Most frustrating feminist lies

43  2018-05-17 by FireAlarm911

Feel free to name ones that piss you off

  1. Women only dress for themselves, men don't even come into the equation when they pick out their outfits

  2. Women never post pictures online for male attention, "thirst traps" don't exist

  3. Women never use their sexuality and attractiveness to manipulate men.

  4. Women don't use men for validation and attention, leading them on, and "the friendzone" doesn't exist.

  5. There isn't a sizeable amount of young women who seek short term and one night relationships with a small demographic of men.


Women want plausible deniability, no surprise there or reason to be mad.

Yes there is, women are lying cunts

Men lie too, people lie to preserve their power. If you don't know that, then you aren't blackpilled.

I don't care. Women are my enemy, they need to be exposed.

Women dont even know you exist. Being mad at women for being like this is like being mad a snake for biting you

Yet women get mad at men for their instinctual behaviors. So I fight fire with fire.

When they get mad at men for being men, just laugh.

You know they're being childish, immature and hypocritical when they say things like that, so the only rational response is to laugh and not take them seriously.

What are you gonna do, REASON with them. Yeah, good luck with that, boyos.

Calm down there elliot

it's ok for men to lie cuz women started lying first

When you get dressed in the morning, do you think of anyone else, or are you more concerned with comfort?

I'm not a woman, I don't get treated (much) differently on what I wear.

What if I told you that women take the exact same approach?

Then you'd be lying. If you think women never dress a certain way for male attention, or to be treated a certain way. You are lying.

I’m not saying it never plays a role. Like you said with the job interview point, different situations call for different attire.

I’m saying this isn’t a regular thing. I don’t wake up thinking about what men are going to think of me. I dress up if I’m going out dancing or something, but not on an average day.

There are thousands or even millions of women out there who dress in certain clothing, specifically for the purpose of getting male attention and validation. Feminists deny this, but the women themselves admit it, especially on twitter. When women admit this, they are praised as queens who are strong and entitled to validation from the entire world. You’re fucking delusional if you can’t see this

yeah you tried to say that now comes the slow admissions tho first you will say sometimes it plays a role

later you will take full black pill and admit women's clothing choices is all based on attracting chad

I’m just trying to be honest. I admitted it to the extent that it’s true.

later you will take full black pill and admit women’s clothing choices is all based on attracting chad

I would never admit that because it flies in the face of observable reality. If my job has a dress code, am I dressing for Chad? What if I’m going to visit my parents? What if I’m bumming around my house all day?

This point makes no sense unless you think that women don’t exist outside of social events.


6 If they do any of the above, its because the patriarchy made them.

Women will deny 4 until their deathbed

Women don't by large insult and belittle ugly or short men and humiliate them in public

No, they just think it

I’m not denying that this is true for some women, but it’s not true for all women. If you believe that, then I can’t change your mind. But you’ll find out eventually this isn’t true for EVERY single female.

Not all women, but too many women


There is a large majority, sure. And extreme feminists that deny this are ignorant. But I think feminists (the sane ones) argue for the women who are accused of doing these things when they are not.

No true Scotsman

Most incels are misogynists that support terrorism towards women.


That's not a majority incel situation though. So that's not even a good example.

I don’t think feminists are denying that these things EVER happen. Of course there are many women who will use their sexuality to manipulate men, and it’s not okay. I think the point is just that not all or even most women are like this, and this isn’t the average woman’s motivation when she gets dressed in the morning or posts a picture. You have a misunderstanding of feminism.

Not all women, but too many women.

how exactly do you know their motivations?

The same way feminists claim to know male motivations.

Where are you getting your feminism from?


They admit their motivations on social media all the time, only to be labeled as “queens” by their roastie friends. They don’t care how hypocritical they are, hell they’re probably clueless.

wait, this situation you’re describing sounds like a girl seeking validation from her (female) friends, what’s wrong with that exactly?

Because they're bragging about being shit people and getting validation from their friends for doing it which makes them more likely to continue it. I'm sure you femanazi's get mad when men do the same exact thing

"Hey bro, I just fucked this bitch then blocked her on everything HAHA" then all his buddies come and give him a high five and say "good job bro!". You cunts would call that "Harmful objectification of women, toxic masculinity"

I guess I’m not familiar with this situation. Are you saying you’ve seen women post pictures of themselves bragging that they fucked a guy and then blocked him? I’m a pretty sex positive feminist and I feel like I should have seen one of these posts on my feeds by now if they’re as common as you say they are. And yet, I haven’t.

No not exactly that, although yes there are plently of things posted about how men are "just a dick appointment". More commonly is women talking about being a bitch to men for example hashtag wastehistime2018 where women talk about stringing guys along, using them for food/dates, showing them up etc.

thanks for clarifying, I don’t doubt that these women exist but I still believe they are an extreme minority. This isn’t feminism, its manipulation. And this type of rhetoric doesn’t fly in most feminist spaces, which is likely why I haven’t encountered these women on my feeds yet. I think you saw one post and decided all women believe this is okay, and that’s just not true.

No, this Is FAR from seeing one post, this is a culmination of a lifetime of experiences by millions of men. The same way many women don't just see one positive mention of rape online and are terrified of being raped by any random man on the street.

I think you’re grossly exaggerating the amount of women who behave this way, comparing it to rape when studies show 1 in 3 women have been sexually assaulted is just hilarious.

I see the parallel you’re trying to pull, that every man knows someone or has himself been mistreated by a woman in this way. But you don’t get to just pull that claim out of your ass, the hashtag that was mentioned has barely even had any use when I went to look it up (hell half the tweets using it are people like you complaining about how its unfair or are making jokes about it). You don’t get to claim that all women are like this based on your “experience” and cite an unpopular hashtag to prove your point...

There's no proof 1 in 3 women were raped either then. (There seriously is 0 proof besides the few men who get convicted, I'm not gunna believe a cunts say so). I gave one example. Wastehistime is a yearly recurring thing, try earlier years. Either way femoids mostly don't come out and say these things and keep them covert. The same way rapists (or most bad people) don't come out and say they do bad things either. It's not something you're going to experience unless you're an unattractive male. The same way I'm not going to be able to experience how women explain walking alone at night feels. Or being a woman in the office.

I’m a little concerned about your unwillingness to believe victims of sexual assault, but that’s beside the point.

Of course the nature of this kind of data is experiential or anecdotal, but when it’s aggregated is when its powerful. One man or a handful of men claiming this is the nature of women is pathetic compared to the hundreds of thousands of women polled by the World Health Organization to get the 1 in 3 number for sexual assault. These two issues you’re conflating have vastly different bodies of evidence supporting them. The 1 in 3 claim is backed by decades of research and large sample sizes, your claim is backed by your individual experience and a hashtag no one even uses.

You really think it's just me Lol? Millions of men have the same experiences as me, of course there's not going to be any reputable polling company willing to risk the backlash of asking men about their problems and bad experiences with women. You just haven't been looking for long. And have a female bias.

I do think its just you. You and other men that haven’t had a healthy relationship with a woman to see we’re just as human as you, unique and with our own motivations. Or men who have been soured by bad interactions and would rather believe that all women behave that way than try again or adjust their standards. I sympathize with your perspective but if the world truly operated this way, there ABSOLUTELY would be research on it. If millions of men are being harmed, why aren’t they doing anything about it or saying anything except on this particular pocket of the internet? Men hold more power than any other social group. There is a reason these are incel/manosphere beliefs and not popular ones, it’s because they quickly fall apart once you actually know women.

Because men are disposable by and large. Most people don't care about male problems, which is why the suicide rate for men is much higher than women's.

why do you think men are disposable? they make up a significant portion of the population and are pretty essential to society I thought

As a group we are important, as individuals we are just replaceable cogs in a machine. No one cares about the problems males face, we are just told to "man up" and deal.with it " that's just the way it is". We're expected to be stoic and unfeeling, to be a real man while being attacked for our masculinity. This is why I don't care, actually I love, when men go on shooting sprees and rape. It's time for men to take back control of the society they created and are slowly being phased out of. It's time for an open season on these whores pussies, asses and throats.

not all like that BULLSHIT

care to elaborate?

The problem is that this girl is engaging in the same exact behavior that feminists claim doesn’t exist. Girls everywhere dress a certain way for the sole purpose of attracting men, and their friends applaud them for it. And at the same time, when an ugly man points out this hypocrisy, he is labeled as a misogynist. At this point, ugly men might as well become legit misogynists if they’re gonna be labeled as such anyway

Girls everywhere dress a certain way for the sole purpose of attracting men

Why can’t women do things for other (or multiple) reasons? The situation the previous commenter described sounded like a girl wanting validation from girlfriends. When a girl gets dressed she’s considering comfort and what makes her feel good, sexual appeal might be a consideration but isn’t always. Why do you say that attracting men is the SOLE reason women do things?

I never said it’s the sole reason for all of women’s actions. I’m saying that there is a large number of women who dress a certain way just to attract guys. They admit it in their captions and comments. As do their friends. Yet women get enraged when an ugly virgin man points this out. Just because you don’t do a lot of things for the purpose of male validation, doesn’t mean other women aren’t either. The same women who are proud of attracting men with their dress, are the ones who say don’t slut shame.

Sorry I got you confused with OP, just realizing you’re different people. Of course some women will dress in a way that makes them look/feel sexy, I guess I’m missing what’s wrong with that?

Don’t get me wrong, lying to people or leading them on isn’t okay. But is there anything wrong with a girl just posting a seductive picture because she wants sexual attention?

That same girl can go and dress for work the next day and not give a thought to the male gaze. Women have many different motivations at any one time. Sometimes men are involved, sometimes they aren’t. Why do you think we’re bad people because of it?

The best one is "I dont wear caked on makeup and didnt get a boobjob for anyone, i did it for myself ok"

sometimes they get a nosejob but lie and say it was for a deviated septum

that surgery doesn't require making nose look different tho

no, no you are not.

There isn’t a “Friendzone”, that I will agree with. What it actually is is the “you’re too ugly to fuck or be with zone”. Otherwise a relationship with a person who isn’t a blood relative and without sex is just a friend. Friendzone however is just another way of saying that you’re not good looking enough to actually have a relationship or have sex with.

same thing

Pretty much. They should just admit it.

"Eventually you will find someone" biggest lie of them all.

I saw a roastie on facebook, she got divorced because she got fat and her husband didn't want her anymore, she got a new bf right away of course, she was saying how just hugging him felt so great and it was hell how she had gone so long with out being touched by her ex husband

“She’s not yours it’s just your turn.”

Like, hey, motherfucker, my partner is more than a just a sexual release and to the extent her number of sexual partners inhibits her ability to pair bond, no, it’s not my turn, and, yes, ideally, she is mine.

How to Spot the Bluepill Cuck

You truly have no idea, do you?

Hoo boy.

I was trying to say this quote gets under my skin, and that I don't like it.

Sorry I don't english well.

I see. No worries.

This list was not written by feminists, feminists do not write about shit like this they are more interested in politics and work related issues and equality.
Some women do the things on the list and some don’t. Who cares. The same applies to men, so what the hell is your point?

Most incels are misogynists that support terrorism towards women.