If you ever feel down, just remember there's a sub with 4 x the amount of people stalking r/braincels daily

99  2018-05-16 by OPFUG


True. I remember the ultimate roasting when inceltears was subreddit of the day lol.

Bet they shut up real quick

They cried it was brigaded lmfalooopo

At least the rest of reddit realized what bullies and losers those guys are to obsess about and police this community

Sorry to burst your bubble, you fat stupid fuck. No one comes here to obsess to police this subreddit. We come here to laugh at all of the people who use the term "incel" in a serious context

The irony


Lol you're the bitches always talking about Chad's dick, so remind me who the faggot is. By the way, I'm screen shooting all this and guess where it's going, sunshine ;)

To your wife's boyfriend?

Are you calling me a faggot wishing that I was a faggot so you could eat my cock?

r u okay

I'm fine, just trying to have a little fun while I'm bored at work. :D

weird interpretation of fun but whatever floats your boat

Hey lol if you have a job that requires doing pretty much nothing for 8 hours, working for extreme safety conscious people that won't let me run laps around the building, you find some weird ways to have fun lol

IncelTears literally does. That's the purpose of their sub. It's a subreddit devoted to monitoring every little thing said on places like this and screenshotting the worst. If you're not from that sub, clearly my comment doesn't apply to you, so don't get so triggered.

My bad

Lmao. Half the time we can't even keep stuff upvoted in our own sub due to their brigading. How the fuck can they possibly believe that we'd be able to brigade a post like that?

That was such a lifefuel

Lol definitely.

That legitimately made me reconsider my suicide plan. This world isn't quite as bad as I thought.

What happened that day?

What happened? Any links?

That's so sad. Can we hit 50 upvotes?

can you suck my penis

They cried it was brigaded lmfalooopo