Reminder: Toxic Masculinity only exist because foids have confined men into it

65  2018-05-17 by Kar98kSnipe

What emotions in a man make women wet?

Sadness? Nope

Anxiety? Nope

Compassion? Nope

Happiness? Nope

Excitement? Nope

Anger? Ding Ding Ding!

Imagine if slimy femoids got wet when they found out you nursed an injured bird to health. tOxIC mAscuLiNIty wouldn’t even exist. It’s really dispiriting when you think about how oblivious women are to their own retardation.


Exactly. Women like to be dominated, yelled at and talked down to.

I see that in life, it just makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with the wiring of 90% of the women I know.

Then the "I want a man who treats me like a princess".... yet dates scum drug dealers and assholes who sleep around.

This actually makes me curious.

I whole-heartedly disagree with the sentiment, but I can only speak from personal experience....I'm a dom (f). Most of my (f) friends are submissive, and I have heard a few instances where women actually want to be treated poorly/yelled at by their male partner.

Most of the dominant women/feminine-presenting folks I know are within the LGBT community.

Are you a lesbian or just a dom?

A little bit of both hehe.

I do find some men attractive, and am dating one now. I am not attracted to "traditional" masculine/dominant/aggressive traits in men tho.

That is untrue.

Women also prefer dating tall, broad-shouldered men, so if you don't fit the physical definition of masculinity it's over.

Women's universal dating preferences in men are more toxic to men than masculine behaviour will ever be.

Imagine if slimy femoids got wet when they found out you nursed an injured bird to health

they would if you were attractive

Yup. If women stopped rewarding "toxic", boisterous asshole men with sex and status, then those men would immediately switch tactics to become quiet and kind. It's the same thing with women and bullies, if women stopped considering violent fuck wits to be at the top of the social ladder, then nobody would aspire to be a violent fuck wit.

I don't think enough women are ever going to do that to make it a thing.

not willingly

Men shouldn't have to look and act like big, animalistic beasts to get women. The fact that women still prioritize brute strength just shows that their minds haven't fully evolved.

Women have not caught up yet with the modern world.

Women shouldn't have to be 130 lbs and have a perfect ass and face to get men. The fact that men still prioritize body type just shows their minds haven't fully evolved. See the double standard?

In case of chads maybe.

Search Pig Women Experiment whiteknight and shut the fuck up.

Your comment would be good if

1) men actually cried about "toxic feminity" and complained that women are being to thin and have good asses. Women complain about toxic masculanity but date masculine men, but you dont see men complaining about 130lbs women lol

2) there was an actuall requirement for women to be thin or good looking. but there isnt.

so yes nice try white knight

You don't consider feminism to be toxic femininity? I hear incels crying about it all the time. Women have all sorts of tastes in men, not just Chads. I have seen feminine skinny guys with really good looking girls. There is not a requirement for men to be masculine or muscular across the board like you assume. It helps, I agree, but being a dick head to a woman no matter your looks will only keep her around until she develops some self-respect to leave.

but men who complain about feminist dont go out of their way to specially date feminist

Women shouldn't have to be 130 lbs and have a perfect ass and face to get men

They don't.

100% correct.

Women are the root of all Evil.

Women wanna get fucked. They love dick, big long hard dick attached to a man that will pound them until they pass out from exhaustion.


Women are directly responsible for the existence of evil men. Traits like sociopathy and narcissism are in part genetic in nature, and women perpetuate these traits by breeding with men who possess them.

I mean, most girls would definitely appreciate if you nursed an injured bird. Obviously they wouldn't get wet- I mean, getting aroused over an animal is a bit weird.

Maybe stop thinking about sex all the time as if that's the only thing you can get from a girl?

I agree that not thinking about sex all the time is a good thing. But our society revolves around sex, and those who are not getting it (and likely wont get it) are constantly reminded of that. Its very easy to say "dont think about sex" when you know you will have it.

Not to mention, a persons (particularly mens worth) is calculated in terms of their ability to get sex (among other things. And since God is dead, there is no noble outlet for virgins or people with low sexual market value. There is no monastary. There is only lack of sex, and that, understandably, makes people angry.

You can't really hate on society but pick out the parts you want to take part in. Society is all about sex appeal, that doesn't mean every normal person is obsessed with it. If you focus on getting sex, it'll only feel worse when you don't get it.

You absolutely can do that, we all do. We all choose what sectors of society we want to be part of, either willingly or by social pressure. There is a lot of social pressure on sex. You don't have to be obsessed with sex to see that most people are getting between some and a lot, while others are getting none and will keep getting none.

That's a bitter pill to swallow.

Easy to say that bullshit when you’re a woman who can get sex whenever she wants. Try going the next 10 years without any sex then maybe ill listen to your advice.

I went 5 years without sex already, by choice. It's not that important.

The problem with you guys is that you're attracted to women with stunted sexuality. You think women are these juvenile "femoids" because you're obsessed with the girls who rejected you in high school and glommed on to the bullies.

There are terrible women, and terrible men, out there. Women have the same moral distribution and variety that we do. They aren't better or worse than us.

You shouldn't assume that all women are turned on by anger just because a few women have bad taste in men. Most women, in contrast to what you're saying, feel more sexual when they feel safe. Obviously being nice and compassionate isn't enough to get their turned on, but it doesn't hurt. The right place to be is where you're assertive enough that she knows she's desirable– the loser beta who's still afraid of girls comes off like a little boy, and that's not attractive– but decent enough that she knows you won't do anything she doesn't want to do.

Some women are complicit in toxic masculinity or even encourage it, that's true, but I don't think one can place the blame for this on women, as if men didn't have the choice not to be horrible, or as if sexual desperation alone pushes men to be toxic– that ain't true. Bill Cosby got plenty of sex, and was still a monster. Same with Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer.

Oh look, another NAWALT.

Isn't it natural for say 15-25 year old guys to be attracted to girls the same age.

Maybe a different scenario is more true: Older generations, like 35 or 45 year old men & women have no clue how it is for young people right now... You simply can't compare graduating in 2000 (without social media, even without cellphones) to graduating in 2019.

Isn't it natural for say 15-25 year old guys to be attracted to girls the same age?

Of course. I wouldn't worry about dating from 15–17, but there are plenty of girls in that age group who are mature.

Incels complain about women being attracted to obnoxious brutes ("Chads") but they also overlook the majority of women in favor of the party girls– who'll never be interested in them. So, they're guilty of the same sin: attraction to the sexually loud individuals, who are rarely people of high moral character, while overlooking decent regular folk.

Older generations, like 35 or 45 year old men & women have no clue how it is for young people right now...

That's probably true (I'm 34, so borderline X/Millennial). It was a different world. I honestly think that in many ways, the new one's better. If you meet someone online and the date goes poorly, your whole circle of friends doesn't find out. Sure, there are a lot of shallow women who swipe left if you're under 6'2, but that doesn't really hurt you, because you only spend any time with the ones who swipe right.

What has gotten a lot worse is the economic situation. In 2007, the response to not getting laid was to spend more time at the gym and invest energy in one's career. Unfortunately, and it's in no way your generation's fault, the economy has imploded and the jobs available aren't what used to be there. It's a real problem. Having a dry spell in your early 20s isn't that big of a deal; what's different now is that, with our imploded economy, people have nothing better to do than stew over the issue.

What if you're a beta who's anxious of people and nervous around them?


Doesn't work. Tried it.

I got a kiss once for looking at a womyn in rage after bumping into me. This was in a strip club, but still. I'm average, no waitress is going out of her way to kiss me. And when do you see that happening? Never lol. It was the hate that was turning her on.

brain says no, pussy says yes. This is the problem femoids have. Their brain and that little rational thinking they have is not connected to their pussy. They would like to be atracted to an average looking nice guy(not "nice" guy) but they can't they are wired that way, they evolved to be available for a strong tall chad who could protect them, and with whom they would have strong and healthy offsprings.

not willingly