63  2018-05-16 by VartanX


The guy on the left respects women

This is a terrible comparison, the guy on the left is smiling and the left guy is frowning, psychologically that has a big impact on attraction. Not to mention the difference in pic quality and angle

Women are more sexually attracted towards guys that aren’t smiling.

Actually, women are more sexually attracted when the guy isn’t smiling.

you post in /r/polyamory

Yes I'm poly lol


Having multiple partners makes me a cuck?

Lmao why are you even on this sub if you can get a girl or man at all. Leave.

you’re a disgrace.

Wow your father must cry in the shower.

Disgusting cuck fag. Scum like you need to be stoned.

Incel mad??

True, could someone do a morph? I bet that it won't change much.

cant be serious. I refuse to believe someone can be this stupid or cucked.

Imagine being that delusional

The game has been rigged since birth. Minimum of chadlite aesthetics are required to land a half way attractive womyn.

How about smiling for one


Yeah dude. Smiling totally helps. 🙄

Dude he's attractive wtf are y'all talking about??? Y'all just need to smile more bro, soz!


(I am a bot beep boop. PM me Suggestions!)

Good bot

That's me and no I'm not attractive.

Woah shit man. Thats a trucel if I ever saw one.

Thank you man. I've been thinking of suicide for a long time.

How tall are you buddy boyo?

I'm 5'7

It is over for you boyo. Just LDAR, maybe play Black Ops 2 while doing so.

As a man I wait till someone opens their piehole before making my judgement on who has a better personality.

As a man Idgaf about personality if I'm trying to fuck.

As a man I'm not interested in fucking for it's own sake.

Cheap biochemical tricks are for thots.

A man has as many masters as he has vices. If you're into fucking too much, you're controlled by your dick.

That's not manly at all.

I would say the same thing if I weren't getting any pussy.

You'd say the same thing because sour grapes, but I say that stuff because I know it to be true.

I would say the same thing if I weren't getting any pussy.

Who are you guys debating? It's natural that people look at how attractive you are first and then personality when looking for sex or whatever . Is that not common sense?

I wouldn't want sex with an ugly person either no matter how great of a personality she has.

Correct. It is common sense.

A really large amount of the media denies the fact that some people are just done. There's nothing and no one for them. That's what these guys complain about: the delusion.