matters...not getting pussy is brutal but literally being deprived of positive human interaction is fucked at a core level

Important post.

Trolls and bleeding hearts tend to forget that incels tend to lose in a number of categories simultaneously.

Very high IQ. When I was bluepilled, I asked 3 of my woman friends if they could introduce me to their girlfriends. All of them promised, and none of them delivered. But one of them actually did this to one of my (more attractive) and they even hooked up for a night. Even if women view you as a “friend” they still despise you.

I had a fat female friend and we really got along good it was all about personalities meshing. however she wouldn't introduce me to any of her girl friends and finally I took the hint and stopped talking to her and blocked her on everything

Very good point. This happened to me once. I got invited to a friends gathering at uni. When I showed up a Stacey exclaimed 'What is this, BRING A RANDOM PERSON TO SCHOOL DAY????" Just LDAR.

Same my cousins are always leaving me out of those group Instagram photos “get in here everyone” “you don’t fit” feelsbadman

I've never felt that way

It's to develop social skills at the same rate as everyone else when you're constantly excluded because of your appearance.

That's true. I'm extremely ugly and recently I changed my fb profile picture to me with an attractive friend of mine even though I'm not close with him or anything.

I later realized I unintentionally did that because I wanted people to know I have friends who are attractive.

Kinda feel like a worthless shallow dick but oh well

Major depression is not an order buddy

Stereotypes typically don't pop up out of thin air. Just the fact that Tinder didn't die in a ditch should show you how vain millenials actually are.