Imagine if you managed to pull off a betabux, then your daughter wears this when going out.
And everytime you complain that maybe she shouldn't be going out with her ass out, People scream at you, call you a misogynist piece of shit, a bad father that learns to respect the body of his daughter.
Fucking lol at the west. I'll bet you my life a radical sexually conservative political movement is coming, there's no way this shit is gonna last. We live in transitional times.
Normoids and progressives are very often whig historians , which gives them confidence that current sexual degeneracy is the highest form of civilized life.
Infidelity, polygyny, and casual sex are in decline and have been for decades. The '70s and '80s were a lot more degenerate than today; women running in the park would be accosted by public masturbators. In fact, 2018 is a great time for a non-Chad in the developed world, because even Midwestern small towns have more cultural diversity than Manhattan did 40 years ago, so you can more easily find a woman whose values match yours.
Women's attractions are trending away from "Chad", in fact. As women are more empowered to pursue what they want in sex and life, the "alpha" guys who do well in business but are selfish lovers tend to become less attractive.
As women are more empowered to pursue what they want in sex and life, the "alpha" guys who do well in business but are selfish lovers tend to become less attractive.
This isn’t the red pill subreddit, this is the black pill subreddit. Chad is literally any very attractive man.
Yeah, whatever you're talking about that's not accurate. Nobody would scream at you and call you and misogynistic bad father for requesting that your child wear something that covers her ass cheeks. Even in our decadent Western culture, that's not a thing.
Nobody would scream at you and call you a misogynistic bad father for requesting that your child wear something that covers her ass cheeks. Even in our decadent Western culture, that's not a thing.
"My daughter is 13, smart and beautiful. I would rather that she was confident in herself and having fun, than spending all day online in forums dedicated to hating people."
As if there were no middle ground between dressing modestly and spending all your days on "forums dedicated to hating people," as if a female could be reduced to Inceldom by restricting her desire to dress slutty.
Sorry Yeahso_no, but that's not true right now. I was told on the ask-feminists sub that a parent should have no opinion on his daughter's clothing - even if she goes out in a bikini, you're controlling and patriarchal for commenting.
it was repeated by many people on the sub and all 10-15 comments had 50+ upvotes. It's the mainstream feminist view. You do not have the right to tell your young daughter not to go out in hotpants.
Most of them are studying gender issues, and a couple of them are professors.
Which makes them a biased sample -- they don't represent "average" or "typical" parents, at least not in the USA. They could represent "average" parents in other countries, but I think that would be uncommon at the very least.
I thought we were talking about feminists, not average/mainstream people. Yeahso said that even feminists would understand you wanting your young child to dress modestly. I believed the same until I was recently shocked to find I was wrong.
Good point, I'm sorry I somehow missed that. You might find other feminist forums where views that extreme are held by only a few, though. There might be something about Reddit feminists that makes them different from others (sort of like how tumblr has a reputation for attracting extremists on a variety of subjects). And most everyday people in the USA who say that they're feminist (because there are mainstream people who call themselves feminists) would feel uncomfortable about something like that, to say the least.
An optimistic and confident ugly dude is a clown in the eyes of femoids. Good thing you overcame your mental issues at age 24 but the situation is different for incels.
My problem is physical (ugly face) and structural (living in a society that allows and aggravates female hypergamy).
Complains about 80% of the females going for 20% of the males
Complains when someone suggests a way to decrease the incel population by re-balancing the population sex ratio from being an even 50/50 to being skewed towards there being more females than males since supposedly that's what 'female nature' wants anyway
Do you guys want to solve the incel problem or not
I'm not sure what you're trying to imply. I don't agree with the 80/20 stuff or the "women want skewed gender ratios" thing. If you actually thought the incel "problem" should be solved by selective abortion of male fetuses, you could have just stated that in a neutral tone, as anyone who wants thorough discussion should. You didn't, though -- you went out of your way to be mean about it ("who would ever want to be your parent?"). We both know that the primary intent of your comment was to insult incels.
Mate, when you're ready to grow up, turn your back on this incel circle jerk of self pity and shitty wisecracks, be honest with yourself and actually start down a road towards becoming someone who makes people like how they feel when they're around you, let's talk more.
Or perhaps you actually like being on here wallowing in misery and throwing coded insults like cuck and Tyrone and what have you at everyone who crosses your path? I bet you don't.
Suit yourself. I was a virgin until 24 so I've got some relevant experience of what it's like being where you are... and what getting out of that is like.
Times have changed, assuming your daughter is yours and you got married around 13 years ago, female hypergamy has ramped up considerably. Your retarded advice has literally no bearing in the current landscape.
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.
Interesting, I see my job as being to teach my kids how to have executive function and be capable of thinking things thru and making these kinds of decisions for themselves.
Brow beating a child, imposing my will at any cost and making any particular pair of shorts my hill to die on isn't teaching this ability, it's delaying and preventing it. Which is far more harmful than any particular pair of shorts.
Oh and people with no responsibility for my child can take their ideas about what they think should be socially acceptable and GTFO. When you're a parent, everyone else thinks they can have all the input they like, any time they like, without any of the responsibility. I used to get mad about this but now I just say k.
As if the only other alternative to "spending all day online in forums dedicated to hating people." is going outside with your ass cheeks hanging out (which is apparently equivalent to "being confident and having fun"
I don't know what's more pathetic, that you thought this was a good retort or that you would let your 13 year old daughter go out dressed like a whore
The ABSOLUTE state of ledditor's LMFAO, and you tell US to go outside. Degenerate is a buzzword but you are absolutely a degenerate
That's not my daughter in the photo btw. Mine wears sun dresses in summertime and jeans on winter. She is a geek girl and all of her geek friends are dudes I could take in a fight if I had to. So I'm not to worried for her welfare.
The point is that I give her the freedom to make choices, so that she learns and grows competent at making good choices.
Do you actually mean that or are you staying that as a clarification for your own benefit so that you conform to the orthodoxy of accepted social critique?
Your comment managed to both denigrate another woman (classic intra sexual competitiveness on your part) whilst exempting yourself from criticism through your gay little clarification.
I mean that people make fashion choices I wouldn't agree with all the fucking time. I make fashion choices other people wouldn't agree with all the fucking time. I'm welcome to disagree with them, they're welcome to disagree with me. I would never wear shorts like that. If I had a daughter I would not let her wear shorts like that either. This woman though? The fact that I don't like her shorts doesn't mean anything to her, and it shouldn't.
Her opinions don't need to affect you. All that matters to you is that you have clearly elevated yourself above her and lowkey called her a slut without using the word. This is how the female mind works - your comments here are meaningless self-validation. Please use another forum for that (I'd suggest instagram, like most females do, but since you've stated you wouldn't dress like girl in OP it's likely you're ugly.)
Sorry. There are social standards and when you go against them, you get judged. Its what it is, and nobody knows it more than the people on this sub. Those shorts wouldn't be considered appropriate or flattering by most people.
Everybody has opinions, you obviously do... and like everyone else I do too. My opinion is that those shorts are fucking ugly.
You keep repeating yourself and trying to build a consensus to slut shame the girl you view as a threat. That's what the majority of social standards are - women group shaming other women that are hotter than them. Just as women will group shame an ugly man who is accused of sexual harassment (would Harvey Weinstein have been judged the way he was if he looked like Brad Pitt?)
Females are vindictive and will seek a consensus on judgment of another's physical appearance (just as you are attempting here) to validate themselves. OK now gtfo roastie.
She's not a threat to me. And you can keep telling me what you think my motivations are but you'll still be wrong. I don't like her shorts. They're unattractive,unflattering, and impractical.
It's like taking a starving African to a buffet but tying his hands behind his back. While he is drooling and begging for food you tell him "Shh boy stop whining, you aren't entitled to food!".
There are plenty of people in this world who choose to remain celibate for their whole life; there are also people who can’t have sex for emotional or physical reasons, and manage to live full, complete lives without it.
People would go crazy if everyone on earth refused to talk to them. You’re not entitled to verbal socialization, but talking to people is a need that you don’t need to survive.
Of course, we all have non-essential needs we want to meet in order to be happy and live a fulfilling life. If you feel that something is preventing you from living how you would like to, then it’s important to take steps to either address whatever issues may be getting in your way, or come to terms with living without - therapy will often be a good avenue to go down.
It’s also good to remember that there are countless people in this world who choose to remain celibate for their whole lives, and don’t die from it; or cannot have sex due to emotional issues, or perhaps disability, and manage to come to terms with it and live a full life. I’m not saying it’s easy to deal with, at all, and as I said you may need help to deal with it - but people can, and do, come to terms with living without sex.
Having a loving, healthy relationship with one’s mother is very important for good mental health. If I have an abusive mother, does that mean I get to hate on any mothers showing affection to their children in public?
Its easy to say that sex isnt important when you get sex whenever you want. Try going without sex for the next 10 years then get back to me. Oh wait, you wont? Hmm wonder why.
I wonder why all the guys who dont get sex or affection from the opposite sex turn out to be depressed and miserable. Hmmm its almost like sex is necessary for phychological well being or something hmmm.
Oh totally! I have sex, and more importantly to me a living relationship, so I completely see that I can't understand what it's like NOT to have that.
What I can see is that I disagree with the precedent bring set in this sub that anyone who isn't having sex, for whatever reason, is entitled to behave horrendously toward those that do have it. It just doesn't make sense, especially when compared with other, similar areas.
To use an example I gave earlier today: we could equally say that having the love of supportive, caring parents is necessary for a healthy emotional life - a directly comparable 'biological need' to love from a partner. So what if my parents were abusive, and I never experienced that? That's going to affect my whole being, my emotional health, my ability to relate to others, my self esteem - everything.
But if I then went out and took pictures in public places of parents and children being affectionate in order to mock them on the Internet, I don't think that would be ok. If I said that any mothers showing affection to their children were whores who should be raped, I don't think anyone would say that was ok.
The bottom line, as I see it: yes, there are ways of being in this world that are vastly easier than other ways of being. If you have a supportive family, if you're attractive, if you're healthy, if you're smart, you will probably find it easier to make your way happily through life (especially when you live in a society that doesn't care for those who are disadvantaged in any way). If you lack in one of those areas though (and most people do lack in at least one) you don't get to blame everyone else who doesn't lack. You have to find a way to make the most of your unique situation, and hopefully be able to reach out for support from others when you need it.
Being vitriolic towards those who you are jealous of is not only unkind, but it's illogical because it doesn't work to help your situation - at all.
I love the racism alongside the perpetual virginity. If Africans are genetically inferior why are they able to fuck, and this reproduce unlike incels??
Because I agree with most of what the Blackpill is. I just got lucky to be somewhat attractive and I can pretend pretty well that I don't hate women IRL.
Lol how would it happen? Nobody knows my reddit account, and this is an alt one that I only log in anonymous sessions or in my cellphone that is always locked. It's nearly impossible for it to happen. My favorite kind of misogyny is free from consequence misogyny.
Until what happens? Being discovered? Well only if magically my gf learn English or if someone who knows her and who knows how to read english have access to my celphone and log in here and read my comments, this is very veeeery unlikely to happen.
I know you will get another girlfriend fast, that often happens to people when their shitty behaviours and beliefs catch up to them and they are outed as hateful, spiteful little men.
I guess its ok to judge but when you take photos and put them on internet its a bit too far. Also ita not a good justification to sexually harrass people which is a crime.
I know that if people dont want to be raped they should pay attention to how they dress like for example you wouldnt leave your door open and expect people not to steal from you.
But if a guy rapes her you cant blame her entirely and say the guy was innocent he still had a choice not to do this crime. Its like telling a thief hes not guilty because the person wasnt carefull enough.
I didn't say that, the person I responded to did. Just taking the argument to its logical end.
Claims people can do whatever unless it causes harms but gets mad about photographs. And yes, according to that person you should be free to whip your cock out.
She's revealing her ass because it's comfortable, not because she wants attention from other men. She's a free independent woman and she can dress however she wants. Maybe if y'all creeps started respecting women instead of viewing them as sexual objects y'all'd've finally get girlfriends. Y'all're pathetic.
You're a a weirdo and a pervert if you look, you are suppose to avert your eyes, you cis pig. if Chad or Tyrone looks or even grabs her ass in public they think its perfectly fine.
I don't go outside much, usually just stores and public transport, but it's enough to see a dozen cases like this a week. It's ragefuel seeing chads getting this infront of my eyes like fuck I need a constant reminder for.
One of the many reasons I hate summer are the more revealing outfits. I know I mustn't look so trying to find a place to "park" your gaze becomes super stressful...
Mate, when you're ready to grow up, turn your back on this incel circle jerk of self pity and shitty wisecracks, be honest with yourself and actually start down a road towards becoming someone who makes people like how they feel when they're around you, let's talk more.
Or perhaps you actually like being on here wallowing in misery and throwing coded insults like cuck and Tyrone and what have you at everyone who crosses your path? I bet you don't.
Of course, we all have non-essential needs we want to meet in order to be happy and live a fulfilling life. If you feel that something is preventing you from living how you would like to, then it’s important to take steps to either address whatever issues may be getting in your way, or come to terms with living without - therapy will often be a good avenue to go down.
It’s also good to remember that there are countless people in this world who choose to remain celibate for their whole lives, and don’t die from it; or cannot have sex due to emotional issues, or perhaps disability, and manage to come to terms with it and live a full life. I’m not saying it’s easy to deal with, at all, and as I said you may need help to deal with it - but people can, and do, come to terms with living without sex.
Complains about 80% of the females going for 20% of the males
Complains when someone suggests a way to decrease the incel population by re-balancing the population sex ratio from being an even 50/50 to being skewed towards there being more females than males since supposedly that's what 'female nature' wants anyway
Do you guys want to solve the incel problem or not
I'm not sure what you're trying to imply. I don't agree with the 80/20 stuff or the "women want skewed gender ratios" thing. If you actually thought the incel "problem" should be solved by selective abortion of male fetuses, you could have just stated that in a neutral tone, as anyone who wants thorough discussion should. You didn't, though -- you went out of your way to be mean about it ("who would ever want to be your parent?"). We both know that the primary intent of your comment was to insult incels.
1 bcat124 2018-05-16
Imagine if you managed to pull off a betabux, then your daughter wears this when going out.
And everytime you complain that maybe she shouldn't be going out with her ass out, People scream at you, call you a misogynist piece of shit, a bad father that learns to respect the body of his daughter. Fucking lol at the west. I'll bet you my life a radical sexually conservative political movement is coming, there's no way this shit is gonna last. We live in transitional times.
1 azucel 2018-05-16
lol poor normaloids think progression is linear
1 bcat124 2018-05-16
Normoids and progressives are very often whig historians , which gives them confidence that current sexual degeneracy is the highest form of civilized life.
Fucking lol
1 michaelochurch 2018-05-16
Infidelity, polygyny, and casual sex are in decline and have been for decades. The '70s and '80s were a lot more degenerate than today; women running in the park would be accosted by public masturbators. In fact, 2018 is a great time for a non-Chad in the developed world, because even Midwestern small towns have more cultural diversity than Manhattan did 40 years ago, so you can more easily find a woman whose values match yours.
Women's attractions are trending away from "Chad", in fact. As women are more empowered to pursue what they want in sex and life, the "alpha" guys who do well in business but are selfish lovers tend to become less attractive.
1 completeutterbuffoon 2018-05-16
Hi neomancr
1 damnsong 2018-05-16
This isn’t the red pill subreddit, this is the black pill subreddit. Chad is literally any very attractive man.
1 SmokeyMcBlunt 2018-05-16
1 GymcellingisCope1 2018-05-16
Just lmao.
1 trevmon 2018-05-16
what the
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
Lol how can you state that in the age of tinder?
1 Trumpisagoldengod 2018-05-16
Wow very often huh? Weird how outside of discussions for my political science degree I've never heard that used lol
1 TruthInBlack 2018-05-16
Fucking lol
1 BF8211 2018-05-16
“Would you like fries with that?”
1 trevmon 2018-05-16
bro just whig maxx
1 Kevioli 2018-05-16
Oooooor you let people whatever they want and let them experience the consequences.
1 Yeahso_no 2018-05-16
Yeah, whatever you're talking about that's not accurate. Nobody would scream at you and call you and misogynistic bad father for requesting that your child wear something that covers her ass cheeks. Even in our decadent Western culture, that's not a thing.
1 Incel9876 2018-05-16
Sure it is, right here in this thread:
"My daughter is 13, smart and beautiful. I would rather that she was confident in herself and having fun, than spending all day online in forums dedicated to hating people."
As if there were no middle ground between dressing modestly and spending all your days on "forums dedicated to hating people," as if a female could be reduced to Inceldom by restricting her desire to dress slutty.
1 Trumpisagoldengod 2018-05-16
Your reading comprehension is top notch. No screaming, nothing about bad fathering or mysogony.
1 LinksLight 2018-05-16
Sorry Yeahso_no, but that's not true right now. I was told on the ask-feminists sub that a parent should have no opinion on his daughter's clothing - even if she goes out in a bikini, you're controlling and patriarchal for commenting.
1 PotatoSilencer 2018-05-16
The people on some sub have no authority in people's lives so why does it matter what you heard there?
1 LinksLight 2018-05-16
the responders there represent the current feminist view. A couple of them are professors.
1 Jxioebdoxbeo 2018-05-16
Do you take any random person's comments as absolute truth for whatever group that person is a member of? That seem gullible.
1 LinksLight 2018-05-16
it was repeated by many people on the sub and all 10-15 comments had 50+ upvotes. It's the mainstream feminist view. You do not have the right to tell your young daughter not to go out in hotpants.
1 Quixificent 2018-05-16
Which makes them a biased sample -- they don't represent "average" or "typical" parents, at least not in the USA. They could represent "average" parents in other countries, but I think that would be uncommon at the very least.
1 LinksLight 2018-05-16
I thought we were talking about feminists, not average/mainstream people. Yeahso said that even feminists would understand you wanting your young child to dress modestly. I believed the same until I was recently shocked to find I was wrong.
1 Quixificent 2018-05-16
Good point, I'm sorry I somehow missed that. You might find other feminist forums where views that extreme are held by only a few, though. There might be something about Reddit feminists that makes them different from others (sort of like how tumblr has a reputation for attracting extremists on a variety of subjects). And most everyday people in the USA who say that they're feminist (because there are mainstream people who call themselves feminists) would feel uncomfortable about something like that, to say the least.
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
My daughter is 13, smart and beautiful.
I would rather that she was confident in herself and having fun, than spending all day online in forums dedicated to hating people.
What was the question again?
1 bcat124 2018-05-16
Just LOL that your idea of "confidence" and "having fun" includes walking the street with your ass cheeks showing like a slut. OK dude.
Also, your daughter is happy because she was born a woman in a western gynocracy and won the genetic lottery to be beautiful.
I hope you have an ugly ass son and he becomes an incel, that might give you a little blackpill in your life.
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
I was a virgin until age 24, so I have some idea of how shitty it is feeling sorry for yourself and feeling unlovable.
I got out of all that. Negativity and self-loathing are a self fulfilling prophecy. But optimism is too. :-)
1 bcat124 2018-05-16
An optimistic and confident ugly dude is a clown in the eyes of femoids. Good thing you overcame your mental issues at age 24 but the situation is different for incels.
My problem is physical (ugly face) and structural (living in a society that allows and aggravates female hypergamy).
1 Trumpisagoldengod 2018-05-16
You're using hypergamy wrong, you know like the rest of this sub does so it can't justify its women hate lol
1 keyandfeels 2018-05-16
Dude just admit you're just as much of the loser as the rest of us.
1 Administrative_Camel 2018-05-16
This is why if I could have kids I'd just abort any male fetus that starts developing and try again.
Who wants to be the parent of one of you incels? Having male offspring is too risky
1 Quixificent 2018-05-16
Well, that was hateful.
1 Administrative_Camel 2018-05-16
Do you guys want to solve the incel problem or not
1 Quixificent 2018-05-16
I'm not sure what you're trying to imply. I don't agree with the 80/20 stuff or the "women want skewed gender ratios" thing. If you actually thought the incel "problem" should be solved by selective abortion of male fetuses, you could have just stated that in a neutral tone, as anyone who wants thorough discussion should. You didn't, though -- you went out of your way to be mean about it ("who would ever want to be your parent?"). We both know that the primary intent of your comment was to insult incels.
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-05-16
The question was: who does your wife like fucking more, Chad or Tyrone?
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
I'll ask her! I'm guessing probably not you.
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-05-16
Hard to keep track of all your wife's lovers? It will be worth it one day, maybe tyrone will get you that Nintendo switch you've been pining for.
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
Mate, when you're ready to grow up, turn your back on this incel circle jerk of self pity and shitty wisecracks, be honest with yourself and actually start down a road towards becoming someone who makes people like how they feel when they're around you, let's talk more.
Or perhaps you actually like being on here wallowing in misery and throwing coded insults like cuck and Tyrone and what have you at everyone who crosses your path? I bet you don't.
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-05-16
Fuck off betabux any advice you thing you have to give me is dogshit
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
Suit yourself. I was a virgin until 24 so I've got some relevant experience of what it's like being where you are... and what getting out of that is like.
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-05-16
Times have changed, assuming your daughter is yours and you got married around 13 years ago, female hypergamy has ramped up considerably. Your retarded advice has literally no bearing in the current landscape.
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
Ok, good luck... When you make it, be sure to come back here and help those who are still struggling!
1 PotatoSilencer 2018-05-16
You're a better man than me dude I used to try and help incels but they're so resistant to the truth it's amazing... and disheartening.
1 nofishtocatch 2018-05-16
It's great you've made it out. Don't take her for granted or you'll be in a world of hurt in today's dating scene if you're single again.
1 keyandfeels 2018-05-16
I'd rather be an incel than have some used up roastie settle for me...
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-05-16
You literally let your daughter wear whatever she wants at fucking 13.
Nobody should be taking advice from you.
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
Oh dear. When you have kids you'll get it.
On Children Kahlil Gibran
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-05-16
I know more than enough people with children to hold an opinion on it.
A parent's goal is to guide their child forward in life and to teach them right from wrong. If you're not doing that, then you're failin.g
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
What right and wrong do you perceive here, exactly?
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-05-16
Not guiding your children on what is socially acceptable to wear or not.
If you let your daughter wear things where her buttocks are exposed - at 13 - then you're just not a good parent in that area.
I, and no parent that I know (many of which I highly respect), would never sexualize their daughters at the age of 13.
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
Interesting, I see my job as being to teach my kids how to have executive function and be capable of thinking things thru and making these kinds of decisions for themselves.
Brow beating a child, imposing my will at any cost and making any particular pair of shorts my hill to die on isn't teaching this ability, it's delaying and preventing it. Which is far more harmful than any particular pair of shorts.
Oh and people with no responsibility for my child can take their ideas about what they think should be socially acceptable and GTFO. When you're a parent, everyone else thinks they can have all the input they like, any time they like, without any of the responsibility. I used to get mad about this but now I just say k.
1 Trumpisagoldengod 2018-05-16
aww someone's triggered lol
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-05-16
Aww sweetie
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-05-16
As if the only other alternative to "spending all day online in forums dedicated to hating people." is going outside with your ass cheeks hanging out (which is apparently equivalent to "being confident and having fun"
I don't know what's more pathetic, that you thought this was a good retort or that you would let your 13 year old daughter go out dressed like a whore
The ABSOLUTE state of ledditor's LMFAO, and you tell US to go outside. Degenerate is a buzzword but you are absolutely a degenerate
1 keyandfeels 2018-05-16
Kind of weird to think of your daughter like that dude...
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
When you have a child you'll get it.
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
Wow your daughter will probably be in '16 and pregnant' in a few years.
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
That's not my daughter in the photo btw. Mine wears sun dresses in summertime and jeans on winter. She is a geek girl and all of her geek friends are dudes I could take in a fight if I had to. So I'm not to worried for her welfare.
The point is that I give her the freedom to make choices, so that she learns and grows competent at making good choices.
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
In the end we all know she'll choose chad.
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
As long as anyone she chooses to be with makes her happy, I couldn't care less what stupid labels anyone else wants to apply.
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-05-16
I would actually care about politics if that came into play
1 Modshroom128 2018-05-16
why don't you move to saudi arabia
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-05-16
1 SophisticatedBean 2018-05-16
The East/West polarization along the freedom dimension leads to the stultification of both.
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
I'd just expell the hoe from my house. If she wants to dress as a prostitute then she must provide for herself being a real prostitute.
1 Invisible_247 2018-05-16
1 TfwNoMommyGf 2018-05-16
God I want to grab that ass.
1 KarlEss 2018-05-16
As a buttman I want to rim and fuck that ass.
1 ricoue 2018-05-16
You can if you're hot
1 trevmon 2018-05-16
I used to grab asses in bars
1 General_Duggah 2018-05-16
1 Yeahso_no 2018-05-16
It's like she's wearing a denim diaper. Its not even flattering. She's welcome to wear whatever she wants to, O_o
1 TfwNoMommyGf 2018-05-16
1 Yeahso_no 2018-05-16
1 TfwNoMommyGf 2018-05-16
Can you be my mommy gf pls?
1 WahmenMustDIe 2018-05-16
dayum straight out ghosted
1 geoffreylambert 2018-05-16
Do you actually mean that or are you staying that as a clarification for your own benefit so that you conform to the orthodoxy of accepted social critique?
Your comment managed to both denigrate another woman (classic intra sexual competitiveness on your part) whilst exempting yourself from criticism through your gay little clarification.
Just lol at the mendacity of females.
1 Yeahso_no 2018-05-16
I mean that people make fashion choices I wouldn't agree with all the fucking time. I make fashion choices other people wouldn't agree with all the fucking time. I'm welcome to disagree with them, they're welcome to disagree with me. I would never wear shorts like that. If I had a daughter I would not let her wear shorts like that either. This woman though? The fact that I don't like her shorts doesn't mean anything to her, and it shouldn't.
1 geoffreylambert 2018-05-16
Do you even hear yourself?
1 Yeahso_no 2018-05-16
Yep. Also she she she. My choices and opinions don't affect her.
1 geoffreylambert 2018-05-16
Her opinions don't need to affect you. All that matters to you is that you have clearly elevated yourself above her and lowkey called her a slut without using the word. This is how the female mind works - your comments here are meaningless self-validation. Please use another forum for that (I'd suggest instagram, like most females do, but since you've stated you wouldn't dress like girl in OP it's likely you're ugly.)
1 Yeahso_no 2018-05-16
Sorry. There are social standards and when you go against them, you get judged. Its what it is, and nobody knows it more than the people on this sub. Those shorts wouldn't be considered appropriate or flattering by most people.
Everybody has opinions, you obviously do... and like everyone else I do too. My opinion is that those shorts are fucking ugly.
1 geoffreylambert 2018-05-16
You keep repeating yourself and trying to build a consensus to slut shame the girl you view as a threat. That's what the majority of social standards are - women group shaming other women that are hotter than them. Just as women will group shame an ugly man who is accused of sexual harassment (would Harvey Weinstein have been judged the way he was if he looked like Brad Pitt?)
Females are vindictive and will seek a consensus on judgment of another's physical appearance (just as you are attempting here) to validate themselves. OK now gtfo roastie.
1 Yeahso_no 2018-05-16
She's not a threat to me. And you can keep telling me what you think my motivations are but you'll still be wrong. I don't like her shorts. They're unattractive,unflattering, and impractical.
1 Awesomefusion 2018-05-16
harvey weinstein probably wouldn't be bad looking if he wasn't so fat
1 MMDT 2018-05-16
High iq response
1 IncelistanWillRise 2018-05-16
She only wears it for herself you misogynistic freak! Saying anything else is pure sexism!
1 trivial0 2018-05-16
Don't go to places where many people gather. You'll be forced to see meat that is not meant for you.
1 SlashSero 2018-05-16
It's like taking a starving African to a buffet but tying his hands behind his back. While he is drooling and begging for food you tell him "Shh boy stop whining, you aren't entitled to food!".
1 Trumpisagoldengod 2018-05-16
Lol yep because not getting sex and not having food are the exact same thing!
1 SmokeyMcBlunt 2018-05-16
normie reply:
Yeah but food isn't the same as sex!! HURrrrprpppp you need food to survive!111
1 LuigiOuiOui 2018-05-16
Is that not true?
1 SmokeyMcBlunt 2018-05-16
2 words (with bonus 3rd):
1 LuigiOuiOui 2018-05-16
Mental health is very very important, and any problems someone has need to be treated with appropriate therapy/medication. Not sex.
Starvation can only be treated with food/medical nutritional intervention.
1 GymcellingisCope1 2018-05-16
Sex is an important part of a healthy self-esteem.
Find me one person who has a healthy perception of themselves who has never had a romantic encounter.
1 LuigiOuiOui 2018-05-16
There are plenty of people in this world who choose to remain celibate for their whole life; there are also people who can’t have sex for emotional or physical reasons, and manage to live full, complete lives without it.
1 GymcellingisCope1 2018-05-16
Do you know one in real life? Let me talk to them.
1 LuigiOuiOui 2018-05-16
Yes, I know a couple of older people who never had romantic relationships in their lives. No, I’m not going to put you in touch with them, sorry.
1 trevmon 2018-05-16
they don't exist
or are miserable
1 Awesomefusion 2018-05-16
tons of priests dude
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
Closeted pedophiles
1 Awesomefusion 2018-05-16
im sure lots werent and got through fine, but i do generally agree sex or sexual release is pretty important
1 trevmon 2018-05-16
therapy such as a sex therapist maybe
1 LuigiOuiOui 2018-05-16
Not sure if you know what sex therapists actually do, but be prepared to be very disappointed
1 KolaDesi 2018-05-16
If you really cared about mental health you wouldn't be in a crab-bucket subreddit and went to therapy.
1 ChromeHomeDome 2018-05-16
People would go crazy if everyone on earth refused to talk to them. You’re not entitled to verbal socialization, but talking to people is a need that you don’t need to survive.
1 LuigiOuiOui 2018-05-16
Of course, we all have non-essential needs we want to meet in order to be happy and live a fulfilling life. If you feel that something is preventing you from living how you would like to, then it’s important to take steps to either address whatever issues may be getting in your way, or come to terms with living without - therapy will often be a good avenue to go down.
It’s also good to remember that there are countless people in this world who choose to remain celibate for their whole lives, and don’t die from it; or cannot have sex due to emotional issues, or perhaps disability, and manage to come to terms with it and live a full life. I’m not saying it’s easy to deal with, at all, and as I said you may need help to deal with it - but people can, and do, come to terms with living without sex.
1 GymcellingisCope1 2018-05-16
Mental health.
1 LuigiOuiOui 2018-05-16
Having a loving, healthy relationship with one’s mother is very important for good mental health. If I have an abusive mother, does that mean I get to hate on any mothers showing affection to their children in public?
1 GymcellingisCope1 2018-05-16
Good point.
1 trevmon 2018-05-16
no sex is a biological need
1 LuigiOuiOui 2018-05-16
No it isn’t.
Thousands of years of monks and nuns, among many others, disprove your statement completely.
1 JackedAsFuck 2018-05-16
Its easy to say that sex isnt important when you get sex whenever you want. Try going without sex for the next 10 years then get back to me. Oh wait, you wont? Hmm wonder why.
I wonder why all the guys who dont get sex or affection from the opposite sex turn out to be depressed and miserable. Hmmm its almost like sex is necessary for phychological well being or something hmmm.
1 LuigiOuiOui 2018-05-16
Oh totally! I have sex, and more importantly to me a living relationship, so I completely see that I can't understand what it's like NOT to have that.
What I can see is that I disagree with the precedent bring set in this sub that anyone who isn't having sex, for whatever reason, is entitled to behave horrendously toward those that do have it. It just doesn't make sense, especially when compared with other, similar areas.
To use an example I gave earlier today: we could equally say that having the love of supportive, caring parents is necessary for a healthy emotional life - a directly comparable 'biological need' to love from a partner. So what if my parents were abusive, and I never experienced that? That's going to affect my whole being, my emotional health, my ability to relate to others, my self esteem - everything.
But if I then went out and took pictures in public places of parents and children being affectionate in order to mock them on the Internet, I don't think that would be ok. If I said that any mothers showing affection to their children were whores who should be raped, I don't think anyone would say that was ok.
The bottom line, as I see it: yes, there are ways of being in this world that are vastly easier than other ways of being. If you have a supportive family, if you're attractive, if you're healthy, if you're smart, you will probably find it easier to make your way happily through life (especially when you live in a society that doesn't care for those who are disadvantaged in any way). If you lack in one of those areas though (and most people do lack in at least one) you don't get to blame everyone else who doesn't lack. You have to find a way to make the most of your unique situation, and hopefully be able to reach out for support from others when you need it.
Being vitriolic towards those who you are jealous of is not only unkind, but it's illogical because it doesn't work to help your situation - at all.
1 CantCookLeftHook 2018-05-16
But in this case I can laugh at you guys because it's self inflicted because if your shitty views, looks, and personalities.
1 SlashSero 2018-05-16
Africans are starving because of their genetically low IQ, shitty views and shitty society. I guess you could also call that self-inflicted.
1 CantCookLeftHook 2018-05-16
I love the racism alongside the perpetual virginity. If Africans are genetically inferior why are they able to fuck, and this reproduce unlike incels??
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
And get lots of STDs
1 CantCookLeftHook 2018-05-16
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
No thanks, my gf is STD free she's not some used roastie
1 CantCookLeftHook 2018-05-16
Then why you on here if you're getting laid so often??
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
Because I agree with most of what the Blackpill is. I just got lucky to be somewhat attractive and I can pretend pretty well that I don't hate women IRL.
1 CantCookLeftHook 2018-05-16
Does your girlfriend know?
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
No, she don't understand English so I'm safe.
1 CantCookLeftHook 2018-05-16
I can't wait for someone to tell her and she leaves you lol
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
Lol how would it happen? Nobody knows my reddit account, and this is an alt one that I only log in anonymous sessions or in my cellphone that is always locked. It's nearly impossible for it to happen. My favorite kind of misogyny is free from consequence misogyny.
1 CantCookLeftHook 2018-05-16
I bet. You're just killing time until it happens.
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
Until what happens? Being discovered? Well only if magically my gf learn English or if someone who knows her and who knows how to read english have access to my celphone and log in here and read my comments, this is very veeeery unlikely to happen.
1 CantCookLeftHook 2018-05-16
I know you will get another girlfriend fast, that often happens to people when their shitty behaviours and beliefs catch up to them and they are outed as hateful, spiteful little men.
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
Hahah, resentful.
1 CantCookLeftHook 2018-05-16
Nah homie, I'm good.
1 Lawrence_of_Incelia 2018-05-16
Along the same lines... more escalator fun :)
1 [deleted] 2018-05-16
1 SmokeyMcBlunt 2018-05-16
get that shit out of here
1 TwoGendersOneIncel 2018-05-16
No, just no. Utterly disgusting.
1 Cornfapper 2018-05-16
>being this gay
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
For chad's use only.
1 PPPD-488 2018-05-16
Where is that from?
1 Lawrence_of_Incelia 2018-05-16
I got this off 4chan several months ago- she's actually a porn model, but I can't remember her name. Can't recall more than that, sorry to say.
1 Monkey_Jerk 2018-05-16
"I wear that because it's comfortable, not for men to stare at me".
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
I wear daisy dukes because they are comfortable and I'm happy with my body.
People need to stop objectifying me with all of these "shave your legs" and "your balls are hanging out" unwanted comnents.
1 BlunderSiege 2018-05-16
Bumblebee tuna.
1 Westcoastincel 2018-05-16
shes whore maxing
1 Blade22 2018-05-16
They dress like this and then complain why they get raped.
1 [deleted] 2018-05-16
1 sabadr 2018-05-16
"Were not creepy"
1 azucel 2018-05-16
always blame men, never the whore for dressing in skimpy ass clothes
1 sabadr 2018-05-16
Shes not hurting you physically .everybody is free to do what they want unless they cause harm or violate other peoples rights
1 azucel 2018-05-16
Sure, you’re free to do whatever you like I agree. But you are not excempt from judgement
1 sabadr 2018-05-16
I guess its ok to judge but when you take photos and put them on internet its a bit too far. Also ita not a good justification to sexually harrass people which is a crime. I know that if people dont want to be raped they should pay attention to how they dress like for example you wouldnt leave your door open and expect people not to steal from you. But if a guy rapes her you cant blame her entirely and say the guy was innocent he still had a choice not to do this crime. Its like telling a thief hes not guilty because the person wasnt carefull enough.
1 CommonMisspellingBot 2018-05-16
Hey, sabadr, just a quick heads-up:
harrass is actually spelled harass. You can remember it by one r, two s’s.
Have a nice day!
The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.
1 der_nietzsche 2018-05-16
Is this pic hurting you physically? No, then why do you care? Hmm
1 ibtem 2018-05-16
ok I guess I can whip my dick out too and jerk off in front of a woman. Is it hurting her physically? no? why do you care?
idiot. idiot. idiot.
1 der_nietzsche 2018-05-16
I didn't say that, the person I responded to did. Just taking the argument to its logical end.
Claims people can do whatever unless it causes harms but gets mad about photographs. And yes, according to that person you should be free to whip your cock out.
1 Trumpisagoldengod 2018-05-16
Lol not the same thing at all, you are super high iq if you think they are ;p
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-05-16
Shut the fuck up. This whore deserves jail time
1 xtsv 2018-05-16
He is also free to take pictures as long as it isn't illegal in the country he does it in.
1 KhalilYousuf3 2018-05-16
arent you muslim? how can you support this?
1 sabadr 2018-05-16
Im not muslim i live in a muslim country. I have my own standards
1 GymcellingisCope1 2018-05-16
It's only creepy if you're ugly.
1 futmut 2018-05-16
Remember guys, she only dresses like that for her self😉
1 iQ9k 2018-05-16
Look at all that degeneracy coming out of her shorts
1 mferguson2 2018-05-16
Probably a dude trolling in real life lol
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-16
IT sees nothing wrong with this of course,women do no wrong
1 Trumpisagoldengod 2018-05-16
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-05-16
This should be a jailable offense
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
I completely agree
1 T-Earl-Grey-Hot 2018-05-16
Just look at it be horny and accept you can't touch it bro
1 escapetheinceldom 2018-05-16
She's revealing her ass because it's comfortable, not because she wants attention from other men. She's a free independent woman and she can dress however she wants. Maybe if y'all creeps started respecting women instead of viewing them as sexual objects y'all'd've finally get girlfriends. Y'all're pathetic.
1 kurdishpower01 2018-05-16
Sorry government-controlled leader that I must follow because my schooling said so.
1 CelderSrolls 2018-05-16
1 dankvader23 2018-05-16
Howdy partner 🤠
1 shineoneme 2018-05-16
Ok cuck
1 restlessly_injected 2018-05-16
just started humping them there, who cares
1 celaway1696 2018-05-16
It's for Chad only.
1 LinksLight 2018-05-16
strange that the post is 18+..nsfw..yet she's in public, obviously in a place where children could be
1 spaincel 2018-05-16
If you live in Poland be prepared to die of rage and envy
1 xtsv 2018-05-16
Poland is lost.
1 spaincel 2018-05-16
what do you means?
1 xtsv 2018-05-16
Mass brainwashing by Hollywood.
1 SmokeyMcBlunt 2018-05-16
you're not in spain?
1 spaincel 2018-05-16
fortunately no
1 yomommani88a 2018-05-16
rage and envy of who?
1 spaincel 2018-05-16
rage and suicidefuel and envy of polish normies
1 CountyMcCounterson 2018-05-16
tfw no eastern european gf
1 spaincel 2018-05-16
I can't even imagine that situation
1 Bandic00tCapnCrunch 2018-05-16
This will probably be common clothing in ten years.
1 dankvader23 2018-05-16
for chad's eyes only.
1 MansplainingisaCrime 2018-05-16
She's dressing like that because it is comfortable. How desperate do you have to be to even notice it? /s
1 YouAreWrongKid 2018-05-16
You're a a weirdo and a pervert if you look, you are suppose to avert your eyes, you cis pig. if Chad or Tyrone looks or even grabs her ass in public they think its perfectly fine.
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-16
For Chad eyes only
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-05-16
Legit, I see so many qt bare legs outside
1 Dellarie 2018-05-16
And here I thought it couldn't be more over...
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-16
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-16
I do it for me teehee! I need to leave this forum, I hate wymyn way too much. The levels of hate are reaching levels I never thought possible.
1 MAGAParty 2018-05-16
Summer truly brings out the degeneracy of the common thot
1 movielover2018 2018-05-16
Just grab it
1 Sadguy213 2018-05-16
"Female empowerment"
1 SoonelyDoodely 2018-05-16
I don't go outside much, usually just stores and public transport, but it's enough to see a dozen cases like this a week. It's ragefuel seeing chads getting this infront of my eyes like fuck I need a constant reminder for.
1 48Cats 2018-05-16
Every day is hell. If I see a woman in public, I get triggered and consider driving off a bridge on my way back home.
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-16
Today I got in the elevator with a femoid so gorgeous that I was ashamed for existing near her
1 SyrusDrake 2018-05-16
One of the many reasons I hate summer are the more revealing outfits. I know I mustn't look so trying to find a place to "park" your gaze becomes super stressful...
1 Cornfapper 2018-05-16
I don't know about you guys but I kinda like looking at nice asses even though I can't get laid
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
Mate, when you're ready to grow up, turn your back on this incel circle jerk of self pity and shitty wisecracks, be honest with yourself and actually start down a road towards becoming someone who makes people like how they feel when they're around you, let's talk more.
Or perhaps you actually like being on here wallowing in misery and throwing coded insults like cuck and Tyrone and what have you at everyone who crosses your path? I bet you don't.
1 Trumpisagoldengod 2018-05-16
aww someone's triggered lol
1 LuigiOuiOui 2018-05-16
Of course, we all have non-essential needs we want to meet in order to be happy and live a fulfilling life. If you feel that something is preventing you from living how you would like to, then it’s important to take steps to either address whatever issues may be getting in your way, or come to terms with living without - therapy will often be a good avenue to go down.
It’s also good to remember that there are countless people in this world who choose to remain celibate for their whole lives, and don’t die from it; or cannot have sex due to emotional issues, or perhaps disability, and manage to come to terms with it and live a full life. I’m not saying it’s easy to deal with, at all, and as I said you may need help to deal with it - but people can, and do, come to terms with living without sex.
1 Administrative_Camel 2018-05-16
Do you guys want to solve the incel problem or not
1 BulbousOar 2018-05-16
What right and wrong do you perceive here, exactly?
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-05-16
Not guiding your children on what is socially acceptable to wear or not.
If you let your daughter wear things where her buttocks are exposed - at 13 - then you're just not a good parent in that area.
I, and no parent that I know (many of which I highly respect), would never sexualize their daughters at the age of 13.
1 Quixificent 2018-05-16
I'm not sure what you're trying to imply. I don't agree with the 80/20 stuff or the "women want skewed gender ratios" thing. If you actually thought the incel "problem" should be solved by selective abortion of male fetuses, you could have just stated that in a neutral tone, as anyone who wants thorough discussion should. You didn't, though -- you went out of your way to be mean about it ("who would ever want to be your parent?"). We both know that the primary intent of your comment was to insult incels.
1 spaincel 2018-05-16
I can't even imagine that situation