Studies show that lonelier people actually take longer showers. Checkm8 IncelTears

205  2018-05-17 by GymcellingisCope1


Why do you have to shower for so long bro

Just take less time showering bro

Dats Y Ur An Inzel

                             - CuckTears

This message was posted from a Nintendo Switch

Showering and sleeping is the only time I can relax and think all day.

I'm always alone but I'm more content with being alone in the shower than I am anywhere else.

Probably masturbating in there

Not really. My showers are only 5-7 minutes. Anything more is wasting water.

Surely it would take at least a solid hour to clean all of you.

I wonder if she has become desensitized to the nonstop insults.

NO, she gets that shit only online

There was a fat ugly short girl at my school who intentionally said dumb things for other people to react to and bully her. I think bbw_gaming is like that weird girl. Negative attention is still attention.

Come on, this is like kicking a puppy at this point. This is not a safe space of course, I just think it’s a bit excessive.

She gets off from insults.


Fuck bro roast of the year right here lmao

He's done her!

Daily reminder Board sent nudes for her mod position

Daily reminder that I didn't.

Yes, and you're female ergo not lonely so yes really.

i shower until theres no more hot water. feelsbadman

I shower after gymcelling and masturbating several times a day. It’s the average redditor and chads that are disgusting by not showering.

Do you shower every time you masturbate, or at the end of the day after all your masturbation sessions? And I assume you masturbate several times a day?

yeah, showering is the only time i get to close my eyes and just mediate. the feeling is just great. they why i shower 30 minutes on average.

Wow, yeah I take like 20+ minute showers. I put on music and just relax

people who experience no warmth in social life cope with the warmth of the shower

That's why they tell you to shower. To keep you incel.

Looks like we need to start advising normies to take a shower

just took a nice hour long shower. i can already feel my personality improving

Slightly related. DAE tend to have conversations and joke amongst themselves while in the shower? Not like schizophrenia or anything like that, but sort of like pretending you’re talking to a friend, but instead you’re really just talking to yourself?. Sometimes I wonder if that’s just me trying to compensate for my lack of social skills irl

Yeah me too. I'd like to imagine i was gigachad and i was out in public just talking to my gigachad friends and catching the eye of cute girls.

Not necessarily. I do this all the time. Not just in the shower. I treat myself like my own best friend... and I do have social sills

I just shower because I love having clean nads

Can confirm