53 2018-05-16 by Goolan69
1 9googlyeyes9 2018-05-16
is it microwavable?
1 Goolan69 2018-05-16
Yes. My microwave is named Chad. All the cheese and beef starts to ooze out. It's an apt analogy.
1 DEPTHERROR 2018-05-16
Roasties getting crispy
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-16
Roasties getting toasty
1 usernam028253954936 2018-05-16
So warm in there
1 Dingus_Incel 2018-05-16
Women hate sexual competition. Thats why feminists want to ban porn, sex dolls, and prostitution.
1 throwaway43503460340 2018-05-16
Roasties getting buttery
1 9googlyeyes9 2018-05-16
is it microwavable?
1 Goolan69 2018-05-16
Yes. My microwave is named Chad. All the cheese and beef starts to ooze out. It's an apt analogy.
1 DEPTHERROR 2018-05-16
Roasties getting crispy
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-16
Roasties getting toasty
1 usernam028253954936 2018-05-16
So warm in there
1 Dingus_Incel 2018-05-16
Women hate sexual competition. Thats why feminists want to ban porn, sex dolls, and prostitution.
1 throwaway43503460340 2018-05-16
Roasties getting buttery