This a true 9/10 face. Upturned nose, convex philtrum, projected maxilla, plump large lips, straight nose, positive canthal tilt, visible jawline and this stacy is 5’9” (superior height) Inceltears and other subs called this specimen “average” meanwhile they are all obese gay alien skull landwhales

230  2018-05-17 by Gole_The_Shredder


someone kill her ples

Thotslayer required

we need another jacktherippercel

This roastie is attractive but she is not my ideal.

I agree. 8/10 - 9/10 personally. The real god tier beauties don't need much makeup on.

Too female for you?

Girls like this are a lot nicer than the average 5/10 roastie imo

for sure.

She has a trusting face but do not think for a minute that's she's any different than any other roastie out there

Halo effect at it again.

I think it's more that she isn't bitter or need validation after getting pumped and dumped by hundreds of Chads like an average roast beef.

I would be a much nicer person too if I were good looking. how can you not be in great mood then

Life on tutorial mode, falling ass backward into money and career opportunities, a steady stream of people who want to date me, and strangers being super nice all the time? Why wouldn’t you be a positive person?

Life on cryogenic stasis mode

crynogenic stacey


exactly. a lot of times when i am frustrated and in bad mood it has directly to do with what I look like

Lose the weight gain some muscle and watch your attitude change.

No it's true, women like her obviously aren't insecure about their worth so they don't feel insulted or threatened when they have to interact with a subhuman.

He's as tall as her JFL

Face > height

At least if you‘re over 5‘7“

heels nignog

She wearing high heels.

How do you know he’s chad? He’s short and fit we can’t see his face. I am curious what the face is like

He's definitely Chad. His pics often get posted here.

He cute

He uses roids.

As should anyone wanting to have a good physique or compete in sports

maxilla hamilton

If he wears tight white jeans he is for sure a CHAD.

Why don't you search her instagram and see for yourself?


Sure, he is a "midget" only at 6'3.

Really? He looks to be her height in that first pic

thats not her boyfriend....its her ex

str8 sui fuel

Well, yes. She is stunningly beautiful. Beautiful women want to date beautiful men. Beautiful men want to date beautiful women. These folks are such a tiny percentage of the population. Using this as an example of why you aren’t marketable to women is ridiculous. Go over to r/happy and look at the couples who post there. Much more realistic because they are just average folks.

No, love if only for the beautiful.

I sure hope this is /s.

Nope. Love is only for the beautiful(physically).

No, big part of this is that girls like this tend to be from goodlooking intelligent parents that stay together. A a result they are actually raised properly, have no daddy issues and have more common sense and manners then the average trash roast.

This is all obviously suicidefuel because she will only go for 9,5/10 Chads with a career, rich parents and good brain.

7,5/10 cels on suiwatch

lmao. at it again with personality. This is exatcly the same thing u acuse femoids of, telling sombodies personality just by the looks of them.

This song is correct. Inferring her personality here is pure hypocrisy.

If you've ever had female friends in you know he's right. Attractive women are much nicer than the average roastie.

“Tend to be” her personality could still be really terrible but because she is raised well it’s less likely to be that way


its really not the same

Your looks determine your personality.

We all have many lovable characteristics portrayed through communication.

Keep in mind these characteristics can be skewed by ideal physical traits. It may cause the cute to cloud the judgement while engaging in spoken word specifically.

Facts: i have been called cute; I have been called quirky, I have been told I am not meant to be pretty... but I am.

Uuhhermm idk what that last one means but I am socially anxious. I often feel that what I have to offer in conversation is not entertaining.

Experiencing the perspective of this subreddit is neat.

lol you are literally just making shit up

Yep. The girl posted is purfect! But, probably, a cum-dump for Chads with careers/rich parents/both.

Nah it's rigth, attractive people usually have two kinds of personalities by default

I)Either for having the privilege of having everything they desire since the start compared to average people in the social field they turn narcissistic and arrogant, this is usually where the "good-looking asshole" trope comes from.


II)For having enjoy unlimited happiness in their life provided from their looks, this affect their personality in an way that they are usually the most nicest people you can even know.

In the case of females, that care so much about social status, the cost of having an ugly dude around is overwhelming for the average looking, but the most good looking one's can usually afford it; that's why many of woman that treated like a human were usually the most beautiful one's, sure, there's was a percentage of cunts, but they marked 50/50 in percentage

Compare that with the average looking cunt, and there's 95/5 at best.

You don't even exist to girls like this though, if you actually stopped her in public to ask something she'd be offended at merely becoming aware of your existence and wasting her time.

I disagree. They are usually extremely nice, and when they're mean it's mostly out of ignorance. These are the kind of girls that can actually keep a Chad in a LTR, so they usually whore around a lot less too.

True. The most bitter are the fat ugly girls

This girl is better than any Rosie O'Donell. The woman posted is hot af.

Where does this girl live? I need to know, so that I can interview her. Also, she has a dream catcher in the background. I promise you she has a body that doesn't fit the face.

where the fuck did they call her average? 100% mogs every single human on IT

Mogs the universe

Not into those lips. Obviously godlike looking but I have seen better irl.

Iantherose is her name.. she looks good without any makeup either.

Obviously she is good looking. But I have known girls irl that I found more attractive.

Yea i bet

Attraction is subjective, I think and know this girl is attractive, and I’d definitely smash... but she’s honestly average to me. She’s 9/10 on paper, but she doesn’t do it for me.

He’s saying he’s met girls that HE’S found more attractive. I think most white girls look like Down syndrome and inbred aliens, but that’s just me. I’d honestly prefer a mixed black Asian, Indian black or Indian Asian girl. Or any of those race pure mog this girl for me

caramel skin just looks better

Attraction is subjective

Not really

You are an idiot lmao. How is attraction not subjective.

You might wanna acquaint yourself with the meaning of subjectivity and objectivity, buddy

Take your own advice pal

Yeah it is. There’s objective attraction, that’s just good on paper, and then there’s subjective attraction.

If someone’s attractive they’re attractive, that’s it. But what’s gonna push them over the edge for u and make u pick one over the other is gonna be preferential

Like for example I’d rather be wit Meagan good, Kerry Washington, or Halle berry

It 100% is

people have different tastes i guess. i consider her a 6 or 7 i don't really like the stacy look. my 9/10 is t.ygs

6 lmao. Another brain-dead normie.

this girl looks like a typical sorority slut

this is a 9:

Now I know you're baiting me. How the fuck is that thing a 9. JFL at her eyebrows.

wow i'm surprised people aren't agreeing with me. damn you all must be faggots or something

I agree with you tbh, I think your girl looks better than the one in the OP. Yours is muchbcuter, I don't really like the archetypal Stacy look either

Nose rings are also hot af even tho they're degenerate

The nose-ring girl looks like she is 14 years old lol. If you are around that age I can understand why you would prefer her over the thread starter picture.

Thread starter picture is more attractive for people 25+.

Kek, I'm 23

Younger is always better. Beta cucks pretend they like "strong independent and mature" women who have been fucked by 200 guys


disgusting dry looking hair, retarded fake eyebrows, nose ring makes her look like a cow. Not natural looking, I’m alright mate

6 lol completely unremarkable and asymmetric facial features. And that's a 6 considering I have a fetish for non-natural hair colors.

lmao she's got a nose ring and other fancy piercing all over her face, bet she fucks dogs or something

Don't dig the eyebrows but I agree she's a lot more attractive than the OP. OP looks like a generic party whore

wouldnt bother with a nibber like me


My Nibba

Obviously smoking hot moggs 99% of women, I'd say in 8.5-9 range to be honest. The angle hides pretty pronounces asymmetry in the eye area, and eye area in general is great but not top tier, like Elsa Hosk is PERFECT imo (positive canthal tilt, good symmetry, appropriate eyelid show, ice blue). Otherwise OP pic girl is still flawless and I can only dream of hearing her mother or father fart through a walkie talkie

Inceltears like calling pretty people average in the hope that everyone will think everyone is average.

Ahaha seriously this, this is what they think they compare to? They're probably ugly as fuck trying to pretend that looks don't matter.

still gets mogged by an average korean girl in Seoul

woah that’s a pretty hot personality she has there

Eh shes a high 8 probably but she looks fucking boring. Left her IG after 10 seconds.
looks like a 90s pornstar. Very good symmetry and proportions but boring, she doesn't have that factor that makes women stand out. She's 27 but her cheekbones, jawline, sunken face (typical for fashion models) and forward chin make her look mid 30s on some of the pics Still mogs the entire IT combined into oblivion and back but she's not some goddess. Don't @ me

Yea the dudes callin her goddess are idiots. She looks like literally every attractive white blond girl, they all looks like this

Most of the dudes here are white so they've convinced themselves she's something remarkable instead of a pretty average pretty blonde girl.

Yea it’s kinda dumb, I can’t wait till the day that we all realize that this is all brainwashing and ethnic ppls are seen as the true beauties

Fr Caribbean and whatever mixed ethnic race concoction of woman is always sexier imo

Who cares about women's personality anyway. Just imagine mating with that all night.

She has butt shots. That means she is soliciting herself to Chad with lot's of money!


Am still broke.


Decently above average (maybe because I like brunettes more).

However, 9/10 (if we are talking PSL and not retarded IRL, then GTFO) is like 1 in 1000 (

This girl isn't 1 in 1000? She's like 1 in 5,000 minimum.

Go to a major city, and she’s like 1 in 20

Sanjay dutt is not 3 lmaoo he was a Chad in Bollywood. Neither is Shea lebeuff

Wrong scale. Pull up the female rating scale.

Ewwww non-hooded eyes

I am drunk and this photo angle fucks with me yo. 7/10. Seh´s not my type. Her hair is fucked and her lips are ugly.

With better lips a 8,5.

She's like a 7 at best lol. You complimented her lips but she clearly has herpes. Her head shape isn't anything special, her nose is longer than it appears, her shoulders and collarbone aren't feminine, she's slouching, etc.

Ya, she's attractive, but near-perfect? Nah lol

yuck, can't unsee the herpe now

Oh GOD, I see it too.

E-standards are really a thing. No need to worship her but in my eyes this is a solid 9/10. Maybe beauty is in the eye of the beholder when it comes to "ideals".

fivehead tho

She's certainly attractive, but she's not a 9/10 for me. I know, shocking, but attractiveness isn't objective. You can rattle off a sterile list of her various facial structures all you want but that won't change that there's no one person who every single man or woman is equally attracted to.

I know, shocking

All your comments are so fucking low iq and cringy

Gas yourself

If an incel says something is "low iq" that is a really easy way to determine it's a valid point.

Btfo, epic style XD

That 1000 cock stare though

You can't objectively rate a woman's looks while she's wearing makeup ffs. Anyone can improve their looks on a photo by angle fraud, makeup, and image editing software.

Would berry my face in her angus.

This is a perfect genetic, a woman like this have the power to make any man happy forever, but she'll still choose Chad.

hairy caterpillar eyebrows - 2/10 would not bang

All women are the same (period). I discovered this after years of clubbing, bar's, parties and college life. My advice would be to try for the most attractive woman you can find because i once did an experiment where i approached lots of women and the result was even the most unattractive or even repulsive women reject you for many reasons.

that's not an upturned nose, upturned noses are disgusting, nostril show is not a good look

girl is a legit 10 tho, very depressing to know that girls like this would never even acknowledge our existence irl

huge ass eyebrows


Chick ugly yo I cant ne the only one that thinks that.

If she's a 9, I'm a 4

Nah, you're a 9.

She’s really pretty

would be perfect for me if she had jet black/brown hair

Look at her roots. She's a bottle blonde, so she's naturally perfect for you.

oh yeah you’re right bro

would wife/10 material

white gril with narrow hips, a pancake ass, and small tits

her face is, good, ok. Not doing much else for me.

I know you said this woman is 9/10, but I don’t see it. Rather plain.

Lol you're here claiming Incel Tears calls her average ([citation needed] btw) when ITT are people saying "not into her" "4/10" "7/10" "8/10"...this woman looks like a model, but even OP calls her a 9 instead of a 10. For guys who consider themselves so ugly they're unfuckable and claim you can't date your "looksmatch," have you considered that spiraling around in this echo chamber along with overexposure to porn and underexposure to women in the real world has skewed your perceptions?

Extremely, embarrassingly low iq comment

Their point isn't that she isn't attractive but rather that she's not their type. This girl was posted by someone as an example of someone they found better looking than the OP, and I agree with him. That doesn't imply that the chick in the OP is ugly

Besides, I thought you IT retards were all about attractiveness being subjective? But I guess it doesn't apply to incels?

Incels: "women have ruined the world by being too picky they should all date their looksmatch I'd fuck any woman thats not a 1/10 landwhale but hypergamy means I can't etc etc"

Also incels about a woman that looks like a model:

she's not [my] type

You can call my comments low IQ if you want but the attempted gotcha of this post was completely undermined by incels themselves.

They didn't say they wouldn't date her. They only said they find someone else more attractive. Still consistent with their ideas.

she's not [my] type

So you think if she approached an incel she would be rejected because she wasn't his type lmao? You're delusional and reaching extremely hard just for the sake of being contrarian

Holy shit she's a godess

Yeah she’s cute, depends on what you’re into tho.

I believe a woman can be hot, but not beautiful. I also believe a woman can be beautiful but not hot.

This girl is beautiful, but not hot. I see this as a good thing.

You nailed it.

Average mental equilibrium of an inceltears poster

she's perfect

There's one thing "they" sure don't call her and that's a "specimen".

A bit of an LPT guys, no matter what your goal is: a one night stand or a long term relationship, don't call potential partner "specimen".

No way, almost like people have different opinions and preferences?

What is this post tho

She's a 6 for me. I hate those sort of lips . Eyebrows. Little too much eyelid exposure. I wouldn't be compelled to approach her doing cold approach.

Her current boyfriend (Louis Karius) is arguably better looking

can you tell me her instagram page, I want to give her money for doing nothing

Incels literally don't have enough money in their bank account to pay this girl to fart on them

IT calls Miro and Gandy "barely above average". Cope central


She’s beautiful.

shes fucking hot looks like nice personality as well

6/10 in ukraine

Yeah, she's pretty. Conventionally attractive. That doesn't mean everyone will be attracted to this woman universally. It doesn't mean only women who look like her are attractive.

Depends on where you're from. SHe looks like hundred of people I know, but Stat Canada tells me I live in a very attractive city for women. (Men not so much)

“im not ugly” lol just like “chad here”

You sub6 , you are ugly. or else you wouldnt be on reddit and deff wouldnt be on braincels lol and no you dont know HUNDREDS of people you know.

You know Reddit is a lot more popular than you give it credit for, right?

yea for us failed normies and sub6’s. 8+ people have better things to do such as advancing in their careers and having an active social life.

I mean I just use Reddit on my commute and when I’m bored at work. Helps pass on the time.

Yea i bet. You know what 8+ people are doing? sexting or making plans for the night while at work. You are a failed normie, work a shit job making shit money and go home and do nothing just like all of us. reddit was made for us failed normies and losers, its ok to admit it. living in denial doesnt help anything

Well today I was making travel plans with my friends. We’re going to Germany for Oktoberfest. I also work a job where I make enough to live on my own, afford to buy all new furniture, and travel as much as my vacation time permits.

Also the lookism people gave me a 6.5/7 PSL rating, so go figure.

6.5 exactly, failed normie. You arent ugly like us but you arent attractive either.. you just .. exist. Also LOL at the fact you cant afford a lavish lifestyle. You live paycheck to paycheck like all us wagecucks

6.5/7PSL translates to 7/8 IRL you dumbass. I thought you guys understood the lookism rating scale.

Also what is exactly a failed normie? The meaning gets changed around here so often.

She’s taller than me... fuuuuck I get height mogged by women.

Eh. She's not "sultry" looking. I prefer darker features and I don't like the upturned nose or weird eyebrows. Wouldn't be a 9/10 in my book although ofc she's objectively more attractive than almost every woman I see on a day-to-day.

downward facing nose is a witch nose which is subhuman.

I prefer a neutral nose. This girl looks like a bunny

Chads are produced by these women.

honestly id say that is a 6.5/10. definitely not a 9/10 lol

Her lips are big. 7/10 at most

too tall, too old, dark eyes, dark roots, cuntface


Give it 5 years and she'll be a 6.5 Women age like absolute shit.

Actually 7/10 + 2 hours of make-up.

aryan beauty, hehehe

Prize winning doggo?

"Convex philtrum, projected maxilla, positive canthal tilt"

LMAO- you guys sound like fucking evolutionary scientists. Who even knows what that shit is...

Ehhh, she's a solid 8, my highschool had better looking women.

9/10? What on earth? This girl is literally a fucking model???? No one believes this girl is "average" looking????

What the fuck are your standards of beauty then?????

imo superior height is 5’2 to 5’5

Tall women are not the superior ones. Tall men are superior, but like most sex characteristics it doesn't transcend to women. If anything the shortest women get the most attention

You might wanna acquaint yourself with the meaning of subjectivity and objectivity, buddy

Face > height

At least if you‘re over 5‘7“

heels nignog

She wearing high heels.

Btfo, epic style XD