Minimum personality required to show up on femoids radar

130  2018-05-16 by KnightOfCeldom



his personality shaped his gigajaw which is made of adamantium

Its over for chadcels in 2021

Top alpha, no one can mogg him, he's safe

It's all about looks. Truth.

This guy will be incel in 2020.

all humans will become incel once we discover aliens. its over.

Tentaclechads have been discovered and are not scared to "date". It's over humancels

This has to be shoped. Dude looks like my character on Fable.

Don't mind me just playing with the sliders in elder scrolls.

just lift up elder sliders bro

Can confirm that it's 'shoped'

Hahahaha oh god. You guys think this is the epitome of male attractiveness? Every photo of him looks fake as shit, like he'd speak like a caveman and talk about giving girls "big fuck" before smashing a rock with his head. There's a reason this guy has hardly any followers, and that's because women don't like it when "attractive" features are taken to the extreme. A far, FAR more attractive and realistic man: Looks nothing like this freak, but I still love him. While this dude is a one in 10 million genetic freak, the image I gave is way more realistic and common, and get this, FAR more attractive.


You're just revealing your own autism

Women can't meme

ledditors can't into satire without /s


He holds his longboard like Buster Sword

I look like that guy, would you date me?

You're in denial


it's a troll account kek

Idk, requirements for men are skyrocketing out of control

Mr. Chad, I don't feel so good...

He is too much. Not ugly, just too much.

Never skip neck day folks.

Is there such a thing as too Chad? This guy looks like a cartoon character lmao.

I feel sorry for the guy tbh. He's gotta have some inkling of @I wish I was normal@ somewhere in there.

inceltearss hate him

Ultra gigachad

Doubleplus Chad

Hail Big Brother.

Is this even his final form?

What's up with the dimensions of his skull?

Lmao why is he so square im cri

pls be my gf

Well that was sudden

Is that Thanos?

LMFAO at that NARROW ASS skull and PATHETIC gonial angle.

Anyone who says this guy is a hunk doesn't know SHIT about male sex appeal.

Damn he is ugly.

I mean all women ask is that you not be a terrorist tbh

He literally never seen a clothed female since he was 12.

He looks like a freak. Not attractive at all, imo. Muscles aren’t the biggest attractiveness factor for most women.

Stop taking memes seriously, he's not even a real person

He literally looks like Thanos

Thanos became a chad

I bet half of you guys on here are more attractive than this dude but for some reason you think all women want this. That’s like posting a pic of a girl with wonky balloon tits and saying “guys don’t care about personality they just want huge tits,” which is only true for a small percentage of people. Most would prefer a more proportionate figure. Beauty is subjective but this probably wouldn’t make it to the top of r/ladyboners is all I’m sayin.

This dude looks like an Easter Island statue.

Maybe if you didn't refer to women as "femoids" and started bathing more often you wouldn't be quite so repulsive to them.

I mog him

He uglyyy

Is this a real person?

When he dies his skull should be preserved as a scientific specimen.

jesus christ this meme is getting stale

>When you take one Bogpill too many

it's a troll account kek