67  2018-05-17 by TheBottomeOnePercent

There was an obnoxious IT femoid user called u/incelfighter and she spent her entire day yesterday saying that all men are evil and telling us that females have it way harder. Luckily reddit removed her account for consistenly telling users here to kill themselves.


Whenever I think of myself as pathetic, I remember that people like that cunt exist.

nice :P

They were definitely a troll. She retracted all of her "hate" towards one guy here because he said was Muslim. No one is that cucked.

HAHHAHAHHAHHA that one guy who was Muslim was me

Tbh I love your posts and comments brother. Much love

those racist, incel-supremacist reddit admins


FFS. Telling people to kill themselves is fucked up.

damn, i never saw someones mental state deteriorate that quick. at first "she" was quite normal. then little by little you could see "her" true colors appear slowly after each new comment.

It deleted its own account, reddit didn't have anything to do with it.

She was probably butthurt by all the downvotes.

I see them saying we need wiped off the earth every time I look at that sub. And I'm disappointed they never featured my post thete.



such proud

very achievment


Telling an incel to kill himself is like telling a homeless guy "I hope you go broke."

In most cases when this happens to me, people defend the person telling me to go kill myself.

it was most likely a male troll who is just loving watching all of you freak out right now

Oh my god, I remember that bitch. What’s frightening is a lot of women may think like her. At least, she was brutally honest.

life fuel

That was me, I was extremely bored and it was a creative writing exercise into how much of a vapid, degenerate foid I could be while hiding as many blackpills/fallacies as possible while still being believable. Seriously, a real IT female would have just left after a couple comments and said "I can't believe people even think like this, it's so sad.". The plan was to wait until someone called me out for being a man trying to upset you guys, then post that on inceltears claiming "Apparently incels disagree with me so much they must think I am a man trying to piss them off". Cue all the whiteknights upvoting that shit, if it got enough upvotes I was going to drop the biggest blackpills I could by editing the text-post. It only got to 85 and later in the day I just deleted the account. I don't remember claiming that all men are evil or telling anyone to commit suicide, especially the latter one I wouldn't even tell people as a troll. In reality I am a complete incel and I'm sorry if any of the posts got to you guys more than I expected.