The most popular subreddits are about bullying others

104  2018-05-16 by yodubsmaneo

I’m on the mobile app and if you select the popular tab it gives you a bunch of random subreddits and what posts are hot right now.

Scrolling through, I saw these:

r/justneckbeardthings r/niceguys r/badwomensanatomy r/iamverysmart

What do they all have in common? Bullying and ridiculing others. This is normie reddit. To make fun of others and put others down while not realizing that they are even bigger losers for wasting their unimportant time. They have no self awareness.

Example: A bald fat dyke thinks she’s better than everyone else. Where does she go to feel this? Those subreddits


Already getting downvoted. Lol get to work IT

Nah it’s cause you’re a tallfag

Face > height

Lol tallfag that's definitely a outcry to being genetically inferior where you aren't past 5'10

I’ve talked to him before. I have a higher darmwinian fitness

It's because Reddit has alot of low level normies that were bullied growing up so they come to Reddit to roleplay as Chad bullies.

Hey, D_Gandy, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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Just fuck off bot you fucking virgin, shower more and get a haircut and some hobbies.

Also cut the attitude

true. I have noticed the low tier normies are the ones who lack self awareness the most.

so are you the gum on the shoe of society being denied sex, or are you high tier? make up your fucking minds.

I am a normie. but I believe in the blackpill to some extent. what's your issue fag boy?

It's the feminist society we live in. It's not bullying people, its bullying MEN thats acceptable. Make a forum called /r/dumbwomen and see how long it lasts before its deleted

To be fair they bullied women on fatpeoplehate too. It's just cognitive dissonance.

And it got deleted...

also racist subs get banned. I wonder tho why they allow bullying of blackcels

Lol seriously. Hard to say exactly what it is but I imagine reddit thinks it goes something like this bullying rich white males>white males> males (in general)>>>poor males>Ethnic males...? I’m not sure of the female hierarchy. Bullying rich white females is prob between males (in general) and poor males

Oh the sweet sweet smell of hypocrisy

My thoughts exactly, this is the most woman hating sub I've ever seen

A reason to be proud

Nothing like hating half the population for sweeping generalizations.

I never understood the appeal of r/badwomensanatomy. None of the posts are particularly funny or entertaining except for some of the ridiculous anime stuff (which gets old after a while too)

That’s literally peak female humor. “Haha this ugly man said vagina instead of vulva LOL idiot virgin” - 200k upvotes, x6 tildes

Those subs absolutely disgust me.

There's a difference between bullying and calling someone out for being an asshole

The grossest part is that the communities they claim to be opressed by were banned by reddit, while they continue to bully with reddit’s blessing. IncelTears continues after r/Incels was banned, r/fuckthealtright continues after the alt right sub was shoah’’s called kicking your opponent when he’s down and it displays a cowardly and niggerish temperament.

Pretty true, they are SJWs that want to live in an echo chamber where any opposing views are removed by "mdoerators"

And they still somehow manage to convince themselves that right-wingers are the uptight ones


gee, why do people think incels are hateful? just doesn't make sense. /s

normies aren’t overly sensitive

If they ain't bullying someone else they'll just bully eachother with Thanos level of bans

Is this parody?

step 1: you incels say some heinous, ignorant, hateful shit, often including calls for violence.

step 2: somebody documents that.

step 3: somehow you're the ones being bullied?

Ignorant and low IQ comment

I dont agree with badwomensanatomy,niceguys and iamverysmart being bullying subs, but justneckbeardthimgs is just shitting on people they dont know. All because they look like a stereotype.

My thoughts exactly, this is the most woman hating sub I've ever seen

also racist subs get banned. I wonder tho why they allow bullying of blackcels

And they still somehow manage to convince themselves that right-wingers are the uptight ones

Hey, D_Gandy, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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