Being ugly isn't very fun

45  2018-05-16 by superman1145

Not really a big fan. Anyone else not so big on being ugly?


No man! I love being ugly! The best is when you go out in public and everyone stares at you like your part of a different species. Or let’s not forget when teenagers look at you and whisper to friends. Or even the time where you smile at someone and they avoid you. Nah man, being ugly is just fine.

I see what you're saying, but I don't know I've been sorta wanting to try not being ugly lately that would be an interesting experience maybe

aye it be "you're" my nigga but i feel u doe



fuck off with that pandering to low iq morons

Obviously. Ugly = death sentence. It's over. I just ldar and get my NEETbux. Can anyone recommend some games for me to play or something to do im fucking bored otherwise I'll just drink.

I just want to kill myself.

Have you ever tried volunteering in local community? Doing something positive and helping others can give a massive mood boost - it’s great for the volunteer as well as whoever is being helped.

If you aren’t comfortable working in a team or interacting with strangers then there’s lots of volunteering you can do remotely with a computer, or outdoors stuff where you don’t have to interact too much.

I'm not helping people who look down on me and treat me like shit.

Hate to contradict what you believe, bud, but there are people out there who are in greater need than you, and moreover would be very grateful for your help, whatever you look like.

Then what are you doing for those in greater need?

bro im addicted to rust right now. ever played it?

I love being ugly and scaring everyone by looking up at them

Sometimes it is actually a bit of morbid fun to look in the mirror and marvel at how unattravtive you are. I’m not joking. 99% of the time it sucks but sometimes it’s actually interesting to examine the trainwreck that is your physical form.


It really does suck. I've been gymcelling for about a year now and have put on 40lbs but my face will always be ugly.

I beg to differ. <3

no i hate it man

Nope my personality is top tier so I'm just swimming in the pussy, my man.
