If r/Incels happened to be a female community, r/inceltears wouldn’t exist

196  2018-05-16 by andrewcarey7

No Redditor would dare criticise women


High IQ

except us.

i was gonna comment but you beat me to it

Yeah, only the outcasts of society who noone pays any attention to will criticize women, where-as everyone criticizes men for the most banal of reasons.

Aye real talk my nigga. You like a lit ass Socrates, blood.

I hope you're black

I hope you're mexican.


true, there's truefemcels yet not truefemceltears...

Well I mean there is /r/nicegirls.

But are they encouraging suicide?

Not that I've seen.

r/incels encouraged rape, which is why it was banned from what I remember.

It actually did not encourage rape, that lie has been spread so widely that now it's just assumed to be true.

The whole 'rape advocacy' thing has made me really reconsider how much I should care for the average person's opinion on anything at all. There is no way that anyone reading /r/incels could have come to the conclusion that incels advocate for rape (wtf does that even mean), so they must have... been told that we support rape, and just never questioned that knowledge? And now they believe it so strongly that they'll state it as fact without thinking 'hmm, wait, I'm just repeating what I was told by some guy on the internet'.

Welcome to the world of online propaganda

We need a sub like r/twoxchromosometears or r/rapevictimtears. I would gladly be a regular poster there.

Haha jesus christ those rape victims believe they are entitled to people caring about them. Like come on sweetie you've got to improve yourself if you want people to care that you got "beaten almost to death and raped by a gang of black men"

Lol exactly.

It's very troubling that you think you're on the same level as a rape victim

Both situations are terrible.

Rape is usually the woman's fault.

What upsets me are the wymyn who don't say no and then call it assault. Especially after getting hot and heavy / hooking up. You're blowing the guy, shouldn't he have a good enough personality to ask him to stop?

They expect men to be mind readers and at the same time expect men to take it easy when they're rejecting them for something that CHAD gets to do all the time. Hilarious.

I stop at the drop of a hat, foids are just dumb.

If your mother/sister/daughter was raped, would you be saying the same thing?

If someone caused something to happen to them, then I don't have much sympathy. My mother is old, and I have no sisters / daughters.

If you cause something for yourself, then don't expect much support. Unless you're a privilege slut of course.

No rape victim causes something to happen to them. No means no, it's very simple. Men who can't control themselves are the sole problem.

I do have a genuine question for incels, and I promise I'm not trying to be an asshole or anything. I'm genuinely curious... You guys are so hateful towards women. Yet your entire lives/existence revolve around women and getting laid. So if all you want to do is get laid by a woman, how can you be so hateful towards them? I honestly don't get it. Makes no sense to me.

You sound like the shittiest feminist ever. One that preaches that Metoo bullshit. Women claim that men rape them even when they don't know the guy or even days after they had consensual sex. Women mostly get raped by people they know, so obviously they love that type of company, they claim rape when the guy is the one who says no to things.

That's a dumb question. If women bully and reject men for looks, why wouldn't we hate them? Only a complete idiot asks something like that here.

Lol I'm actually very conservative. So you didn't do a very good job labelling me.

No, I actually used to work with rape victims. So I'm telling you from experience that your views of rape are 100% false. You seem to just be saying whatever you want to fuel your own agenda and are broadcasting them as facts, yet you have no idea how the real world operates. Saying the same things over and over doesn't make them true. But, I'm sure you know better than someone me, right?

It's not a dumb question. Literally nothing you incels do/say makes sense to rational people. So I think it's a very legitimate question in all fairness.

If all we do is bully/reject you guys, then why are you dying for our approval? You shouldn't care about attention/sex/relationships with women if we are that bad... correct?

Call me names all you want... doesn't do anything but make you look immature.

No ones dying for your approval. This is a sub for incel. You're the visitor here, not me. You must be the one "dying" for approval. Working with rape """victims""" invalidates your opinion even more. If rape was a real thing, then rape fetish would not exist.

Lol I have no idea what you look like, yet it's glaringly obvious why you can't get laid. It's one thing to be an incel, it's another to be this ignorant. You are just saying things that are inherently false.

"Rape doesn't exist." Do people believe this? It's like saying "I don't believe in ants." ...wut?

Good luck getting laid! You should use your most recent posts as icebreakers with women!

I don't think it really will ever make sense to you without some sort of cope in the form of convincing yourself otherwise


The good 'ole appeal to mother/sister/daughter routine. Like clockwork.

Men don't feel empathy for women (why would they?), so they have to try to force it by using the unnatural family attachment emotion.

You people are actually fucked up in the head

We have it worse.


Rape is temporary, Inceldom is permanent. Being raped is a choice, but Being incel isn't.

Do you really believe this? Or are you trolling me right now? Do you REALLY believe rape is a choice? The word "rape" implies it's not a choice. How can you even dispute that?

By definition, rape can be avoided by not wearing revealing clothing, getting drunk at bars/parties, and avoiding men. You can even concealed carry in legal states for defense. (Technically this is true, idgaf if it's immoral to ask). Ugly face and being cast aside for it is not a choice

What about children who get raped? Men too, what about them?

Children getting raped is sad and out of their control, I agree. The issue at hand is rape vs inceldom, and inceldom is for adult ugly/short men. Therefore the debate here is only adults that have control of their own destinies. Men can just as easily avoid rape by concealed carry, avoid getting intoxicated, surrounding themselves by trusted people, etc. On the other hand, men can't control being 5'2 or ugly which completely hinders any potential they have. When we say inceldom is less harsh than rape, we talk about the rape that happens to adult women that can just as easily avoid going to that party, meeting that tinder date, or carry protection. They have ways to combat it, ugly men don't

How are they supposed to predict that they will be raped by going to a party or meeting a date? Victim-blaming isn’t the answer.

Again, what you're saying is irrelevant. You are trying to link this to a bigger picture. At the core of my argument, the woman could have avoided rape, and then man can't avoid inceldom. Even if the woman goes to the party, she can take precautions like taking trusted friends and not getting drunk. The point is, women can minimize chances of rape, and maximizing the potential of incel is still an inhibited man. Prove that's wrong and I'll entertain your tangent

The same way men are supposed to predict we will be mugged walking through a dark alley. We don't. We prepare for it and take steps to avoid it, such as walking in lit areas, carrying firearms for protection or even just moving in groups of friends to minimize the target we paint on our backs.

You're pretending women have no agency and are unable to control whether or not they'll be drunk/high or attending shady locales with or without friends. You can make choices that minimize the risk you put yourself in. If, for example, I were to get smashed at a party and some faggot rams me up the ass while I'm passed out, it's my own damn fault both for getting blackout drunk and frequenting a place where known faggots congregate.

it's my own damn fault both for getting blackout drunk

No. It would be the dude's fault for raping you.

There are just so many cognitive distortions jam packed in this one comment.

Yet you name none, and use a clever sounding phrase to dismiss it to appear like you know more. Deep down, you know I'm right

Men can just as easily avoid rape by concealed carry, avoid getting intoxicated, surrounding themselves by trusted people, etc.

That's not enough to completely prevent the possibility of rape. Someone could take your gun, you could have a roofie dropped in your soda, and you can be raped by a trusted individual. Rape is always the fault of the rapist and it's wrong to place the responsiblity of it on the victim.

On the other hand, men can't control being 5'2 or ugly which completely hinders any potential they have.

Sure, it hinders your dating prospects but that's still not comparable to being raped. It's just not the same thing at all.

They have ways to combat it, ugly men don't

There are ways you can deal with being ugly because there are ugly men having sex and relationships. Danny Devito alone is proof of that.

Yeah the "cognitive distortions" are way worse with you. Gtfo this sub

Yet you name none. Deep down, you know I'm right.

True. You're right, I don't have the energy and have to study.

Why not engage with the comment by /u/Mr-Mercedes-? He's both so he has a stronger perspective.


Because you blame your bad looks when in reality it's mostly shit personality and extremely sad and warped worldview?

At least you have some sense, you put “mostly” in your sentence. Not much, but some.

Yeah I do aknowledge that it's can be really hard to find a girlfriend especially if you are ugly and lack social skills but there are ugly girls too and their only option is ugly dudes

This is false, as seen above.

>but there are ugly girls too and their only option is ugly dudes

Not true.

Where do you live that there are no ugly girls?

I was commenting on, "their only option is ugly dudes."

I agree that it's much easier for below average females to get laid than it is for guys, but there are some girls that are so ugly their only option is ugly dudes. Or they want to get married and they'll have to marry an ugly dude.

Personality doesn't matter, read and learn.

It's only a factor if you've already passed the attractiveness standards and she has to choose between several men she finds attractive. Incels don't pass those standards, they are socially and sexually invisible to women because they're unattractive, personality never enters the equation.

That's at least partly true I give you that but incels live in a delusion where they think that every woman has too high standards when in reality even the ugliest of people will find others with low enough standards

Nope. You dont.

I'm a rape victim (multiple instances when I was a child), and the sustained inceldom has been far, far, FAR more devastating on my life and my psychological well-being.

Same. Was sexually abused by a maid when I was a child. It did hurt, but not even a tenth of how much inceldom does. Inceldom is waking every single day feeling alone, like shit, getting rejected again and again, with no one offering you empathy. Just mocking that you're a "virgin loser".

But femoids don't give a shit about men's experiences so it doesn't even matter

inb4 IT uses this post for their new set of advice

“just get raped bro it’s that easy”

It’s very troubling that you think of rape in an unrelated topic

Man, you really take things out of context, don't you? It was an example, retard.

r/soyboytears would be good too.

Because people who can't get laid are the same as rape victims.

Comparing yourself to people who got raped, what a little victim you are XD

Rape victim tears? You really want to make fun of rape victims?

They were only raped because they are dirty misandrists with bad personalities. Wouldn’t have happened if they would just watch movies with male protagonists.

Cute, another rape joke. I wonder why women don’t just drop their panties for you.

Thanks for the compliment! Have my upvote! :)

"Oh no I grinded up Tyrone and Chad at a party and I I am raped now"

Rape victim tears??? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

Perhaps this feeling of indignation will help you understand how we fee- nope, the lesson bounces right off the normcuck

You missed the point retard

I'd rather be a retard than someone whose ugly as fuck and blame girls for not having sex with them.

I would too.

so you admit it's because we're ugly😆

Yes. Genetics plays a game in life but not the most important factor. You incels would rather focus on only your looks than other factors about you

This thread is some bad shit

WGTOW gets no hate and I'm pretty sure that there are some real females there. But the thing is they have a few salacious black pills of their own, such as the fact that men get more violent around women in general. I do not discriminate with my black pills, no matter the source.

Non-sequitur. Female Incels don’t exist.

Then there would be a sub called r/incelworship where beta men gather to shower women with gifts and compliments while receiving nothing in return. They would go on and try to match them with Chad as an ultimate act of cuckoldry and self-degradation that only a loser of a beta man could do.

It’s not like there are subs who make fun of feminists who call for the death of men like idiots oh wait... r/tumblrinaction r/shitredditsays And generic cringe subs

and justlegbeardthings

Did you see the thread where they're trying to swat some dude right now because muh mass shooter craze?

There is no real evidence hes gonna do it and you can't go on what ifs. I get banned for even mentioning the word doxx but these cunts can literally libel and attack people like some insane vigilante squad and their sub is still up.

Hell the police would arrest THEM were they males for wasting their God damn time. But since they're (((women))) they'll just tell them to calm down and they'll keep an eye out

Can you link it

https://i.redd.it/4xgp0rhnv8y01.jpg Shit that's the image. Whonky ass programming lol but you'll find it


What a coincidence that an IncelTears poster catches the perfect post one minute after it's made!

I bet that user has been posting on /r/braincels for less than a few months.

They can't wait any longer than that to make it seem authentic because it would get deleted fast.

The person types like they're imitating an incel and it's so obvious.

So ot would just be an IT user getting swatted because he wanted to get upvotes and bully virgins on the internet? kek

Cause they are feminist,fuck this feminist world I mean damn they are beautiful but quit swinging on their flaps.

Yeah cos men are too "thats so gay" to actually work together

Female incels are on tumblr and we all know how well that is recieved here lol

It would tho. Take r/nicegirls for example

All the white knight cucks from IT would be there to put them on pedestals.

There would never be a femoid incels forum lol. The ones that exist are satire. They're aren't enough of them to form groups online.

Implying that this sub isn´t satire. R..right guys?

That's not even true on the pro-woman subreddits lol

media would be talking about the rampant misogyny of far right terrorist internet boards like inceltears

Then why does r/nicegirls exist?

Yeah I do aknowledge that it's can be really hard to find a girlfriend especially if you are ugly and lack social skills but there are ugly girls too and their only option is ugly dudes

Cute, another rape joke. I wonder why women don’t just drop their panties for you.

Where do you live that there are no ugly girls?