Black girl appreciation post

139  2018-05-17 by joemo555

I recently read an article about a black girl doxxing a racist Chad on tinder. On my Chad tinder, the only girl who wouldn't put up with my shit was a black girl. They are more likely to speak their minds. More likely to tell a Chad he's a dick, and less likely to engage in the hive mind. They also are the least desired race of women. But they are the truest.


black girls > indian girls

If you really don’t want your Indian girls, I’ll take ‘em.

Indian girls have so much attitude. They’re like the ugly Indian guys.

Honestly, you don’t want Dravidian blood. Believe me. Dravidians are rather unattractive.

I’m Aryan enough that I can counteract a decent amount of Dravidian blood. I could knock up that indian girl from the office and the baby would probably look persian.

imagine thinking your aryan blood has any value if you are an incel


Which of the globe you and your Indian girls from?

Uh... the only one? I think. What?

Indian girls are terrible. Also their genetics are terrible.

You’re so right, better send them all to me then.

Send me all the Ethiopian girls and you have a deal then.

That must be why they all successfully fuck white men in college, right?

Black women are as close as you can get to incel as female, it's no wonder that they have the potential to be the most reasonable. Most of the somewhat sympathetic women that browse here are black. They'd still never date an incel tough, obviously.

Board gaming is also a black female.


She said it in a comment a few days ago

Who is board gaming?

Which post did she say that? /u/board_gaming Can you confirm?

Inderesting I knew she was but it never sank in until now

As much as board gaming is cucked in certain areas, she is actually not that bad of a mod and supports the good areas of our ideology. Kudos to you board_gaming

pathetic whiteknighting

Fuck off you pathetic piece of shit. I am the last person who would ever white night the fucked up femoids.

you just did. We have several male incel mods yet you choose to "give kudos" to the one female VOLCEL mod. Your whiteknight cuck instincts are displayed for everyone here to see.

Lol she's just an autistic sadist masochist whale.

I think your fedora is too tight

potential to be the most reasonable

They have a mean IQ of 85 and voted 95%+ for Shillary Cunton.

Potential to be the most reasonable in the realm of relationships.

Lol, no. They are dumb, loud, self-aggrandizing, uncooperative, and stubborn, and ride the cock carousel way more than any other race including fucking hispanics. I'm done with braincels after this shit. Literal roastie worship.

ride the cock carousel way more than any other race

That's just not true. There are more celibate black women that women of any other race.

Old church ladies, maybe.

About the same as white men.

You're racist. Just shut up and date Klan girls

The term 'racist' has lost all meaning, thanks to overuse by children like you. Have some more ice cream, fat girl.

By both race and gender, a higher percentage of black women (9.7 percent) are enrolled in college than any other group, topping Asian women (8.7 percent), white women (7.1 percent) and white men (6.1 percent).

At least your son could come out with some warrior dna and be alpha

I wish black women were the most attractive so I could watch gross white women suffer

They can be, but the only bad thing is that I once joked to my mom and grandma that I had a black gf and they made a loud noise of disgust and wouldn't talk to be until I said I was joking at least 20 times.

You let your mom and grandma bully you? No wonder you're so miserable...

Trannies are not women

Are you upset a girl has a bigger dick than you? 😘

Not a girl

I can show you can tits if you need proof 😏

I have no desire to see man tits sorry.

That's fine, they're pretty fantastic so I wouldn't wanna hurt your eyes. Would you be so kind as to answer my original question?

I don't let them "buly me" I was joking to see their reactions.

Yet you apologized to them? You also made it seem like it wasn't a joke, and then was spun as one when you saw their reaction, but maybe I misread.

You also made it seem like it wasn't a joke

No I already knew they dont like black people, just wanted to see how bad it was.

If you say so! I hope you get out from under their thumb one day (:

Hopefully one day you'll realize to pass a woman you need to shave your mustache and arm hairs.

Aww you're so cute 😚 thanks for the tip lil guy!

No problem, please take the advise to heart when I saw your pics I almost threw up, do not force other people to see what I saw

So what does it say about you that I pull women...🤔

They think you're a man

They were lesbians...

They arent real lesbians, looking for a dude obviously. Do you honestly think you look like a girl?

It's a work in progress, but I'm getting there! I look about half and half right now, though leaning towards female. I never get misgendered from behind, for example. I've only been on hormones for 8 months though, by year two I'll be passing flawlessly ✨


That's a cute meme but it just represents a lack of determination and mental fortitude. Were you expecting a life without any pain?

Lolol you will never, EVER pass as a woman, you delusional, mentally ill freak. You look like the ugliest guy in class who decided to take hormones because some (bad) attention is better than none

You're a few days late guy, what're you up to tonight?

Never too late for the truth, broski.

You wouldn't know the truth if it backed up on all fours and barked 😂

LOL someone that genuinely believes his mustached self is passing as a woman wants to tell me I wouldn't know the truth...

Where did I say I pass? 🤔

As long as you know that you look like a deranged circus freak then that's fine

Oh cool, I was worried we were going to reach an imPASSE EH EH I'll be here forever 🙌🏻

I mean.... I can see where the mental issues originated. I guess when you're already an outcast, claiming to be another gender and dressing up probably feels like taking "control" of your life

Whatever makes you feel better guy, I'm just trying to spread some positivity 💝😊

Dude, there is nothing positive about a frightening looking piece of genetic trash

My friends would disagree 😊

Your "friends" are probably fellow outcasts that no normal person would associate with. They don't count

Okay so now you're obviously projecting :/ I'm sorry you feel so maliciously about yourself and others; I hope you find your light again someday. Best of luck 💕🙆🏼

I guess you've decided to cope with the fact that you'll never be a normal person by entering a life of full blown delusion. I guess when you repulse 100% of the human population, it's probably the best course of action.

You're hurting so much 😞

Actually my life is pretty great. I'm sure you can imagine what happens when you're a functional human that doesn't cause feelings of violent repulsion in the populace.... just close and try to picture it.

More like close the door on your lying ass 🙄 who do you think you're fooling? I know pain when I see it.

Again, the person who has deluded themselves enough to think they look good or even non horrific while walking around in women's clothing and a full mustache is definitely a great arbiter of judgement...

I get asked out regularly, dude 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm not sure what you're going for here, and I think I'm making you hurt more, so I'm going to leave you alone now. Hail Satan, may love envelop you 💕

LOL more lies. You will never be a woman, you don't look like a woman (not even to a blind person), and you know in your soul that everyone looks at you and feels slightly sick, repulsed to their core, a desire to flee, and lastly.... deep pity.

I get that this is your coping mechanism cause it's always been this way but let me tell you: it's not working. Seek a therapist.



Post tits or gtfo

show me please!

Nibba you have a mustache, you're not even trying.

Whatever you say big guy 😉

Any man who is attracted to you is a fag.

Why are you calling yourself a fag?

Why are you a transvestite?

You wouldn't understand it if I told you. Don't you have a juice box to finish?

You're not even trans are you? Just a transtender. Someone who was actually MtF trans would have massive dysphoria caused by their mustache.

Why would you assume I don't? You can have confidence in spite of your flaws 😉 also FYI, you need growth to get a consultation for LHR. I appreciate the concern though 😊

Why would you assume I don't?

Because even if you can't get laser hair removal, you didn't even bother shaving, waxing, or using hair removal cream.

What do you mean by growth?

Why are you talking about things you clearly have no knowledge of? Run along now.

You're not a girl with a dick, you're a guy with tits.

I'm sorry you're so misinformed and angry. I hope you find peace one day!✨💕

For real though, why do you let your mother control the way you think and act? She's not special, just another human on the pile. You have to start being your own arbiter of action 😊

The mentally ill sure love this place don't they

Like half the population is mentally ill in some way! Your anti-social personality disorder for example (:

I wonder why they love this place so much

Again, the % of mentally ill people is high anywhere. They don't disproportionately love this place...

are you curry?

no 1/2 azeri 1/2 kurd

Haha but the emotional torture is what CAUSES them to be relatable.

If black women were the most attractive they too would be bitches.

Also, the excess testosterone in black women probably has something to do with it.

That's racist bullshit you pulled out of your ass

Wow that was racist.

They are, by far. Black women are sexy af, I wish I could wife one but my family would frown upon it.

what’s a generality

Look it up.

Lol clearly a mentalcel

What is 'mental' about a pic of a ugly-as-fuck black chick? The commenter above said BLACK WOMEN ARE SEXY! I showed one exception to his bizarre rule. There are millions of ugly-ass women, of all colors. This entire thread is retarded.

ugly ass-women

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

And if you fall in love with one that treats you well for the rest of your days, your family will come around. If they love you. They will.

Black woman are sexy if you are into thick bodies focusing on ass, thighs and breasts.

I’ve seen some gorgeous black girls. But they’re directly out of Africa though.

They're as attractive as white women though


It's not, I'm just not a racist retard that's stupid enough to believe in objective truths about subjective things. And you wonder why people think incels must be teenagers.


I once in my life had a vivid romantic dream and it involved a black girl. In the dream I thought I was in love with her

If only they weren't so racists towards other coloreds, though. I've found that most of the non-ghetto ones almost exclusively go for white men, which is disheartening at best because shitskins like me have 0 chance with any other racial group.

Still, plenty of them are hated by white Chads so they can kind of understand what it's like being an unlikeable outsider because of things you can't change.

You know, I actually saw a study that said of all the races, black girls are the only one who are generally more attracted to men of their race then white men

Yeah it's black guys who all want white chicks.

OK cupid found that they reported being more attracted to black men, but that the actually responded disproportionately positively to white men. Are black women liars?

Where's that study? I agree that Black women are lying and go so far as to break gender norms by actively pursing men, White men that is.

Please don't call yourself shitskin. Your skin is beautiful.

And in my experience, men such as yourself can be quite debonair until a blonde says hello. There is an underlying current of resentment that the girl yo uare will is almost perfect if she were right. Enough of my friends have had this experience. Sad because I find dark features gorgeous.

can be quite debonair until a blonde says hello

My existence isn't acknowledged by white women, so I have no experience with blondes saying hello.

There is an underlying current of resentment that the girl yo uare will is almost perfect if she were right

I didn't quite understand this.

Edit: If she were white

There are a lot of White girls here and the men I'm talking about dress like money because of their line of work

By percentage of the population whites here are the majority, and I just dress like a college student so the most attention I've ever gotten from a superior Aryan female was when one ran into me in a hallway. The presence of subhumans like me isn't noticed by the Master Race.

It angers me that you call yourself a subhuman and them superior Aryans. I know you suffer with self esteem but don't you see how this language degrades you from the inside out? Who says you're the subhuman?

Anyone remember the guy on /r/incels whos oneitis was black and every post he made was about his "nubian goddess"

I remember.

Is he around here lmao

Maybe under another username? I haven't seen his writing style though. I believe he was the one that came from a rich family?

can I ask u a q? R u african?

She is.

How about speaking English?

How about answering the question for someone once who isn't a Gigachad

He was /u/incellius but he hasn't posted for over 6 months

Holy shit nice.

he slept with many girls later and had a gf

Because his family is rich as fuck.

a girlfriend?

wtf are you doing here

why not

nevermind you are a normie

He probably made it out

didn't he end up being a fakecel who fucked his parents maid or something

Damn i must have missed that lmao

yeah he fucked a lot of girls but first he was doing watersports with escorts but after that he found a gf

watersports with escorts

fucking kek

yeah check out his posts before he got out of inceldom

LMAO pathetic.

but now he has a gf tho

ooooh. so he was a hotep. yep. makes sense.

I remember the nubian goddess guy. Good Times. I miss the old sub. 😟

he is a normie now he got a gf and slept with many girls his name was incellius


'Blekk Queens' are not the truest. They only speak using opinion that they pawn off as fact and truth. they are the loudest, most boisterous because they are the least ladylike. They have no filter because they are ignorant. They think men (particularly Black males) are weak and unintelligent, so 'Blekk Queens' have the attitude that males are beneath them and we can be spoken to in any manner that they see fit.

That's why a lot of black guys want a white girl, black girls are like mmm mmm nigga go get dat money!! I aintchamama

That's why a lot of black guys want a white girl

Thought a lot of black guys want black girls? thats just a minority or if the black dude goes to a school full of white girls and is a tyrone

You just live in a weird place, the race is going to change in about 100 years there won't be nomore white people. That's how the real world is.



Bruh there is a shit ton of white people, I doubt they’re going to go extinct any time soon unless niggas start catchin flights to Europe,which I doubt. Because you need a passport for that.

Such a shame I probably won't live to see that world.

Fuck, only white people could be pathetic enough to convince themselves that fucking other ethnicities is "genocide" fucking Christ, what a bunch of retards, almost makes me wish it was actually a thing.

Not only is all our white women wanting black men,they are killing themselves off heroin


I bet it is to you racist

It actually is pretty cool, and funny too. Any more angry white tears you wanna squint out?


A world without 90% of the modern inventions where youd die of malaria by the time you are 30. You're retarded, we need more White people and less subhuman trash like you

Lmao, I'm not gonna waste my time with some loser white supremacist that bitterly admits to being a fucking incel of 'll things. As though you could offend me.

Lol black people invented most of the shit in America, but keep living in your fantasy world.

The number of businesses owned black women has grown 322% since 1997, making black females the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs in the U.S., according to Fortune Magazine.

By both race and gender, a higher percentage of black women (9.7 percent) are enrolled in college than any other group, topping Asian women (8.7 percent), white women (7.1 percent) and white men (6.1 percent).

I believe it ,have you ever been to a welfare office or somewhere downtown,they take all them jobs . Also nursing.

I don’t mean to stereotype, and this is entirely anecdotal, but black women are some of the most honest people you’ll meet.

Instead of trying to lead you on and delude you, they’re up front about the TRUTH of the blackpill. St. BlackOps2cel bless black women.


Black femoids are the most insufferably self-aggrandizing people to ever walk the earth and vote 95% for the party (Democratic) that specifically made the sexual market a nightmare for about 60 percent of males under 25 in the modern age in order to get gibsmuhdat. This thread is nauseating as it is licking the shit out of the ass of the racial/gender demographic that most supports revenge politics against males.

You are beyond deluded. It's either vote 95% with Dems or stand side by side by literal racists that abuse legislative powers to further harm the Black community.

Best option would be a third party but this is what we have.

Also, don't blame Black women for other women catching on to the bad deal that was the old days. Black women were NOT afforded the same perks and as such the Black community is its own beast. What's nauseating is how confident you speak with your markedly false bullshit. Sit.

Who fucking cares about black femoids? Black femorrhoids get the biggest pity party in the world all the time for perceived historical slights and now we're having a roastie worship thread about them. Suck my fucking dick.

the party (Democratic) that specifically made the sexual market a nightmare for about 60 percent of males under 25


>femoids gravitate towards chads

> "thanks liberals"

This thread is nauseating as it is licking the shit out of the ass of the racial/gender demographic that most supports revenge politics against males.

Black people mostly vote for Democrats because of racial issues and generally not because of things like LGBT issues or women's rights. Homophobia is pretty common in the black community for example but it's against the Democrat party platform.

White people are some of the most cucked with anti-male attitudes. You call a white girl a thot and she'll whine about how you hate women. You call a black girl a thot and she'll respond in kind.

If conservatives truly wanted the best for males then they wouldn't criticize Islam for limiting female agency.

Also jfl @ conservathot orbiters

Being far-right is cope. You can only take out your frustrations on minorities and muslims for so long.

It's over.

I'm not far right. The Democratic party literally pushed and continues to propogate the sexual revolution, which allowed femorrhoids to go to Chad whenever the fuck they wanted. This is indisputable from their platforms.

The rest of your anecdotal SHIT about "hurr durr call whitey a thot then this and that but call negroid a thot this and that." is all [citation needed].

I don't solely blame democrats and black women, but they have the most political contributions to the current situation.

wouldn't criticize Islam for limiting female agency

Dude, we already had a good system prior to about 1965 that limited female agency and secured sexual egalitarianism that didn't involve believing in ooga booga sandman retard shit and having all sorts of gay rules about conduct. Fuck Islam and fuck Mohammed. It's like trying to burn firewood in your backyard by detonating the Tsar Bomba on it.

A black women asked me if I have a girlfriend, does that mean I'm not subhuman?

Instead of trying to lead you on and delude you, they’re up front about the TRUTH of the blackpill.

....except Board_Gaming, who denies, denies, denies, just like a white chick.

Black women are the loudest creatures on earth. I've met some really cool black chicks but holy fuck are they loud.

It's sad that you can't see people as human beings and only stereotypes

Dumb chink whore

Do you not possess pattern recognition?

Can you make one of those decibel charts :)

...the usual one with: airplane taking off, rock concert, fire engine LOL

The number of businesses owned black women has grown 322% since 1997, making black females the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs in the U.S., according to Fortune Magazine.

By both race and gender, a higher percentage of black women (9.7 percent) are enrolled in college than any other group, topping Asian women (8.7 percent), white women (7.1 percent) and white men (6.1 percent).

wow the most quiet girls i ever met were blackgirls

AMERICAN black women (ftfy)

srs if black women want to improve their overall image they need to drop the loudmouth chimp out tantrums, and not be obese. that will even out the playing field and everyone will be better off.

You're calling black people monkies. Classy. If people like you were less racist black women would be better off

Get out of my sub you soyboy cuck.

on my chad tinder

Confirmed autist

This reminds me of a scene from American Psycho.

"The only girls with good personalities who are smart or maybe funny or halfway intelligent or talented, though God knows what the fuck that means, are ugly chicks. And this is because they have to make up for how fucking unnattractive they are.

"The only girls with good personalities who are smart or maybe funny or halfway intelligent or talented, though God knows what the fuck that means, are ugly chicks. And this is because they have to make up for how fucking unnattractive they are.

Applies to incels too, if you sub in girl for guy.

Tosh has a good line on this too. Something along the lines of “life as an ugly chick, is like life as a guy. You’re gonna have to work”

Why would a black girl want to date any of you, considering how racist you all are. White people create a caricature of black women and press the narrative that all black women are like that. It's no different than the minstrel shows back in the day

im black and have lived most of my life in a black area with a ratio of 2:1 to whites. most of the shit being said here is true. def about them being loud

You should keep your mouth shut when white people call the police on black men for looking "suspicious" for going about their day then since you're saying that all black women are the same. In those white people's experiences black men are usually up to no good or are criminals so I guess they deserve to have the police called on them. Black women are more educated than black men. 1,185,000 Black women who held a master’s degree but no higher degree. For Black men, the figure was 660,000. Now there are 161,000 Black women with a doctoral degree, compared to only 135,000 Black men. So have a seat with your racist narratives

how can one show superiority to their own race?

He's black man making racist generalizations about black women.

Back to blackladies you dumb cunt. Shut the fuck up

Complaining about the white beauty standard is not racism

Of course not, but there are actual racist comments in the thread

How can a group so diverse be racist? You're dumb.

They are foids. Sure, compared to curryfoids and ricefoids they are better, but around a foid, be paranoid.

Big ups to black girls. They'll settle for an average or even so-so looking white guy. Some black girls have crazy T&A too

Settle isn't the right word. I've always dated men by their character. Ive turned down a lot of handsome guys because I thought they were just after sex. I never felt like I was settling.

yeah. black women are really sweet but they won't put up with bullshit. I respect that.

Idk, most of the black girls where I am are super entitled SJWs always going on Facebook and posting how much they hate cishet males, etc.

Black women are based as fuck. Honestly they deserve the world, for how much shit they get by racists, white feminists and Chads.

Black nigger femoids that vote 95% for the party of racial and gender revenge politics deserve the world

Holy shit, are you going to prep the bull for them by sucking off Tyrone, too? This thread is cuckold central. Fart-snifing ass-licking of the race/gender demographic that votes the most for gender and racial revenge politics against males AND are the biggest riders of the cock carousel that ever were.

Pfft Tyrone is the ultimate threat to black women. Your average white male ignores them while Tyrone will beat the ever loving shit out of them and maybe cap their ass. Will pimp the fuck out of them too.

Black woman are based and sexy as hell. Also they from my personal experience have the most real personality with no bullshit which is so refreshing compared to the average lying woman who's actions betray their words.

YES...SOME OF THEM ARE SEXY! Jesus fukkin Christ. But ALL OF THEM? NO!

American black women SUCK,but legit,a african black women who takes care of herself and isnt a whore.MOGS 100% black american women.

Black women are the rudest of them all. It's just that their status is a lot lower as females so they instinctually do not take jabs at ugly males unless they can.

Please explain to me what low SES Black women in Chicago have to do with Black women, as a whole, througout the country?

Is it ok to inflict negative stereotypes on you too?

If you like loud genetic filth

Imagine thinking dissing someone's genetics would resonate with people browsing an incel board 🤔🤔

LMAO The Irony

You made a fake account on tinder? So pathetic, lol

Black females vote the MOST disproportionately for this situation to happen. They are orcs.

Black women are the most based women. I'd honestly love to date black girls, but I can't because my dick is too small for black women.

This thing about your dick is a lie. Not all Black women have huge asses or will laugh at you. When a woman likes you, she likes all of you. Adapt.

Black women have larger vaginas than women from other races, it's so they can accommodate for black men who have larger penises on average.

I'm barely above 6 inches in length, that's not even big enough for non-black women, so how on earth would that be big enough for a black woman??

You're talking out of your ass. Using stereotypes as an excuse as to why you may not measure up. And I am sad for you. Because good sex from a Black woman is a transformative experience. Ask around. but not from people as sheltered as you.

5, 6 inches? Average. Stop competing with your imagination. You do yourself a deservice.

I definitely believe you. Not to fetishise them, but I think black women are incredibly attractive and they have a lot of features I love. However, i'm just physically incapable of being with a black woman. When the average penis size of black men is 7.8 inches, how the hell will my tiny 6.29 inches be enough??? I'm waaaay below average compare to black men.

It also makes sense that black women have larger vaginas because black men have larger penises. The larger the sword, the larger the scabbard. How can you argue against this? I'm sorry if this sounds racist, but I heard this from a friend and it made sense. He also explained that Asian women have smaller vaginas because the men have smaller penises.

Just thinking about it logically and comparing the penis size averages, I don't see why it would be wrong? But please, if I am wrong then do correct me.

This myth about big black dicks is just that. A myth. Yes. Some are really large. But they are not the average. White men can have big ones too. You block yourself based on what you heard or seen in porn. Why?

It sounds racist because it is. You heard from a friend. You don't have that experience. It literally makes no sense considering Black women come in all sizes like all other women do. Listen to yourself.

I can't correct a mind who is not open to the truth. You clearly are married to wild stereotypes untethered to reality. Meanwhile, last time I had sex, I ached for days because I was too small for my latino lover.

You cock block yourself. I can't and wont insult you. You rob yourself so thoroughly anyway

I know the BBC is mostly a myth, but studies show that Sub-Saharan Africans usually have larger average penises than the rest of the world. So on average, black people have larger penises than non-blacks. Every race can have men with big dicks, but some races have more people with big dicks than others.

I do know that black women come in different sizes, just like all women. It's just that, if black guys on average have bigger penises, then it makes sense that black women have larger vaginas on average, to accommodate those penises.

I am willing to listen to you. I'm not a close minded person. I didn't know these were stereotypes, i've actually never met or interacted with a black person before, so all I know about them comes from what I read and hear. Well your Latino lover probably had a massive dick. I'm guessing 10 inches if he hurt you with it. I know that women can easily take up to 8 inches, but if they fuck someone with a 10 inch penis, it takes time for them to accommodate the size.

I'm not cock blocking myself. My subhuman looks are cock blocking me.

Are you competing with sub Saharan Africans for dates? Did you know Black women can be completely enchated by more than a big dick? Did you know you could be more than enough? Or that you can pleasure a woman without being abnormally large?

No, it does not make sense. Your racist logic hurts no one but yourself.

You never met a Black person before and yet you speak with confidence about Black genitalia? Would that be acceptable to you if ou were the subject of untruths?

He wasn't 10 inches and he hurt me. Hurt me so good during it but I was not pleased for over a week after.

And use some logic. Women can birth actual human beings of different sizes and bounce back nice and tight. And you're worried about mandigos. Shame.

You are cockblocking yourself. I have said before the men who try the most aren't the hottest and they will make you weep in gratefulessness in bed whereas a dude with a big dick will think plunging thoughtlessly is a life changing experience

You need real world experience instead of building more barriers for yourself

10.0 inches = 25.4 centimetres.

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Are you competing with sub Saharan Africans for dates?

I would be if they lived here.

Did you know Black women can be completely enchated by more than a big dick?


Did you know you could be more than enough?

I know i'm not. Penis too small, i'm too short and i'm too ugly.

Or that you can pleasure a woman without being abnormally large?

Not with PIV sex. If it's PIV then it needs to be 8+ inches. Outside of PIV, there are other ways to pleasure women and i'm aware of that.

You never met a Black person before and yet you speak with confidence about Black genitalia? Would that be acceptable to you if ou were the subject of untruths?

If the untruths made sense i'd be understanding. I'd correct them if it's wrong, but I wouldn't be mad about it or anything. Even if I had met black people, what makes you think that'd change my perception of their genitalia? Unless I see it of course.

And use some logic. Women can birth actual human beings of different sizes and bounce back nice and tight. And you're worried about mandigos. Shame.

Yeah, they bounce back to their normal size I think. But like, if the normal size is larger than average, then what difference does this make?

You are cockblocking yourself. I have said before the men who try the most aren't the hottest and they will make you weep in gratefulessness in bed whereas a dude with a big dick will think plunging thoughtlessly is a life changing experience

But a hot guy with a big dick can learn all those things and become an even better lover. And the only thing holding me back from having sex are my ugly looks, nothing else.

I would be if they lived here. But they don't. This is like me worrying about astronauts pooping.

I know i'm not. Penis too small, i'm too short and i'm too ugly. So instead of allowing a Black girl to want you for you, you remove yourself from the possibility because you think your imagination trumps real life.

Not with PIV sex. If it's PIV then it needs to be 8+ inches. Outside of PIV, there are other ways to pleasure women and i'm aware of that. You are talking to a woman who does not aim for 8+ inches because real life is not porn. And it doesn't feel good for all women. You are also talking to a woman who had a partner who was too small. sub 5. He was an amazing amazing lover.

If the untruths made sense i'd be understanding. I'd correct them if it's wrong, but I wouldn't be mad about it or anything. Even if I had met black people, what makes you think that'd change my perception of their genitalia? Unless I see it of course.

The untruths here are angering because of the negative, racial history here in the US. They also support perceptions that get in the way of progress because thisis what some people see and nothing else. And TMI, my vagina is in no way wide to accomodate Tyrones. I can't even use a normal sized dildo without a great deal of help. You have NO idea what you're talking about and that many men like you repeat these things as fact are harmful.

But a hot guy with a big dick can learn all those things and become an even better lover. And the only thing holding me back from having sex are my ugly looks, nothing else.

I've yet to deal with a hot guy with a big dick that puts it in like a chadlite or a greatful soul. Size itself is just one aspect to what feels good. Passion is more than this

It makes me sad that you think this is reality when you could be having great sex with a happy girl of any ethnicity. Your insecurities are robbing you and you dont even see it

Hey, lovestillvalid, just a quick heads-up:
accomodate is actually spelled accommodate. You can remember it by two cs, two ms.
Have a nice day!

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The untruths here are angering because of the negative, racial history here in the US. They also support perceptions that get in the way of progress because thisis what some people see and nothing else.

Well i'm from a small village in Europe. Idk how it is in America, but i've literally never met a black person or seen a black person outside of TV/internet.

And TMI, my vagina is in no way wide to accomodate Tyrones. I can't even use a normal sized dildo without a great deal of help. You have NO idea what you're talking about and that many men like you repeat these things as fact are harmful.

Wait, it's harmful? Why? I didn't know that. And the vast majority women can accommodate Tyrone's 10 inch titandick with enough lube and foreplay.

I've yet to deal with a hot guy with a big dick that puts it in like a chadlite or a greatful soul.

That doesn't mean they don't exist.

Size itself is just one aspect to what feels good. Passion is more than this

Okay, but you admit that a 8-10 inch penis feels better than a small 6 inch one. He just needs to be experienced with his cock.

It makes me sad that you think this is reality when you could be having great sex with a happy girl of any ethnicity. Your insecurities are robbing you and you dont even see it

I'll never be able to have sex because of my subhuman looks.

Hey, Beta_Bux_Alpha_Fucks, just a quick heads-up:
accomodate is actually spelled accommodate. You can remember it by two cs, two ms.
Have a nice day!

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You shouldn't date a black woman because you're racist and we deal with enough racism on a daily basis

Hey, I really didn't mean to be racist. I'm just ignorant. I have never met or interacted with black people before, i'm just repeating what my friend told me.

How about you just live your life instead of living it based on other people's racist ideas

He isn't a racist either. He explained to me how black men have larger penises on average, so black women have larger vaginas to accommodate their size. Which does make sense. The larger the sword, the larger the scabbard, right?

The same way Asian females have smaller vaginas than average. Because Asian men have smaller penises. When we discussed this, it made sense to me. If i'm wrong then please do correct me.

The average length of a white penis is 5.7 and black is 5.8. I would also say that big penis = big vagina is a logical fallacy. A large vagina would interfere with the woman's late pleasures. And a vagina can fit a baby. It doesn't need to be bigger

Your dick is fine, it's everything else that's the problem.

That mouth though

I don't like black women because even though they may be light skinned and speak in regular american english, they do have a hidden ghetto which comes out when they're angry.

Sexy 😍

It is called code switching and it is the difference between speaking Standard English with everyone else and the natural tounge btween friends and family. Its cool as hell.

Hey, lovestillvalid, just a quick heads-up:
tounge is actually spelled tongue. You can remember it by begins with ton-, ends with -gue.
Have a nice day!

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Good bot

They also have the highest STD rates of any group.

Black women are the craziest from my personal experience. And not like Asian crazy where they’ll pretty much do anything in bed, but like legit will cut you if they even SUSPECT you’re cheating or looking at another girl or some thanks

lol, how little it takes for you idiots to pedestalize women.

you low iq

Would love to date a black girl, there just isn't any in my country... Who am i kidding. She would reject me in a heartbeat

You don't know that.

Yeah u don't know if u gonna die tommorrow or not, but we both agree that will likely not happen amirite?

Hey, The_Real_Cannaman, just a quick heads-up:
tommorrow is actually spelled tomorrow. You can remember it by one m, two rs.
Have a nice day!

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My friend, you simply do not know that. Black women go way beyond the bullshit you might see on tv.

I have only white girls in my country, they reject me or only see as asexual friend...

Time for a 2 week vacation, well prepared by making friends online before hand. You need a wingwoman too. It'll bow your mind.

What the hell are you talking about?? I don't have any female friends at the moment

Make some. Online before you leave for vacay. Or join meetups in that town .. friends there too. I have an answer for every excuse. Because I want better for you. You deserve better than this apathy.

U can't make friends, it just happens. So u can't make girlfriends. It just happens. Normies told me so.

It just never happens for me, i wonder why. I know why, coz of my face

You are not going to give my comment credit because I am a girl but yes, I can make friends. I am friendly and interject little things that create rapport.

Relationships are different. Doable. But i wonder is it really your face? nothing else?

I am a girl but yes, I can make friends.

Yes, because u

No, because I chat people up when the mood strikes me. I'm talking "Hi, I'm LoveStillValid" or commisserating in unfair waiting times. Or asking for the time. Making a joke. Helping anyone man or woman who looks like they need a hand. I am not always this way. Just sometimes. When I want to mkae friends.

But i wonder is it really your face? nothing else?

Yes, my face, my head as a whole is small af, weird shaped, my hairgrowth type is the ugliest possible, my skin is weird, my nose is jewish/bird, my chin recessed, weak jaw and there for double chin, my left eye is 1cm lower than the right one, altough i'm almost 10% bf i have bloated face (lack of testosterone i guess). Can't grow beard for shit. Narrow shoulders. I'm 5'9". My lower ribs sticks out (deformed, nobody else has that and they are skinnier than me). On top of that even bellow average dick. Length and girthwise. God doesn't want me to reproduce. I need to earn a lot of greens, cope and fucking hookers for the rest of my life.

Would you feel uncomfortable PMing me a simple picture of you? No dick pics lol. Its ok if you don't. I love "jewish" nose myself but thats my thing. I want to make suggesstions. I would not violate your trust. But if not, its ok I will revisit this post and tackle point for point things you may be able to do.

Being a girl means learning how to challenge the imperfections in such a way, it is endearing even. Image can be created. You have the raw material. Think about it, I won't offended if you don't care to have that chat

Would you feel uncomfortable PMing me a simple picture of you?

Not that i'm uncomfortable PMing a pic, but i can't possibly afford to be doxxed. Sorry i don't trust u.

No dick pics lol

Lmao i just said i've got small dick and u think i'll brag about it.

I love "jewish" nose myself but thats my thing.

Yeah it would look hot if i haven't had recessed chin, but i have and i look like a little shithead.

I'd love to chat i'm quite lonely as i don't have the right to study this year.

Well I welcome you to say hello. I like to chat I understand the doxx thing concern. I have the same and its why I won't shre mine either. But some poeple have shared and it is why so far, I don't buy the incels are uugly thing As far as the chin, would you consider getting work done? Fillers or otherwise? Might bring harmony to the face and if you feel good when you look in the mirror, that radiates and attracts.

Sorry about the no dick pics comment. Its like I have to say it- guys online don't know how to act, bless them



No black girls in EE either, obviously. Maybe in Prague or Warsaw, one of these days I'll go check.

Less than hundred i think

Gotta go all the way to fucking Berlin or some shit then, probably. smh.

Berlin got turkies

2% of Berlin's population is African, that's still thousands of women. I'd probably have an easy time in London, but I don't want to subject myself to that kind of torture.

U will do cold approaches in berlin?

I'll give it a shot. That's probably at least a year form now though.

Look at the username. That's either a cuck or a 'moid you're dealing with.

She's a female as she stated herself, didn't get nudes with her username written on her tits so yeah...

I've seen literally one black girl in my city ever, and she was ugly. I'll never date a nubian queen.

Doxxing someone isn't an appropriate response to racism.

Black girls are based.

Why do people think it's ok to make racist comments about black women? A lot of people understand that it's racist to say something like "All black people are ghetto" but think it's ok to replace people with women in that sense. As Malcolm x said: The most disrespected woman in America, is the black woman. The most un-protected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America, is the black woman. 

America protects and coddles you so much that you comprise a disproportionately high level of college students despite having an average IQ in the mid 80s. Your only actual struggle is the fact that you're the least romantically desirable race to be as a woman.

Data from the 2015 Survey of Business Owners shows that the number of businesses majority-owned by Black women grew 67 percent between 2007 and 2012, compared to 27 percent for all women and 13 percent for White women.

2 ----> 3 = 50% growth

1240 ------> 1679 = 35% growth

Either way, your average IQ is low, that's just a fact.

A fact from where? Stromfront?

Are you disputing the fact that african-americans have lower average IQs?

I have a question for you. What do you gain from posting disparaging comments about black people on the internet? I don't understand why someone is so invested in trying to devalue my worth because I was born black. I don't wake up and think geez I should spend my day making racist posts about this race of people. What personal satisfaction do you get from demeaning other races?

Which of my comments are disparaging? I'm just stating facts. Low IQ (but that doesn't matter because of the current political climate) and least desirable. Those aren't insults, they're just facts.

I disagree with your insinuation that black women have high levels of college attainment and the highest levels of entrepreneurship of all women, because black women are stupid.

A is a result of affirmative action, and B is a result of that simple math I wrote out for you. Nor is it impossible to start a business if you're dumber than average, but you're still dumber than average.

And anyways the point was that no, you clearly are disproportionately protected. The college attendee figure being a clear example as to how.

White women benefit from affirmative action than any other group stop according to your Aryan race philosophies, white women should have the highest levels of college attainment. But you probably think education is all a liberal conspiracy any way. I think white hood might be too tight around your head.

What else could possibly be causing women with an average IQ of 85 to have disproportionately high rates of college attendance? I don't know what you're talking about with the rest of your comment, so let's keep it on topic.

First, I don't believe your 85 number. Second, your argument that black women succeed because we're stupid is just desperate racism. You can call me stupid because I'm black all you like, but that won't take away my three degrees or change the fact that my net worth is higher than average at my age range. Third, even though my IQ is higher than average, I don't believe IQ tests are an indication of intelligence at all, and I don't care about them. I did read "Black females are twice as likely to have IQ scores above 120 as black males, a finding for which there is no possible genetic explanation (the opposite is true for whites; males are overrepresented at both the higher and lower end of the IQ curve)."

First, I don't believe your 85 number

"The answer to the research question of "what are the standardized difference scores between ethnic groups?" is now clearer than the GAES of "1.0 SD for Blacks versus Whites""

One standard deviation is 15 points.

Second, your argument that black women succeed because we're stupid is just desperate racism.

That's also not my argument. I'm saying you succeed (in terms of college attendance) disproportionately because american disproportionately cares about you, and gives you an easier time with enrollment that counteracts your lower average intelligence.

It's easily observable:

That's from

You can call me stupid because I'm black all you like, but that won't take away my three degrees

You might not be stupid, it depends on what your field is, and whether you actually preform well in it.

I don't believe IQ tests are an indication of intelligence at all

It's a better indicator of success than parental socio-economic status.

I did read "Black females are twice as likely to have IQ scores above 120 as black males (the opposite is true for whites)

Never heard of that, but it makes it sound like black women and white men were made for each other tbh.

But White women enroll more easily though so why don't they graduate at a higher rate and why aren't we all failing out. I still don't care about or believe in IQ. I don't believe that black women are more intelligent than black men just because we score much higher. That makes no sense. There are more factors in IQ scores than race. Also the IQ gap is closing.

But White women enroll more easily though so why don't they graduate at a higher rate

That simply isn't what the data shows.

why aren't we all failing out

For the same reason you get accepted despite being dumber. I'm sorry, but I've seen videos of black women on college campuses that literally can't fucking read. You're getting a bonus because America loves you at the moment. No more victim complex, please.

I still don't care about or believe in IQ

That's just a baseless position. IQ is incredibly good at determining your success in life. That's a fact.

I don't believe that black women are more intelligent than black men just because we score much higher

Well you weren't arguing that black women score higher, you were arguing that they score higher more often. IQ tests are designed to eliminate differences in average IQ between men and women.

There are more factors in IQ scores than race

Genes determine 80% of your IQ.

Also the IQ gap is closing.

I guess your referring to the Flynn effect? Not quite:

Why are you falling for the "Black Girls are the exception meme? Is it ignorance, cope, or just wishful thinking?

Let me repeat the truth: All Women Are The Same

Black, White, Yellow, Red, Brown - They are all the fucking same. They are all overgrown children. They are all narcissistic whores. They are all incompetent sacks of walking shit who think attention from betas who overdose on soy and avocados makes them a 8+

That pretty black girl you see on the bus? She's an overly emotional whore. That ugly white girl you see on the street? She's an overly emotional whore. That sweet looking, innocent girl you saw in Church last Sunday? She's an overly emotional whore.


I like black girl porn

I can't stand most black women. They're always so fucking arrogant and loudmouthed. Truly disgusting creatures.

This is the second topic that validates my believes about incels. Your comments are heart warming I really love you all. The last topic was something about what you would do if you had a gf, one guy said he will take her on adventures in the city. Dude <3

Yes please!

>all this white knighting over black girls when they are no more likely to want us than women of any other race


It's a work in progress, but I'm getting there! I look about half and half right now, though leaning towards female. I never get misgendered from behind, for example. I've only been on hormones for 8 months though, by year two I'll be passing flawlessly ✨

Lol, no. They are dumb, loud, self-aggrandizing, uncooperative, and stubborn, and ride the cock carousel way more than any other race including fucking hispanics. I'm done with braincels after this shit. Literal roastie worship.


I definitely believe you. Not to fetishise them, but I think black women are incredibly attractive and they have a lot of features I love. However, i'm just physically incapable of being with a black woman. When the average penis size of black men is 7.8 inches, how the hell will my tiny 6.29 inches be enough??? I'm waaaay below average compare to black men.

It also makes sense that black women have larger vaginas because black men have larger penises. The larger the sword, the larger the scabbard. How can you argue against this? I'm sorry if this sounds racist, but I heard this from a friend and it made sense. He also explained that Asian women have smaller vaginas because the men have smaller penises.

Just thinking about it logically and comparing the penis size averages, I don't see why it would be wrong? But please, if I am wrong then do correct me.

Bruh there is a shit ton of white people, I doubt they’re going to go extinct any time soon unless niggas start catchin flights to Europe,which I doubt. Because you need a passport for that.

U can't make friends, it just happens. So u can't make girlfriends. It just happens. Normies told me so.

It just never happens for me, i wonder why. I know why, coz of my face

Such a shame I probably won't live to see that world.

Fuck, only white people could be pathetic enough to convince themselves that fucking other ethnicities is "genocide" fucking Christ, what a bunch of retards, almost makes me wish it was actually a thing.

Settle isn't the right word. I've always dated men by their character. Ive turned down a lot of handsome guys because I thought they were just after sex. I never felt like I was settling.

how can one show superiority to their own race?

Would you feel uncomfortable PMing me a simple picture of you?

Not that i'm uncomfortable PMing a pic, but i can't possibly afford to be doxxed. Sorry i don't trust u.

No dick pics lol

Lmao i just said i've got small dick and u think i'll brag about it.

I love "jewish" nose myself but thats my thing.

Yeah it would look hot if i haven't had recessed chin, but i have and i look like a little shithead.

I'd love to chat i'm quite lonely as i don't have the right to study this year.

nevermind you are a normie