The Original Virgin vs Chad meme (1907)

486  2018-05-16 by CountyMcCounterson


The blackpill is nothing new. It was always the case. It's just hollywood and media cucked everyone

Blackpill isnt even a pill, its common knowledge. Bluepill is just virtue signaling.

Me on the right

he mogs me

lol according to the picture, the guy on the left is thoughtful, observant, and a good business man. and the guy on the right is thoughtless and cheap.

huehue i guess looks do determine personality.

They always did. Look at their faces too. The "thoughtful" man has a strong jaw, hunter eyes and the stupid man has a weak jaw and negative canthal tilt. It's the same standards as today.

"Personality" is nothing more than genetic phenotype quality assessment. It's in our genes, humans (and all biological organisms) are robots made of flesh and bones, that scan for genetic quality in others and react accordingly.

We lost the genetic lottery, it's over.

yea always easier to tell yourself its just genetics when there are incredibly ugly men who run fortune 500 companies and bag more ass than a toilet seat. Excuses excuses!

Just be the CEO of a fortune 500 company bro!

Most of those people are onky ugly because they're old and bald, not because of their genes.

Exactly people forget about aging. I was having more success with women in my early 20s than I do right now. The worse thing though is being compared to 18-22 year old Chads (many of whom eventually stop being Chad once male pattern baldness and wrinkles knock them out but statistically some men do remain Chads forever).

You guys are ridiculous you genuinely thing that your genes determine everything that is wrong with you. While genes certainly play a part when you look at things like IQ intelligence is hugely driven by environment and stability we know this because IQ can rise in human populations by 20-30 in a single generation in response to stability.

In much the same way you are not bound by your genes in terms of your personality. The only reason you all believe this is because its easier than accepting you have some agency in not getting laid. I should know I have slept with a lot of women in my time.

You're fucking delusional, some of the wildest, most unprecedented variations in IQ was South Korea's and that was 15 points over three generations from 1946 to 2005. IQ is not static but it doesn't fluctuate nearly so wildly.

Having a good personality only matters if you're good looking enough to get past the attractiveness threshold, anyways. And that is the same reason why very attractive men with horrid personalities still get laid while decent albeit ugly men don't. There is agency, but believing the beta cuck lie that a girl will put out because you crack jokes and are fun to be around is truly low IQ.

I did in fact use hyperbole when I stated the numbers but 15 points over three generations is genuinely a huge fluctuation that cannot be explained by genetics alone.

And dude I have hooked up with like 25 women since my first woman in 8th grade and since I met my girlfriend at 22. I am not giving you some betacuk lie, being funny, making a woman laugh, not appearing desperate, learning how to pick your spots, learning how to just have a conversation with no sexual expectations, learning how to learn when to move from a conversation to flirting will 100% get you some sort of women.

I am not saying you are going to get a hot girl but you will get some girl there is just a portion of the population that is and will always be ugly that still manages to not be incel. This is the number one difference I see bewtween the people on here that are incel and the people on here who are not incel is a certain level of defeatism.

I played hockey in college and I know the feeling from my junior career the first year I got called up to juniors was 2011 and I was terrified so nervous and just wasn't the player they recruit..... but someday in response to some change tyou make like getting in the fgym real hard or hitting rock bottom something happens and you get this overwhelming inner confidence and everything slows down and you become in control of the shit you can control. Its a powerful thing and men who t least minimally get consistent sexual partners all share that trait. You have to border on arrogance you have so much self belief. But because you will never have this level of self belief and you will sit here and wallow in your own misery and the comforting idea of determinism you too won't experience it.

dude don’t come and shit talk with literally the same points that are always brought up. you don’t have to agree with them to not be an idiot.

They get brought up over and over because they are fucking quite clearly true hence why everyone and their mother keeps bringing them up but its easier to delude yourself into thinking your situation is beyond your control.

Don’t speak on a marginalized groups experiences when you haven’t experienced it yourself. Telling them what THEIR (not your) reality is is moronic and narcissistic.

Don't assume that I am not part of a "marginalized group" absent evidence that I am indeed a not a part of one. I am black you doofus.

Ok but that doesn’t mean you understand the plight of a different group. Being black doesn’t mean anything in this case except maybe you should know better being one who understands what it’s like perhaps more than any.

The point is more don't assume what information you don't have.

I knew from your comment you weren’t a part of THIS marginalized group. So my comment still stands.

Funny cause thats not what you actually said, tip from a law student use precisely the words you mean not something approximate to them it might save you some heartache one day!!!!

Ok I see where the confusion was now. You’re right. My fault for not being clearer, I apologize.

its okay upon re-reading your comment I could see where you were coming from I am just busting your balls.

It’s all good man haha


They're ugly now in old age, after putting on weight. They weren't all ugly young. Look at pics of Trump in his youth. He was a billionaire Chad.

Think of someone like Harvey Weinstien he has been an incredibly ugly jew his entire life but that didn't stop him from being an overly confident douche.

jew Hmmmmm.

This sub is full of idiots. I can’t see how any sane person can believe this shit

lol @ any retard who keeps parroting about "muh subjective attractiveness"

people knew what constituted as attractive one century ago, and they do now as well. no amount of PC everyone is equal bs will trump conventional attractiveness

So fucking true. From point A to point B yet those retards think its all about "personality". KEK

Thats not what they mean by "all about personality". If you have a fun and confident personality, that can change the way people see you. I've met chicks I've thought were beautiful off the bat, but after getting to know them, they seemed less pretty and I lost interest. I've seen plenty of girls who are with dudes I thought were way below them, but they still thought they were great. If you are able to work on your personality and become a leader, that adds so much more to your attractiveness score. Become knowledgeable, confident, well rounded, and able to direct people, women will notice and hit you up.


That's both a massive cope and an outright lie, because thanks to the halo effect attractive men are more likely to be associated with those attributes without actually being so, meaning an ugly man that is knowledgeable and confident will still get left in the dust of a Chad riding the HE wave.

True. There's always going to be someone better. But after you get to a certain point, you will be the best in your friend group so it won't matter.

Thanks to the wonderful inventions of the digital age, I'm not merely competing with my friend group, I'm competing with the entire world's worth of Chad dick, all readily available and a mere tap away.

Thirty years ago what you're saying may have been true. But it isn't anymore.

Face to face interaction is always going to give you a better chance. You're there in front of her. She'll already know she's attracted to you and that you aren't dangerous. She doesn't know that for sure about tinder Chad.

That's the whole point, I'm not attractive enough for her to be attracted to me over hypothetical internet Chad #100377Delta, so the competition isn't "Guy she knows vs. Guy she doesn't know", it's "Subhuman lifeform #004Alpha, Ugly Male-type Organism vs. Ubermensch Specimen #3301Sigma, Attractive White Male-type Organism".

There comes a point where you're so ugly women don't consider you a living being, exemplified by my constant experience of overhearing women talk about all kinds of disgusting shit without volume control while close enough for me to hear because they don't register my presence just like we don't register the presence of an ant.

That's what I'm talking about. It's not happening for you right now, but if you lead an interesting life, and learn to lead people, women will find that attractive. Look at Adrien Brody. He's definitely not the best looking guy in Hollywood, but he's got a super interesting life, women will flock to him. I'm not saying you have to become a Hollywood actor, but just improve your life. Make your life interesting and someone will want to join you and be a part of all the cool shit your doing.

Horseshit. Looks is everything in this world. Always have, always will be. Its biological and no one can change that. Everything else is bull.

"personality" means become a cucked betabux fag for women who have growned tired of Chads. If you dont have the looks then money is the reason why ugly fucks get women. Money and Looks are literally everything women care about. Suprise surprise....

No it's not. Why do women want money? Do you think every woman wants to be a mai tai sipping trophy bitch? Some women want excitement and danger. You can give them that without having tons of money. Become interesting, go on trips, develop your sense of adventure. I'll take women canoeing and they think it's the greatest date they've ever been on.

With other words if you are an masculine goodlooking alpha male aka known as Chad, then yes you are right. If you are ugly but have money than there will be no problem either. Like i mentioned before its either testosterone\looks or money, plenty of it.

You don't think you become more masculine by your choices and activities?

Those choices and activites are reserved for alpha males. Those who engage in it are always alpha males from the beginning. Case closed

You can't hike or paddle? What's stopping you?

Because i am a lazy piece of shit

That's a you problem. Don't be a lazy piece of shit.

Too late for that

No it's not.

It is. End of discussion

and yet foids want to (literally) have their cake and eat it too with body positivity, they want to move the goalposts of what is considered attractive to encompass all women, but still only ~20% of men.

it's over for yellowpresscels

I had to embrace the meme

There is truly no bigger death sentence than a recessed chin. It's over for us meltcels

He has a few other flaws as well in case you didn't notice

My indian friend has the mosr recessed chin ive ever seen. Hes a virgin. You cant make this shit up

Chad has an incel nose and nose is the most important part,

It's dimorphic.

Your big nose only looks bad on you because you have weak facial bones

Note: this only applies to profile/3/4 view. Bulbous nose is still a looks killer.

That's not a bulbous nose though. That's a strong masculine nose

not talking about the OP

Nope. A nose is only as bad as the imbalance. Having a big nose is no problem if you have a great jaw and chin.

Yes sure thing sweetie it's your nose holding you back

yeah sure even though that's LITERALLY my face. I'm blaming my face aka a part of my face

The wimp doesn't even have a huge nose, it's just slightly hooked. His tiny underdeveloped wimp skull makes it look huge.

You're a wimp. That guy looks like a giant chad.

Old-school blackpills age like fine wine.

The Lost World by Conan Doyle - 1912

She sat with that proud, delicate profile of hers outlined against the red curtain. How beautiful she was! And yet how aloof! We had been friends, quite good friends; but never could I get beyond the same comradeship which I might have established with one of my fellow-reporters upon the Gazette,—perfectly frank, perfectly kindly, and perfectly unsexual. My instincts are all against a woman being too frank and at her ease with me. It is no compliment to a man. Where the real sex feeling begins, timidity and distrust are its companions, heritage from old wicked days when love and violence went often hand in hand. The bent head, the averted eye, the faltering voice, the wincing figure—these, and not the unshrinking gaze and frank reply, are the true signals of passion. Even in my short life I had learned as much as that—or had inherited it in that race memory which we call instinct.

The thriftles thred which pampred beauty spinnes,
In thraldom binds the foolish gazing eyes:
As cruell Spiders with their crafty ginnes,
In worthlesse webbes doe snare the simple Flies.
The garments gay, the glittring golden gite,
The tysing talk which flowes from Pallas pooles:
The painted pale, the (too much) red made white,
Are smiling baytes to fishe for loving fooles.
But lo, when eld in toothlesse mouth appeares,
And hoary heares in steede of beauties blaze:
Then had I wist, doth teach repenting yeares,
The tickle track of craftie Cupides maze.
Twixt faire and foule therfore, twixt great and small,
A lovely nutbrowne face is best of all.

--George Gascoigne, ca. 1575

Just read the Morning Leader brah

Even 20th century people knew that face and frame = personality.

This is known since the Ancient Times.

The virgin Yellow Press reader vs the Chad the Morning reader

what a blackpill from more than 100 years ago

what a blackpill from more than 100 years ago

what a blackpill from more than 100 years ago


Liberal = handsome

Tory = bad

I'm guessing the Morning Leader was a liberal newspaper.

Watch the faces

It's leafy

One of his descendants.


The guy on the left is hot

You can tell he has a good personality.

Idk he kinda looks angry

Shut the fuck up.


Classic blackpill.

Life fuel for nosecels.

I'm nosecel and chincel


The habitual reader of the yellow press virgin has a recessed chin. Fucking mouth breather! If only the yellow press wrote about Mewing.

The Morning Leader reader has a properly developed jaw and they didn't even have mastic gum back then. What a fucking Chad.

Okay jokes over, how does chewing fucking gum make your jawbone larger?

I think it's supposed to make your already existing jawbone protrude more. Kinda like fixing your posture will make you appear bigger even though you didn't actually gain any mass.

It does if you do it while still growing.

jfl when people are think rolling the clock back 50 or 100 years would solve anything. this is the way it's been since the beginning of time.

Women were under control back then. Giving them rights was a huge mistake.

You guys do realize that this is clearly an advertisement that was designed to imply that people who aren't readers of the paper in question were unmanly, and the people who did read it were manly, right?

So what you are saying is, personality can be described entirely by showing their face

If by personality you mean "manly" vs "unmanly", sure.

Weak jaw theory is time honored

Is that review brah on the right?

They're both getting laid

Pretty ballsy to make propaganda about being ANTI sensationalism.

it was always over for incels. since the beggining of time to this day and age

Jewish males on suicide watch

So what you are saying is, personality can be described entirely by showing their face