Reminder to normies, you aren't entitled to net neutrality.

54  2018-05-16 by incelery33333

Just letting you know again.


They all already forgot about it and on to be melodramatic about something else

Numales are obsesed with net neutrality, microtransactions, cod, ea and flat earth.

Normies aren't entitled to a spherical earth

No we aren't, but neither are you entitled to getting laid.

as long as we come to an agreement

I agree. No one is entitled to not getting raped either.

You're not entitled to common sense, clearly

It's hard to give a fuck about net neutrality when every other day is "the end of the internet".

1000s of routers being updated to fuck over the poor isn't going to happen overnight, when you remember the dmv uses win2k still.

Nobody is entitled to anything

Life, liberty, the pursuit is happiness. It’s right there in the constitution.

Is liberty having to pay $20 to attempt to catch a fish to feed yourself? Is liberty being forced into a building with people that treat you like shit for 8 hours a day? I can go on Liberty only exists where goverment does not

Hey, VodKA_1488, just a quick heads-up:
goverment is actually spelled government. You can remember it by n before the m.
Have a nice day!

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Reddit is scared of net neutrality because ISPs are gonna come down hard on the mods

NN is still good for us, don't be contrarian just for the sake of it.

(((net neutrality)))

A 'Normie' Reminder:

Lack of net neutrality can help your ISP charge you extra to access your pathetic circlejerk.

The internet is a utility, women aren't. So stop forming false equivalencies and get yourself a good therapist.

If this effects everyone I support it.

If this effects everyone I support it.