Why violence and chaos are so enticing

32  2018-05-17 by nucelin

We're told these tales of love, care, and understanding from our childhoods, but as we grow up we realise that these tales are far from reality, because we've rarely been loved, cared, or understood. The cognitive dissonance that sets in must be resolved or one must embrace the rope. In this resolution, it becomes clear that for us, the world is far from what was promised or what we imagined to be.

Imagine the life of an 8/10 for a moment. Beautiful people are showered love, given care, and are understood from everyone around them. They matter. For them, the world more closely resembles those tales. It is for this reason they want things to stay the same and abhor the idea of chaos.

But we know better. The world is but a harsh, unloving, uncaring place. People are hell. Lies, deceit, shallowness, hatred, bullying, loneliness are present every direction we turn your head to. We're closer to the bitter realities of the world than any other group.

Chaos is home to us. It's what's left when we rid ourselves of the false realities that never were meant for us. It is the structure in which we can take refuge, feel at home, be ourselves.



Sometimes I jus like doin hood shit with my friends too.

high-gangsta post

Maybe another view can help. In science, it is often wondered why cooperation occurs and thrives. It is notoriously difficulty to attain because defectors can reap profits from more docile cooperators. So in most cases, defectors end up winning out.

So how do you get cooperation? It turns out, one way is to have spite. Spite is a strategy where an individual doesn't do what is best for them, but rather harms another at their own expense. It turns out that defection is very weak against spite strategies. So when you sprinkle spite into the mix, cooperative strategies end up winning out.

Social animals like humans evolved notions of fairness and spiteful behavior because it actually promotes cooperation. So it isn't really alien or inhuman at all to respond to unfairness with violent or spiteful behavior. When spite is stifled, then defection and unfairness abound.

The evolutionary psychology of game theory.

High IQ post.

Holy facts

Because the patriarcho-capitalist State promotes a cult of toxic hypermasculinity, leaving alienated workers to seek catharsis through fantastic acts of violence.

can, you, use, some, more, commas.