Gymcel is the best cope, period
32 2018-05-17 by NutNotBusted
Watching your body getting better is the best feeling. Drinking your protein shake after a good training is good.
32 2018-05-17 by NutNotBusted
Watching your body getting better is the best feeling. Drinking your protein shake after a good training is good.
1 Chad_Lite 2018-05-17
i'm 6'5 and 210 pounds and still skinny imho. if ure taller than 6'2 u need to roid especially as a incel. if ure a manlet u can easily ascend in a year
1 REEEeeeeeeeeeecel 2018-05-17
manlets can't ascend
1 Chad_Lite 2018-05-17
aslong as u have face
1 birthmarkcel 2018-05-17
can I do fine at 6'2 without roids?
1 TommyNobility 2018-05-17
Yes but it takes fucking forever
1 Alpha_chad 2018-05-17
Yeah. Like 5 years or more. And you still look worse than the guy on roids
1 TommyNobility 2018-05-17
For sure, but you want a good base before hopping I’d say
1 -SpinxS 2018-05-17
cope. look at the hodgetwins.
1 Chad_Lite 2018-05-17
ure the normie /fit/ tard who thinks they dont roid
1 -SpinxS 2018-05-17
1 Chad_Lite 2018-05-17
1 Madeon929 2018-05-17
I’m 6’2 and skinny as well.... roids are dangerous though....
1 Tha_Crock 2018-05-17
Cope, that's just what bluepilled doctors say to keep you from taking them.
1 TommyNobility 2018-05-17
Not dangerous if you do your research and don’t act like a retard
1 fucktheluck 2018-05-17
1 Chad_Lite 2018-05-17
have fun being a lanklet. or are a manlet?
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-05-17
It is and here is way: 1. Endorphines u get make feelings closest we can get to sex 2. It's healthy for your body and mentality 3. It's time consuming 4. U do look better even if by 0.1 point.
1 Virion85 2018-05-17
I've been gymceling again for a couple of weeks. It didn't help much before, but at least this time it's helping my sleep out. Worth it at least for the cognitive benefits, so I don't feel like such an idiot at work.
1 NutNotBusted 2018-05-17
Yes, it helps the brain
1 LegendofMilkies 2018-05-17
disagree w the protein shake part, but i gymcelling is life tbh
1 NutNotBusted 2018-05-17
1 LegendofMilkies 2018-05-17
because protein shakes are generally nast and are a chore to drink three to five times a day. ik there are good tasting ones like the iso100 series, but still, not fun drinking thick, milky shit multiple times a day
1 NutNotBusted 2018-05-17
Mine are nice tbh, not tasty but at least you cam drink those easily without throwing up
1 Chad_Lite 2018-05-17
aslong as u have face