How is looks discrimination (in the workplace etc not dating) different from racial discrimination?

42  2018-05-17 by ButtholeEmoji

To sum it up, people who are perceived as less conventionally attractive are less likely to be hired, more likely to receive harsher sentences in criminal cases, and seen as less likeable people among other things. I thought the reason this doesn't get much mainstream attention is because people didn't know about it, but apparently not only does everyone know, no one cares.

It is very commonly accepted by sociologists that race is an entirely pseudobiological social construct meant to divide and classify people based on what part of the world they look like they're from based on genetic traits. This should not be confused with ethnicity, which refers to the cultural aspect of national origin.

We also know that there are genetic traits that influence attractiveness (the degree of which is not relevant right now so if you want to discuss that please do so elsewhere) such as height and skull shape.

So given all that, why is a black man complaining about discrimination in the workplace greeted with righteous indignation while a short man doing the same is told to "play the hand they were dealt"? Height and skin color are both just expressions of which genes you were born with. They don't make you any better or worse as a person. Yet for some reason we've built this convoluted system of rules that decides which genes you're allowed to judge people on. That's fucked up. If reading this doesn't make you absolutely furious, I want to know why.


It's legal.

It actually isn't in DC and certain areas of California. Regardless, it shouldn't be legal anywhere.

It's accepted.

Going to refute some common arguments now for the sake of having a more productive discussion:

  • That's just the way things are.

No shit. My question is why are you ok with the way things are?

  • You can get plastic surgery to change your height or facial appearance.

You can get plastic surgery to change your skin color as well, yet it would be incredibly racist to suggest that someone do this.

Might add to this list

Racism is just a subset of lookism.

Fuck the halo effect. Bitches like the BBC so they let blacks complain about lookism.

Bitches do not in fact like the BBC as much as they do white men. Sorry whitey, you can't complain about that one, you still have it better.

Currycel here fuck off

Don't really understand why the graph is here.

Also, the studies you cited aren't valid in supporting the claim that there is height discrimination. The pictures used for the CV in the interview call-back study only included their faces.

Still, interesting read. Doesn't seem like there should be a distinction between racial/looks discrimination; both are argued for in similar ways.

That's fair. I chose height for ease of illustrating my point. You could throw in facial bone structure instead and the logic would still work out, although people would have a hissy fit about how "face isn't genetic bro just take care of your skin." I'll add in a study about height discrimination though.

Ah kk. I imagine height does play a role. Curious as to how big of a role it plays though.

It isn't different. There are many double standards in society that irk me. Why is the mass slaughter of pigs and cows socially acceptable, but if I shoot my dog I'm imprisoned for animal abuse?

Most people, even the most vehement virtue-signallers, don't really care about consistently applying their moral principles. If it doesn't affect them, or they have no social brownie points to gain, they don't care.

We like to think we've evolved as a society, but we really haven't.