Since sex isn't important can we agree to get rid of government funded birth control?

69  2018-05-16 by keyandfeels


This. Women are not entitled to free birth control.

They are in a country that allows it.

The point is that OP believes they shouldn't be entitled to it, that the laws allowing this entitlement should be revoked.

Oh really?

is your name because you keep going and going with the numale cuckoldry

My name is what ever you want it to mean, daddy.

Reproduction takes a man and a woman so contraception benefits an equal number of men and women every time.

What about when Chad is having his 10some?

I guess Chad gets ten times the benefit of contraception then.

Chad is already worth 10x genetic trash like me

That's very true.

Why don't men get free condoms then?

Ever been to a planned parenthood, jackass? Loads of free condoms, as far as the eye can see.

You do realize where you’re asking this question, yes?

Do they have those outside of the US?

I live in Germany, so no, I haven't. I assumed it was only for women because I've never seen it mentioned to have condoms too.

Very polite, my country definitely has planned parenthood.

Uhhh.. yes they do.

They do...

One man can impregnate thousands of women but a woman can only get impregnated by one man.

Not when men get no say in what happens idiot

Sure, condoms etc shouldn't be handed out either by the state in high schools.

No. They should get free birth control. End of story.

Yeah we should

Only if you want to chance getting stuck with a kid after a one-night stand, or pay more for rising costs of people having kids they can't afford. Birth control is good for economics.

None of us are having one night stands, we shouldn't have to pay for other peoples bad decisions.

You're not entitled to free birth control, if you don't want to get pregnant, just keep your legs closed.

I'm saying birth control makes healthcare costs go down by not supporting babies people can't afford. It's not just about personal responsibility, its economically sound.

We shouldn't have to support them either. They made their bed, they have to sleep in it. I live in Connecticut, I'm overtaxed already.

Your taxes pay for the welfare system right now. If people have fewer kids, they're less likely to need welfare. It also drives down costs of medical procedures for risky pregnancies. Birth control puts more money in your pocket.

They should just keep their legs closed if they can't afford kids. I never consented to being taxed to pay for your birth control, your welfare, your kids. Its not my problem. You're not entitled to my money.

Sorry bro, you pay taxes, the money goes where it goes, to things you like such as roads and fire departments, and things you don't like welfare. People have sex all the time, have forever. Ignoring it with the idea, 'just don't do it!' is stupid and not based in reality. I'd rather my taxes pay for them a minor amount to not have kids than balloon at the cost of supporting whole families.

Neither should be covered medically. They should pay for it. They are adults.

That's not how the system is set up though. You don't get to decide where your money goes apart from electing representatives who write the tax laws. Paying a little for everyone to have family planning versus paying for everyone to have a family should be a no brainer.

I don’t care. They choose to have families.

The government should fund intense research for future plastic surgery tech then.

They should


Funny how "keep your legs closed" is dumb, but when guys say they don't want to be a father yet and shouldn't have to pay child support over an accident, the go to response over child support being unfair is always "then maybe you should have kept your dick in your pants, fuckboy"

Willing to bet you yourself have said this.

I've never said that in my life. I've said, "Well shit, that sucks." Guys and girls share equal responsibility for safe sex.

(X) - Doubt

I don't have any reason to be a dick to somebody about their reproductive choices unless they are actively trying to give people STDs. People fuck up about fucking, men and women both, since the beginning of time.

Yet men are the ones who ultimately pay. They have no reproductive rights other than condoms or a vasectomy(which btw, married men need their spouse's signed permission to get).

How is it fair that if both parties make the mistake in protection, the man doesn't want to be a dad and doesnt want to be a part of the kids life, the woman has it anyway and forces the man to pay most of his paycheck to her for the next 18 years of his life. That's slavery. Most mothers dont spend the child support on their kids either.

Then i'm entitled to monthly free 1hour sex with a prostitute

That's not remotely the same thing.

Yeah but men fuck coz of genetics, and we have laws to equalize nature's inequality. That is way i'm right

you taxes pay mostly for corporate subsidies maybe you should be more angry about something that actually matters

maybe you should be more angry about something that actually matters

Like angry virgins saying mean things about women on an obscure subreddit?


We should not have to subsidize your degeneracy. No one is entitled to birth control. Besides, it only benefits females. Female swill continue to have all the rights but no responsibility.

Birth control only for females? Bro, how often do condoms fail? Like, 30-40% of the time. That's a lot of kids. It's good for everyone to have fewer accidental babies.

It fails like 10% of the time. But plan B reduces that.

Condoms have a 75-90% effective rate if used 100% correctly. The pill/IUD/Depo shot is about 95-99% effective if used 100% correctly. Arm implant is 99%. 1% is still a few hundred to a few thousand kids.


Oh sweetie, condoms are 98% effective, you're just too stupid to use them correctly.

If you are breaking condoms 50% of the time then I hope you aren't driving a car jesus christ I bet you crash daily.

That statistic is only if they're used 100% correctly. Normal use drops that number. SWEETIE.

Condoms have a 75-90% effective rate if used 100% correctly.

Lol if 75% is true then people who have sex 10 times with a condom the chance they would have at least one pregnancy is 94%. Stop being retarded.

Perfect use stats place it at around 90-95%. Real world/regular use drops that number. I.e. if you use it 100% correctly, yeah it's that level. If not, your risk increases. Lots of users, lots of room for error.

Planned parenthood and webmd say 98%, what source did you use for 90-95%?

An 18% failure rate for male condoms, so my number was high. It's more like 82%

Efficacy for different forms of birth control typically isn't calculated based on each use. It's calculated based on a year.

So the 85% rate for the typical use of condoms means that 85% of people using condoms (sometimes imperfectly) will NOT have a pregnancy in a given year.

Well, it benefits females and sexually actively males.

It doesn’t benefit you though, does it?

You aren't entitled to that though

Never said anyone was, only that not having randos having babies and not working was better economically. I'll pay for people to not have kids that make everyone pay more. Until they rewrite the tax code, that's the best I can do.

I don’t care about economics. Let the world burn.

I can pay for all that, though.

Move to a different country, or try to elect a government that will change the law.

nah let's stay here and continue using free speech to criticize degeneracy

Ok. See how far that gets you.

If you're just talking about the Pill, it's used for more things than just birth control.

If not, then you can take the viagra out of the equation as well, since that also comes government funded.

JFL viagra is literally blue pill


Sure viagra too

So what about the use of the pill for other conditions? Could they just re-market it for those conditions with temporary sterility as a side-effect?


Still getting birth control then.

So what about the use of the pill for other conditions?

Then a doctor prescribes them the pills for that condition. That's how it works.

OK, so the doctor can prescribe them the pill for their condition. Fab.

Yeah I just said that.

I was just double checking, because I discussed it with someone else earlier and we came to that conclusion too

Viagra isn't birth control sweetie

Since sex isn't important

From the title. If sex isn't important then viagra is unnecessary. Honeybunch.

Sure. I can buy it if I want. You know, because I'm a man who's expected to cover everything out of my own pocket, unlike ahem some people.

If the pill is not prescribed as birth control though, but instead as for other issues, wouldn't it be covered by health insurance anyway, or the nominal prescription fee in countries with social healthcare?

good point. to increase taking responsibility birth control should be very expensive

And it won't change a thing in the short term other than to add to an already overburdened welfare system with the extra kids.

Why would offal qualify for welfare?

Because children already get benefits paid to their parents.

My university used to spend thousands of pounds every year on sexual health clinics, free condoms and "mental health" counsellors.

Utter dross all of it.

Those who will never benefit from contraception and sexual health centres will never see them as important.

Well of course not. Why should the public coffers subsidise something people don't actually need?


Something that YOU don’t need.

Condoms: needed for protection against STIs and pregnancy.

Birth control: needed to prevent pregnancy and to treat and ease the symptoms of other health complaints.

Sexual Health centres: Needed to treat STIs, prescribe birth control, test of for cancers, deal with unwanted pregnancies and to offer information.

Sexual health counselling: needed to help those who have suffered sexual abuse and for those who have unhealthy perceptions of the opposite sex.

These ‘unnecessary’ things are good for public health, autonomy, mental wellbeing and the economy.

The vast majority of the population benefits from these services and should never be revoked because a small minority can’t get laid.

No one benefits from birth control. It only promotes degeneracy.

You offering to adopt some unwanted kids then?

Are you gonna say that to the women who use contraceptives to ease Polycystic ovary syndrome?

Just because you’re celibate doesn’t mean everyone else should be.

Finally, I’d stop typing silly responses if I were you, you need to save your hand’s energy for all that wanking you have to do.

Yes, if adoption laws were more lax, I’d adopt kids. More than one. Since that is not really an option, I give money to kids in need, that is the most I can do currently.

Also, very nice tactic of shaming me for masturbation, even if you have no idea what my views on that are. You’re a Great debater.

So you think it’s okay, that if contraception wasn’t available, for more children to be living reliant upon charitable donations?

Of course I shamed you, you’re shaming women for using contraception. With your views, you should never consider adopting.

If contraception wasn’t availabe, people would think twice before engaging in sinful behaviour. And in an ideal world, adoption wouldn’t be this hard. I’m not even talking about me, adoption is really hard for couples too. I would ease that a lot. And in an ideal world, a lot more people would give to charity.

As for your second paragraph, that doesn’t even deserve an answer, I’m just going to ignore it, and treat you like a equal partner in dispute despite you not doing the same for me.

Sexual activity is not immoral or sinful.

Adoption is hard to protect children.

In an ideal world there wouldn’t be a need for charity.

Sexual activity outside of marriage is sinful and immoral.

Yet no one is vetting couples who have children naturally.

True. I’m talking about something that is achievable.

Well, I guess we are all going to hell for doing that thing our bodies are designed to do.

Oh well.

Your body is also capable of killing. Is it also ok to do that?

Just because you can do something doesn’t mean that it’s not immoral or sinful.

Comparing sex to murder is a moot point.

I’m sorry you’re incapable of forming coherent thoughts.

You are literally suggesting that sex is on par with murder.

Think about what you are saying.

If you were capable of not hating women, then sex my be possible for you AND you actually not equate sex with murder.

I have had sex in the past. I think it wasn’t right for me to do it.

Let me give you an example. We both agree that robbery is a crime. Is it the same as murder? Of course not, but both are crimes. Same way, in my opinion, sex outside of marriage is a sin, like murder. Not the same, but still a sin. We might disagree in it being a sin, but saying that if you are naturally capable of doing something then it isn’t a sin or a crime is foolish.

You’re still comparing sex with murder.

You are comparing sex with murder.

Solution: you think sex outside of marriage is sin, so don’t do it then. But don’t get pissy at the thought of others having a bloody good time.

Also, define sin

Sin is a crime that is destroys your healthy relationship with God and other people. It’s not a legal, but a religious term.

People can have sex outside of marriage. But why should my tax forints fund their adventures when I think their actions are sinful?

You live in fear of God’s judgement, that’s not a healthy relationship.

I disagree with war, yet my taxes pay for the army. Am I whinging? No, because I understand those taxes go towards the benefit of society...

You know, because the picture is bigger than my beliefs.

Suck it up and deal with it.

Well if you disagree with war, then exercise your right to free speech and speak out against it. Just like I speak out against degeneracy.

Also, God doesn’t really judge. You can decide whether you want to sever your relationship with God or not. If you want to sever it, you’re free to do it. The only consequence is that you will live without God. If you prefer that, that is your choice.

Degeneracy in the context of consensual sex between adults doesn’t exist.

That type of sentence is usually followed by saying why.

No, it’s not.

I’m sorry I assumed you were capable of intelligent debate.

I will refrain from responding to you from now on. Have a nice day, and I hope you will find happiness.


I’m breaking my promise to say this:

You have a cute dog.

I know, she’s the best.

for all that wanking you have to do

Does this qualify as virgin shaming?

No, it qualifies as wanker shaming

Are you gonna say that to the women who use contraceptives to ease Polycystic ovary syndrome?

They can get it prescribed by a doctor for medical conditions obviously. Nobody's saying the pill needs to be banned 100%.

Enjoy your ban

Oh no, banned from celibate, woman hating club...

Oh no.

Hey guys, guess what?

I’m having sex tonight, maybe twice.

The majority benefits that is undeniable. Literally no one aside from victims of rape actually need these services and if they find themselves in need of them they should receive them from the emergency services, not from public institutions.

It is utterly unfair that incels like me have to pay taxes that subsidise those vastly luckier than ourselves.

Emergency services are public institutions.

Unless you live in the USA of course, then it’s private...but a rape victim shouldn’t be expected to be burdened with paying for their treatment.

It’s not unfair, it’s life. We all pay taxes for things we don’t all benefit from, but we do so for the benefit of society as a whole.

Seriously, do you guys ever fail to find new things to whinge about because you’re celibate?

Excuse me for not enjoying shelling out money from the public purse so other people can have fun.

And yes. It is life. Life is unfair. So fucking what? Is that what you do whenever you see something you think is unfair? Just go "oh well that's life and life is unfair"?

Public education benefits us all. Healthcare benefits us all. Sexual spending benefits some people in ways they don't need.

We all benefit from good sexual health services...

Some more than others, but still.

No. Some benefit from it immensely some actually are harmed by it. No one on this sub has even come close to benefitting from it.

Why can't the people who use thsee services pay for them? Why me?

almost the same reason for birth control as i dont want to have to support a bunch of welfare babies which is much more expensive.

almost the same reason for birth control as i dont want to have to support a bunch of welfare babies which is much more expensive.

It's not to.allow people to have sex, it's to allow them to not get pregnant when they unavoidedly do because MEN are pressuring them to have sex. You have no idea how good you incels have it because no one is going you to have sex with them and no one is ruining your life.

And by the way, it takes a MAN and a woman to conceive a child so everytime a contraceptive pill is used for contraception it benefits an equal amount of MEN and women.

you are not entitled to birth control

It's all the men's fault eh? Sack up and pay for your own shit. Y'all are empowered now, go make that money.


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Imagine being born a white femoid in a western country living in this day and age. Life’s so easy yet you’ve still failed so bad and you have to resort to trolling incels because they didn’t take your “advice”? Are you really not better than this, pinkgoldrose? I know that you think that you are superior to us but you should reconsider that.

Are you not a white male? And why are you so obsessed with hierarchy and status? I never "thought I was superior to you" and I don't share your obsession with "top 20%" and "bottom 20%" and who is the "superior" person.

You fucking dipshit. WOMEN also LOVE having sex. They all aren't pinkgoldrose. Women can be horny and enjoy sex. They aren't all asexuals like you.

You literally are one of the most dense, self centered cunt out there.

Guess what you can do if a man pressures you into sex? Say no.

I couldn't say no when I was 18 and dating the guy for some months. There were no couples not having sex, I didn't know I could choose, and I didn't know my worth and that I could have left the guy if he was pressuring me.

You guys complain that you've been raised to be too nice to girls and it makes you a failure, but you forget that women are raised to be too nice to guys. We're raised to think it's their sexuality that matters over ours, that sex is to be had when they want it, that they are owed sex.

Funny how women are raised to be too nice and think sex is to be had when men want it, but have NO problem saying no to incels 100% of the time.

Really what you mean is you were raised to never say no to Chad. Women love saying no to incels, nerds, niceguys, betas, etc.

Not true. The man i couldn't say no to was worse in many ways than the incels here.

He was 18 years old, 5'5, he was chubby (180?), he hadn't done any sport growing up and he had never visited a gym, all he did was go to school and get mediocre results, he actually failed his science classes while I knew him and I started dating him after that. His hobbies included playing xbox, watching anime and smoking weed. He was very shy and gentle in behavior, like not looking strangers in the eye and being really weird around my parents. He wasn't sexist, he wasn't mysogynistic, he was sweet to his parents and to small animals. Also, he came from a poor family, he was raised by a single mom because his dad was in prison. He had no money, no ambition or future for himself.

In contrast I was on 2 sports teams, top of the school, and I came from a rich family. I was the fittest, smartest, richest person around (granted I should have gotten out of there to find people smarter, fitter and richer than me to push myself but I was clueless about my qualities and so i had no idea where i belonged) and I still couldn't say no to that guy.

Incels have it very easy. If i couldn't say no to that guy it proves i was raised to not say no to any guy. Fuck off with that Chad bullshit.

He was 18 years old, 5'5, he was chubby (180?), he hadn't done any sport growing up and he had never visited a gym, all he did was go to school and get mediocre results, he actually failed his science classes while I knew him and I started dating him after that. His hobbies included playing xbox, watching anime and smoking weed.

How did you find IncelTears top poster so many years ago?

If i couldn't say no to that guy it proves i was raised to not say no to any guy.

Maybe it proves that you were raised that way. It doesn't prove most women were raised that way. You may be the exception to the rule. Most other women share your people-pleasing deference when it comes to Chad, but take great pleasure in rejecting incels and losers.

Proof? Look at how many nos the guys on this and the other pill subs have collective had. Guys hear no to sex all the time.

Look at how many nos the guys on this and the other pill subs have collective had. Ugly guys hear no to sex all the time.

Funny you mention that because I've had more rejections than any incel i know.

I thought you just weren't trying anymore because you're depressed, or were avoiding men due to depression and anxiety. If you used OLD, you would have a much better rate of matches and potential dates than an incel.

I bet I've had more rejections than you. I'm way past the point where TheRedPill would turn to TheRohypnolPill to hold frame past LMR.

Yeah my rejections were in real life + not getting a second date after going on a first date with guys I met online or in person, but that's also in real life.

I don't think an online rejection counts to be honest. A left swipe is nothing, a ghosting can be they just forgot.

A left swipe is nothing

It's very hard for an incel to ever get a right swipe though. 1 in 1000 lol. That's not just nothing or they just forgot.

not getting a second date after going on a first date

That's just part of dating though. You're not always compatible with everyone. At least if you get a first date there's an opportunity to get to know each other and see if anything is there. I would consider a first date a success.

I have had hundreds (maybe even over a thousand?) IRL rejections that never even got up to first dates because they were too repulsed by me first.

You're a trucel. Respect.

This is why it makes me so frustrated hearing women accuse us of having too high standards, not trying hard enough, or that women are even more alone.

Yeah, it sucks when you can't find a meaningful connection, true love, just shallow connections. But truecels can't find shallow connections or meaningful ones.

When I said I haven't met an incel who's been rejected by several women, it's because I talked to some and asked around. But you're saying you asked out women and none said yes so that's bad yeah.

Which ones never even asked any women? How would they know lol? Fakecels

Because they think they know they are trucel so it's not even worth trying. They think they know they'd only get no's. They might be right but it's kind of like Shrodingder's cat.

Yeah those aren't trucels, just insecure fakecels

Yeah you have it extremely bad.

Shut the fuck up

If he was so nice why did he pressure you into sex?

Cause sex drive?

And that’s when you break up

Because everyone says sex is very important?

There are a lot of important things that don’t need to be done right now this instant, correct? I’m just really not getting how you could possibly believe you had to do everything a guy said

But who breaks up over not wanting to have sex? It was a foreign idea to me. Every kid around was having sex.

Well, who has a boyfriend without sex?

All I'm saying is that they never told us "if you don't want to have sex with him you can just say no and if he's not okay with that you can just walk away, it's okay to not want to have sex, you shouldn't have sex if you don't want to".

It sounds self-evident for you because you're a man, so if you don't want to have sex with a girl, you don't, but women are socialized to lay down and take the dick.

It sounds to me like you have very low self esteem so I can relate to that. How old are you? The concept of consent has been around for my whole lifetime

Are you facially deformed or something like that? Your story sounds like some slacker's wet dream. I went come from a wealthy background as well, went to business school, have been a promising tennis talent, 6'1 tall and lean. Doesn't do shit for me.

Are you facially deformed or something like that?

Are you? Because you're tall, athletic and rich, women should be fighting each other to be with you. Like I said, I dated chubby short unemployed sedentary socially reclusive low achievers from non wealthy backgrounds, so I don't know what you could be doing wrong. The bar is low.

I'm not facially deformed, but I have the wrong shape all over. For men all you have to do is be athletic to have the ideal male body. Athleticism is what is considered attractive for men. I was athletic, but I had a rather manly shape, so that made me an ugly woman, along with my ugly (but not deformed) face and my abundance of freckles.

Your story sounds like some slacker's wet dream.

Even slackers dream of perfect bubbly feminine hot-bodied angel-faced softly-curved Stacies, they aren't going to be happy just because they got a Becky with the wrong proportions. Men really don't have to do anything nor to possess any qualities to be loved by women. Men's love for women however is correlated to how pretty she is.

I’m gonna disagree with this. Don’t want uglies reproducing.

Please don't. Birth control is a misnomer. It should be called a regulatory aide if anything. Until I got migraines and couldn't take it any longer I used it for the following reason: not to have a period. That's it. It let me focus on school and work and pop Advil if it was bad cramps that still happened but never the life halting unstoppable rush of blood and pain that happens for five days off the pill.

It helps prevent various health issues and most women actually don't take it for birth control because we know it's actually almost zero percent effective for that purpose. It has a failure rate. You get warned to remember ONLY abstinence prevents pregnancy when you go for your first consultation.

It also has nasty side effects but it's worth it for avoiding the natural ones.

And plenty of us have never been "active" and just use it to go about our lives.

you're entitled to those migraines, lucky

Hey if you want my migraines you absolutely could have them! Trust me I don't want them!

Yea you’re not entitled to have a migraine free life. Just like incels are not entitled to have sex. Sorry lass, that’s just life, try to get the best out of it :)

Oh I do, frankly I'm trying to figure out the incel thing still because I'm curious. I've never had an interest in sex or dating so the idea of incel has me honestly trying to comprehend it. Overall the take I've gotten so far from this sub is I may need to try and set up people with each other way more than I ever realized..

1, I was just kidding, in an ideal world, we all have someone who we can share our lives with, or if we don’t want that, we don’t. And also we get medication for what our problems are.

2, Setting up incels with someone doesn’t work because incels are ugly, and the most they can hope for is meeting a woman whose mind is temporarily not in the right place. Women are naturally disgusted by ugly men.

You realize birth control can help women with a lot of other things then just not having kids right

Not my problem.

Move then you bitter infant.

You know people use birth control for a number of medical reasons right?

Is that what your 13 year old slutty sister told you? And you believe her, really?

I was put on the pill at 12 for heavy periods. At 14 I was put on them again for ovarian cysts. At 18 I was put on them again because I had a job that didn’t allow me to use the bathroom every hour.

I don’t like medicine. I don’t like knowing drugs are affecting my body. Yet three times I have been put on birth control for three reasons other than to prevent pregnancy.

Sure, then you can get it for that. But if its for just preventing pregnancies, then no.

yall are insane


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Lol no, I was put on birth control for having cramps so excruciating I vomited often and missed school because I couldn’t walk. I started by taking pain medicine, but found myself getting dependent and my tolerance increasing so I switched to birth control and it was life changing.

All those millions spent on whores so that they can whore around and chads so that they can dick around could be spent on the environment. disgusting.

Without bc that money would be going towards the kids caused by sex and then some.


Don't worry guys, you're also getting the benefit of the pill being free by having your hormones absolutely fucked when it's pissed into the water supply.

Lol no. Think of the children.

If its good looking men and women having sex, they are already ahead of everyone in life just from looks.

Its possible to break from that mold when you look good since looks are the only thing that matters in life.

Why is it my problem that women can’t afford their kids and birth control? Maybe they should have settled down with a steady provider to handle these expenses instead of getting dicked down by poverty Chad’s and Tyrone’s.

Boohoo, you're paying $1 more in taxes to avoid paying $10 more in taxes to support all those unwanted children.

I know you want to find every possible way to demonize women, but this is fucking stupid.

Free birth control has always existed. It's called KEEP YOUR FUCKING LEGS CLOSED. CUNT!

thats never going to work just because you dont get sex doesnt mean other people will stop bc you yell at them to, thats never been a thing, people enjoy sex and if society doesnt want a bunch of welfare babies to support there needs to be birth control.

honestly whats more cost effective - birth control or child support for millions of babies?

Keeping your legs closed, death penalty for those who have sex before marriage. Works fine in the middle East. Women are fucking property, cunt.

it makes me really satisfied that you are so frustrated and angry, I think its fitting you are an incel as these are the thoughts you have. I am comforted by the fact that you will never get to touch a woman. Cunt.

almost the same reason for birth control as i dont want to have to support a bunch of welfare babies which is much more expensive.

And it won't change a thing in the short term other than to add to an already overburdened welfare system with the extra kids.

OK, so the doctor can prescribe them the pill for their condition. Fab.

I know, she’s the best.

I couldn't say no when I was 18 and dating the guy for some months. There were no couples not having sex, I didn't know I could choose, and I didn't know my worth and that I could have left the guy if he was pressuring me.

You guys complain that you've been raised to be too nice to girls and it makes you a failure, but you forget that women are raised to be too nice to guys. We're raised to think it's their sexuality that matters over ours, that sex is to be had when they want it, that they are owed sex.

maybe you should be more angry about something that actually matters

Like angry virgins saying mean things about women on an obscure subreddit?