Morning virgins, alpha redpill male here, spinning plates and holding frame. Did you ever try just lifting bro?

145  2018-05-17 by GymcellingisCope1



Peace out nerds, I'm off to write my field report of this HB(μπ)2 that I banged last night through getting her shitfaced drunk and pushing last her last-minute resistance.

Lmao at the mathematical terms. God they're so fucking pretentious.

Chad doesn't need to categorize women through a lame HB scale, because no girl is out of his league and he doesn't have to brag about getting a hot girl.

Lmao comediancel confirmed

"Oh OP you are so funny! You'd be great if you were taller."

Actually had that said to me IRL.

Face and height>Personality

It's more true than gravity

Shit test failed

Chad doesn't get shit tests. He gets her on her back with her legs spread.


Just fkn LIFT brah

She called you OP?

She called me Anon.

This was IRL she called me by my real name.

I KNOW! It's called a joke, fam.


“Pushing past her last-minute resistance.” You mean RAPE?

It’s not rape if you use psychological manipulation tricks to make her think you’re someone she wants to sleep with (after getting her drunk)

The only guys that are successful with TRP are tall, at least average looking white guys.

Yeah, a 6'1" 280 lbs white guy will definitely become more attractive by not going to McDonald's every day and doing some exercise. They do this normal shit and somehow think that the redpill changed their lives when all they needed is someone to tell them that they were fat.

Meanwhile, a 5'5" manlet lifting 4 days a week and watching his macros is still 5'5" to the majority of women, which is enough to screen him out of their dating pool.

They actually had a lot of ethnic, short men in theredpill saying that it didn't help them, and they had to ban them from the subreddit numerous times in 2015 to maintain the image that they will help you get sexual success.

You look white though. Why don't you just go for self hating Asian roasties? I'm sure you can slay if you do that.

Trust me I'm not white. You can easily tell that if you see my face.

You do heightmog me tho by the looks of it. How tall are you?

5'5" it's over.

Oh damn, I'm 5'8"

You look 5'10" in that pic.

how much u deadlift

395 my max.

395 isnt even lifting bro... i deadlift 625... can confirm its cope though its over

395 is okay at 140-ish lbs but ya.

im at 190 brother

That's still impressive, do you compete?

no im still 100-200lbs or so away from placing i think

Dam son that's pretty good. My 1rm max for deadlift is 360 at 145lb body weight. I wish I never fell for the starting strength meme and just spent all my time on a bro split. What routine are you on right now?

I'm shredding this Ramadan and focusing more on bodybuilding. No set routine that's autism. I just pick a muscle group that's not sore and do three different types of exercises for it, 3x10, really slow, light weight.

So for chest I'll do incline bench, then dips then cable crossovers.

Seriously, you're only 5'5? No fucking wonder this sub exists.

It's not a surprise now is it? We didn't choose our genetics, which is why we are here.

It never started for manlets.

If you're attractive enough for PUA to work, you really don't even need it to begin with tbh

Wisdom. This guy has it.

A 5/10 could still use it to stand out from other 5s, but that's about it.

PUA bullshit doesn't work. They tell shy people to just stop being shy and be confident "Alphas" as if they had that choice. Changing your personality is almost impossible. TRP is a scam.

pretty much. Red pill doesn't work if you are short uggo

Is that op?


I’ve always wondered, what is this weird spinning plates thing they have going?

Dating multiple foids

"Spinning plates" means you have access to multiple women to fuck at once.

No, it means fucking a women that is sleeping around and you have the chance to also fuck her every while and once and try to keep access to her as long as possible.

That's also true. But who cares, at least they let you fuck them.

you even broke the damn plate

lmao you look really short in this picture im sorry brother its over

It never even began.

How tall are you


May blackops2cel have mercy on your soul

your face must be really ugly or you're just a mentalcel. Your wrists are normal your shoulders aren't really broad but who care. So it's face or height

5'5" and average face

Everytime someone asks smth on asktrp there will be that one guy that says "so how much is ur deadlift bro"

What's funny is that deadlifts don't do anything for your physique. If you're strength training sure, but lat pulldowns, rack pulls, rows, and pullups will give you a bigger back than deadlifts will.

B-b-b-b-but its a COMPOUND brah

Wish I fucking gave up deadlifts and back squats after the first couple of back injuries but I fell for the "deadlifts fix your lower back pain bro" meme. Took me way too long to realise that that was never going to happen even with good form.

That plate is stationary, you are a fraud. I'm gonna go watch RSDMax

Alrighty that officially freaked me out. I was wearing almost that same exact pair of clothes yesterday. I'll come back in like 5 hours once finals are over and post it on here. That's just freaky

Do incels have the same fashion sense?

No wonder why we're incels.

Honestly, even the body type a bit, it's uncanny

Are you also manlet

Literally yes and no. In the morning I'm a teensy bit over 6', in the evening I'm under


Non-virgin, however very very very infrequently. I like this sub because I agree, it's a billion times easier for a decent looking girl to have sex than it is for a decent looking guy to have sex. Even the wahmen I know agree that it's easier. They've talked about being able to have sex every so often, and here I sit minding my own business, looking for a partner, but it's been two years. And my lady friends talk about being able to get it on more frequently than I'd expect myself to in a year. I have sympathy for all you guys (except for the extremists, specifically in r/maleforeveralone). It sucks. But in all honesty, you aren't missing out on much. Sex will be at a much lower bar of euphoria than what I think most people think it's at

The fuck did you do with the plate

High effort post, we incels are comedic geniuses tbh

I bet you even Inceltears is laughing.

Have you considered moving to a majority non white country? Just asking since saying “im not white enough” seems like a cope, why dont you move to a non white country then that wont be an issue since those women will hardly ever see a white person

My family, job and friends are here, where I'm living.

It would be a big risk just to get pussy.

Not only that, but I'd likely have to move to a different culture than the one I was raised in, learn a different language, and acclimate. Moving is not that easy.