Femcels is not a thing.

43  2018-05-16 by Zafer11


Beggars can be choosers Maybe she wants someone she can relate with who isn't just "I'm settling with you" You should never have to settle with who you date

You cant be a chooser and an incel at the same time. Thats why women cant be incel, maybe their ideal man wont date them but some men will

You're telling me that if this: https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/56213c551400002200c7a241.jpeg?cache=ew6wmfdd1u&ops=1910_1000 offered to fuck you and become your girlfriend, that you would accept wholeheartedly and enjoy it

yes actually ive jacked off to her a couple of times im just that kinda guy

what sub?

/r/trufemcels beware of their Wursties blackpill.

if femcel = female incel, then it's fake

if femcel = feminine male incel, then it's true

but i think that would probably be effemcel = effeminate incel

Look, being a femcel just means you're an ugly woman who gets treated like shit for being an ugly woman. Guys never approach you, people don't want to be your friend, employers don't want to hire you. You are invisible to men period. A man's satisfaction level with his partner is directly proportional to his partner's attractiveness. It doesn't matter if you're an incel, all men hate ugly women and will only settle with them as a last recourse for access to sex. No man dreams of an ugly woman ever, no man will treat an ugly woman well, no man will make efforts in a relationship with an ugly woman. The only hope for a femcel is to babebux for a guy below her league who hates her and keeps jerking off to Stacies.

So... femcels can have sex if they want?

If pig woman can have sex any woman can have sex. But look, having sex is a positive for men, not for women. Why? Because if a woman has sex with she does it because she likes you and wants to please you and is taking a negative for herself to give you a positive.

Men will have sex with war prisoners, kidnap victims, trafficked sex slaves, little kids, animals, etc. It's not a privilege that a man wants to have sex with you. In fact I'm sure you could find a man to fuck you too.

A man to fuck me? Thats a new one... It's over for heterocels.

But look, having sex is a positive for men, not for women. Why? Because if a woman has sex with she does it because she likes you and wants to please you and is taking a negative for herself to give you a positive.

This part of female biology is why incels exist. Who the fuck cares if guys never approach you? You certainly don't give a shit. Go les out. That's what your brain was designed for anyway.

Lol quit coping. Just follow IT’s advice! Take a shower and watch some movies with male protagonists, it’s obviously your personality at fault here.

Females can’t be incels.

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Thanks Nazi_gaming