“Men caused most of the violence, evil and suffering throughout history”

60  2018-05-17 by Detoxification-

This is a common feminist talking point. It’s technically true, but it overlooks an important fact: women rewarded the most violent and brutish men with sex, which not only incentivized violence and evil from men, but helped propagate genes which induce violent and sociopathic behavioural tendencies among men.


Most men in the past were disposable wage slaves that would die in the millions via war, yet the feminists like to only focus on the small powerful minority of men that would cause the violence and try to act like all men are like that.

would you say its a class issue? And some people are trying to turn into a gender one?

Nah man, dying at the age of 13 in some random war is totally male privilege.

Lets see most men are chumps that women aren't attracted too..

The minority percentage of men are powerful/ Dark Triad that women are attracted to and reward with sex..

What does this make women?

Evil, base, animalistic psychopaths with zero control and self discipline.

Women don't consciously choose what attracts them. They get turned on by assertive guys because they take what they want which means resources to provide. Men are capable of doing violence because of what women have subconsciously selected throughout evolution. The thing is violence only works if you win and are intelligent as well. If you don't find a way to get society to rally behind your violence, you become a criminal. So evolution rewards cleverness and assertiveness. If you just have cleverness then you aren't going to make it far, and if you just have assertiveness you aren't going to go far, you need both.

Great insight.


High IQ comment tbh

How are you gonna say no to people who are violent and at least twice as strong as you. If they want it they will take it and have no problem doing so. Those dudes were chads unchained back then. They could take your booty virginity now and you wouldnt be able to stop it. Cut the crap people we are the most violent out of the group. Its hormones and lack if wisdom to balance it.

VANTABLACKPILL: Women are deeply attracted to sociopathy and enjoy shitting on incels.

There are men on Death Row that get literally thousands of letters from random women a year professing your love for them Etc

Men are the only man who have done -ANYTHING- throughout history. The entire cast of characters have been men; the most evil, morally bankrupt, to the great inventors, to the saviors and kings. Women just have no inclination to any sort of action, and usually their only path to transcendence is having children. Men can transcend with action.

Incorrect, the men who carried out these things used fear and violence to keep their women in line, oh right... I forgot you were okay with that! Carry on.