Normies whenever they try to explain why white men are very desired by women

125  2018-05-16 by Neandercel


Most whites have jobs.

So do most other races you bigot

whites can get jobs easier than nonwhites

my cousin changed his name from an indian name to dave and the amount of interviews he got skyrocketed

This is statistically proven as well. Any non-white name is a disadvantage.

Look at the downvote cope from altrightcels

Let me rephrase. Generally speaking white men, and asian men statistacally are more likely to have a job. Not saying that no other race can have a job. Just pointing out that no woman wants to date a broke man. Men do not even want to hang out with a broke man either.

Asians make more money than whites.

Condom companies ship smallest condoms to asia.

Your dick size won't matter when Tyrones fucking your wife anyway.

cuckfestus i dont think Board likes it when you talk like that.

He was making fun of my people. I just answered back.

I know. Why is their dick size relevant when talking about their jobs though?

Most whites have shitty jobs unrelated to their BAs and high school education


It woule be weird if white men didn’t have an easier time getting laid in white countries.

boiiii white men have an ez time getting laid in all countries

but if you keep them out, you won’t get cucked. Same goes for black men. Every country for a people, every country’s women for that country’s men...that’s how it should be.

that's how it should be but it isn't. i am a currycel in america and most curry girls here HATE curry guys. They only want black/white/hispanic. IT IS OVER

But who do curry girls marry in India? That’s my point. Sure, it’s over if you want to establish an immigrant community in a country surrounded by taller men with higher T and more traditionally handsome features. But you don’t have to do that.

im from bangladesh lol. Idk if i want to marry a girl from there. Idk what to do bro

whether you’re hindu or muslim, just go back. From what I umderstand, reasonably intelligent and hardworking men are still more-or-less guaranteed to get married over there. So just go back. I like curry girls. I wouldn’t mind marrying one if I were of your racial persuasion.

muslim here. thing is. we are going to be really different. im american born and raised, she isnt. And in the bangla community that i live in nyc. everyone is gonna think less of me for marrying a girl straight outta bangladesh. i have to marry a muslim bangla american girl who is loyal. but i think they are rare as unicorns

lol bengali girls are straight up hoes at my uni

don't fall for the memes, just marry one from back home, the people who think less of you will be marrying bengali american girls that rode the cock carousel

fuck fam, r the bengali thots are ur uni hijabis or nah?


but I will warn you about hijabis, if a hijabi wears makeup + tight jeans, she's a fucking whore on the side

NO SHIT LOL. I might look for some modest hijabi girls that my family knows personally. If I can't find any, then bangladesh awaits my uglyass

ye just get an arranged marriage and when she stops giving you sex just fuck escorts on the side

I know tons of indians that do that lol

im muslim tho

I'm atheist but of the opinion that sharia should be instated worldwide and that women should wear hijab/niqab everywhere.

Also it's halal to fuck escorts despite what the normie imams will tell you. If you think of them as slaves/concubines, it's literally halal.

halal to fuck escorts


I just meant that you can fuck whatever you want as a male in islam. Normie muslims will tell you no.

In islam, it's permissible for someone to fuck their concubines/that which their right hand possesses. The prophet muhammad himself fucked 11 wives and several concubines regularly, and so did a large number of his immediate followers. If you apply fucking women/escorts/whatever to the scenario with the justification of them being your "slaves", it's halal.

You could also go on hajj and get all sins forgiven if it comes down to it.

Ultimately, islam is not true, allah/god is not real, if he was, curries wouldn't exist.

Why not go back to Bangladesh?

inb4 people won’t accept me because I’m western-raised

Silence them by being more cultured and making more money than them.

I'm not bengali that's why lol. I'm half paki half indian (both sides are of the punjabi ethnic group).

And I don't want a currywhore. I want a white or asian girl tbh.

I meant to respond to the other guy. but this—

I want a white or asian girl tbh.

—is probably your biggest problem. Thinking yourself above the women of your own race = volcel. There was never a time in history that men could expect to get any woman of any race they wanted. The recent historical anomaly that we should be outraged about is that huge and growing numbers of men can’t get married to women of their own race in their own country.

Doesn't work like that anymore after imperialism.

Too many white men venture to other countries for sex tourism with enthic women so that's never gonna fly

Except Africa because you are surrounded by violent apes there. Not safe.

south africa is pretty different maybe cause there are people you would call "white" there haha

na South Africa is 90% baboons now

nah man they aren't native to that area

As a white man in a white ass neighborhood in a white country, it would make no difference what race I am, I am invisible to women

It woule be weird if white men didn’t have an easier time getting laid in white countries By white women

No explanation why every other race of people predominantly only want white men in America.


Even in other non white countries, white men are seen as either very favorable or the most attractive. (Pretty much all of Asia and South America)

By white women No explanation why every other race of people predominantly only want white men in America.

I don’t support Asian woman-white man, but it makes sense if it’s happening in the United States. It’s our country (or at least, it used to be) and we still have the most unspoken status despite ZOG trying to chip away at it. My narrative is basically “White privilege exists, and it’s a good thing (in white countries).” I’m sorry that you guys are getting cucked but nobody forced Asians to move to white countries.

Even in other non white countries, white men are seen as either very favorable or the most attractive.

Still not much of a problem if there aren’t any white men around to cuck you. First step is for the US to stop deploying so many troops to Japan and Korea, next is to dismantle the global economy.

Take a white man to any country and he'll be idolized like a prophet

Then don’t let him in to your country.

Nope. Only white fems and good looking males get idolized. It's over for average / ugly Whyte guys.

Tbf, I'm a white man in Japan and if anything my experience with women has been worse here.

"They just value themselves, unlike you unconfident ethnics"

"All you ethnics are just awkwardddd"

another generalization of races by people who fiercely claim they are liberal

"They just value themselves, unlike you unconfident ethnics"

"All you ethnics are just awkwardddd"

insert another generalization of races by people who claim they are liberals

"They just value themselves, unlike you unconfident ethnics"

"All you ethnics are just awkwardddd"

insert another generalization of races by people who claim they are liberals

Who the fuck says ANY of those things? No one. You do, because you need to make up reasons why no one likes you rather than face the hard truth that you’re a cowardly, ignorant little shithead.

I’m sorry, I’m confused. Is this your attempt at an argument, orrrrr....?

First link is a normie saying all ethnics want a blue-eyed blonde bimbo, along with a bunch of other racist generalizations.

Second is essentially saying white men are just naturally more attractive.

Third is essentially just a "TEEHEE" response

Fourth is another generalization of non-white guys who struggle in dating.

Fifth is a normie saying ethnics are just less attractive by default.

Is this your attempt at a response?

It’s truly adorable that you have these saved, just waiting for someone to give a fuck enough to challenge your POV. But guess what, shithead? Being a woman, pretty sure I know more about what women want than a self-proclaimed incel scrounging the darkest pits of the internet for validation- but let me guess: I’m lying right? I don’t know what I’m attracted to, and I have no idea what any of my female friends want either? My entire life experience is just a figment of my imagination, right?

This has nothing to do with YOU. Stop with the me me me mentality.

This has to do with normies being extremely racist when they try to explain by white men are much more desired in the dating scene than ethnics.

Hahahah, you’re not that bright huh? When you make an argument that very specifically targets a particular group, who then has the right to defend that group if not members of said group? Only people not in that group? If I can’t draw on my personal experiences as a member of that group to defend it, how can I possibly make any argument at all?

I knew incels were hateful, I had no idea they were so boring to argue with.

You tried really hard to try to get a reaction out of me, eh? Sorry to disappoint.

You can go anywhere else if you are finding Incels too boring.

Not at all, I just sincerely wanted you to know that I think you’re really dumb and your arguments are trash :) I wouldn’t dream of leaving this sub, I get too high on the feeling of complete and utter superiority. It’s like a drug!

I hope you are trolling kid 😂


This is a reaction...

This is gold.




This has nothing to do with YOU. Stop with the me me me mentality.

She's not the first woman I've seen being incredibly solipsistic. It's actually amazing how self absorbed they can be

Well, yes all of our lives are figmints of our imagination. Why do you think bring a woman gives you the only valid perspective on dating women? Why don't you think that men, being the ones who actually date (and provide for, deal with) women, would have an equally if not greater perspective on dating women?

You come into a subreddit that has nothing to do with you, it's just a place for rejected men to circlejerk in peace. And you throw a tremendous amount of shit about, because you're a woman with nothing better to do and you want some attention.

You're making a scene like a woman and it's embarrassing

Lol you're a retard

you aren't even arguing, you are literally just shouting emotions

Extremely low IQ

He’s shooting himself in the foot here. He has somehow twisted those posts to fit his own narrative. It’s quite fascinating to be honest.

Twisting points? I've argued with alt-righters with more agency than you.

The post where I got the comments from was so racist, that IncelTears made a meta post calling it out. In fact, the mods agreed that the commenters were so racist that they removed the post and banned the original person who posted it.

First one is saying that being picky goes two ways and it’s hypocritical to criticize others for being picky if you’re picky yourself.

Second one is the only one that actually makes your case, but they got flayed alive and deleted their account

Third one is saying that sexual preference and racism are not the same

Fourth one is actually explaining why incels is racist as shit, which is funny because aren’t you trying to prove that it’s everyone else whose racist and not incels?

Hi! My comment is in the second link. The dude who responded to me was THE OP. And you know why this account shows as deleted? Because I reported him TWO times to mods. First time mods said to me "yeah, probably this is somewhat racist" and only after my second report they said "maybe there is a problem and we thinking about banning this person".

This whole post was very upvoted and it kinda begs a question, maybe people who post on IncelTears are not that inclusive and innocent? If I didn't report this shit to mods TWO times, this person would still post most upvoted shit on IncelTears like nothing happened.

Why is it racist to have preferences?

It’s not? That’s the point my dude

I know, I was agreeing with you lol

Guess it was convoluted though.

Ah gotcha. Yeah this whole thing is a clusterfuck

Tfw all women are literally born attracted to white men and the environment has nothing to do with it

Tfw all black men look identical isn't racist

Wow no need to attack this lil homie with words like that. Most of my girl friends growing up were not attracted to East Indian or Asian guys. His post hurts no one, he’s just expressing his experiences in a way that kinda humorous in a way that fits the general theme of this sub. Take your name calling and argument seeking somewhere else.

Yeah, I was dm’d death threats and called a slut and a whore so I’ll say whatever I damn well please to these little shit stains - do you really believe these guys are harmless? Are you for real? Do you actually read anything on this sub? Wake up man.

Who gives a fuck? Lmao


Your hysteric hissy fit only reinforces negative beliefs about women

the hard truth that you’re a cowardly, ignorant little shithead

Reminder that this very same poster would offer a sympathetic ear to a white incel. Ethnic incels get cucked yet again.

*swipes left on non shit head ethnics *

"you [ethnic] just don't know how to respect women, and when you come here you bring your lack of respect for women with you"

"Scratch a liberal, get a fascist."

you sure you don't mean black guys? power of the bbc and all that ...


cope with what

Most black dudes have average dicks

Alt copers having the time of their life in this thread.

It's fun when one of these retards says that Asian women are sexually attracted to white men because they're big and strong, but as soon as you even imply that women would then love black men the most, the Jews somehow become involved.

lol fr tho

white men are the most popular with all women bar black women. so it might not be a big and strong thing, but there is obviously something

Cope. Even ok cupids data doesn't support tbat. You get a higher percent of white worshipping ethnic compared to other ethnics. All women prefer their own race .

holy fuck the cope and delusion. women prefer their own race, but asians and latinas have a huge preference for white when they date out. and white women worship ethnics more than other women? fucking please. white women date out the least of every race and gender combo, and when they do they are fatter and less educated on average (black women who date white men are slimmer and more educated btw)

but i realise you got to tell yourself otherwise seeing as fucking some fat white women is the most impressive thing your race has ever done. COPE

NO YOU'RE THE ONE THAT'S COPING. Again, ok cupids data shows a majority of women don't prefer white men but prefer their own race. You can be a retard and keep asserting the opposite.

Nope. Cope. Black women are more loyal than whites . White men never get the 10s of our race, just out trash. Beyonce married jay z. Jada p married will. Serena , who's ugly and masculine , married a white dude. Lool. Cope. I'm tyrone. I have never life dated a white woman above 120. I will get more white pussy than you ever will. How does it feel , bitch?

damn you are stupid. i already said races prefer their own, but when they date out, the preference is hugely for white men.

black women are loyal because no one else wants them. so congrats on that. whites never get the tens LOL. look at Zoe Saldana, look at Malia Obama (bet that hurts huh? black presidents daughter likes it white?). but again, keep telling yourself otherwise if it helps you COPE. must be hard when your race has never invented or built anything. shit, you guys still can't even feed yourselves. damn...

Klu-kcucks-kcumskinscels need to believe they are superior, even if the relative level of pussy matter of te groin region says otherwise.

so true

Femoids want to genocide ethnic men

Please read on the topic of female guards employed in concentration camps - as a rule they are extremely sadistic towards those men who they consider racial inferiors. They do not need to be trained to behave cruelly; the desire to harm ethnic men comes quite naturally. A little Hitler crouches in every female, waiting for the right moment to leap out and begin the genocide. Never turn your ethnic back on a roastie.

Men have preferences.

Women have requirements.

White women are the most racist people on earth.

Hitler did nothing wrong

Such edge

This thread is basically altcels vs normies vs altnormies vs incels

And boy is it hilarious lmao

tf is an altcel

Alt-right incel

tbh whitecel here its over if you are ugly

I wish I could run Just Be White game but it's just a coping mechanism for ugly ethnics who need to believe they'd slay in India.

well i am white but very ugly, i think the white privilege is when you are at least human and not a hideous goblin like myself

The responses in this thread pretty much prove that Inceltears users are racist.

It's not about race you misogynistic scumbag! it's about his light colored eyes and skin! his drolls Viking height and beard! his wets herself physics defying jawline and frame! absolutely nothing to do with race you have bad personality! get your shit together and respect women!

Theres plenty of Whitecels too. Maybe they live in an area where its mostly White and the White girls are only dating the top attractive Chads or Tyrones. What are they suppose to do?

Klu-kcucks- kcumskin: " it's just a preference bro. "

Employer: "No wymins. It's just a preference bro".

Klu-kcucks- kcumskin:" MUSOGYNAAYYY!!! REEEEEEEEE"

i laughed p hard at this lol

but if you keep them out, you won’t get cucked. Same goes for black men. Every country for a people, every country’s women for that country’s men...that’s how it should be.

fuck fam, r the bengali thots are ur uni hijabis or nah?

Why not go back to Bangladesh?

inb4 people won’t accept me because I’m western-raised

Silence them by being more cultured and making more money than them.

I'm not bengali that's why lol. I'm half paki half indian (both sides are of the punjabi ethnic group).

And I don't want a currywhore. I want a white or asian girl tbh.

Except Africa because you are surrounded by violent apes there. Not safe.

I just meant that you can fuck whatever you want as a male in islam. Normie muslims will tell you no.

In islam, it's permissible for someone to fuck their concubines/that which their right hand possesses. The prophet muhammad himself fucked 11 wives and several concubines regularly, and so did a large number of his immediate followers. If you apply fucking women/escorts/whatever to the scenario with the justification of them being your "slaves", it's halal.

You could also go on hajj and get all sins forgiven if it comes down to it.

Ultimately, islam is not true, allah/god is not real, if he was, curries wouldn't exist.

Such edge

damn you are stupid. i already said races prefer their own, but when they date out, the preference is hugely for white men.

black women are loyal because no one else wants them. so congrats on that. whites never get the tens LOL. look at Zoe Saldana, look at Malia Obama (bet that hurts huh? black presidents daughter likes it white?). but again, keep telling yourself otherwise if it helps you COPE. must be hard when your race has never invented or built anything. shit, you guys still can't even feed yourselves. damn...