Let's make a sub called "r/HomelessTears", where we chastise the poor, for being drug addicted dickheads.

176  2018-05-15 by Hodgey54


Let's do it! Our motto shall be: Poor people are not entitled to shelters.

Fucking homeless people. If you didn't smell all the time and do drugs you would have a home.

They act like they're fucking entitled to my money, objectifying me like a walking wallet. Stop changecalling at me. I haven't given enthusiastic positive consent!

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aka "involuntarily celibate", a person (usuallymale) who has a horrible personality and treats women like sexual objects and thinks his lack of a sex life comes from being "ugly" when its really just his blatant sexism and terrible attitude. incels have little to no self awareness; even when they see other "ugly" men with girlfriends, they consider these men to be tricksters who have somehow beat the system and can get women despite being cursed with unattractiveness (in other words, theyre respectful to women and women are attracted to their personalities, but incels cant comprehend such a phenomenon). they believe that women owe them sex, and many of the more extreme incels like to spend time in incel communities on the internet coming up with ways to make women have sex with them (often involving genocide of people of color, genocide of "Chads" (men who have sex), taking rights away from women, raping them, having sex with women's dead bodies, and other horrid, disgusting things. they cant understand that that is PRECISELY why women want nothing to do with them).

Perfect definition on my opinion

Nice bait dude

Your 8th grade crush told me to put it up

Kek, excellent double bait

I ran into my 8th grade crush a couple days ago and kissed her and felt her up while she grabbed at my pockets for my phone to put her number in. Score one for the good guys, cuck.

Doubt it

How's it possible to be so wrong lmao

Cucktears retarded as usual

On the rare occasion we do see ugly men with girlfriends, we don't assume they're "tricksters" who've "beaten the system". That would be falling for PUA lies. Generally, we assume they have money or status--which is, more often than not, precisely the case.

Incels don't think women owe them sex. It's not even mainly about sex, despite the misnomer and the excessive focus on it by most incels. They are more focused on their own ability to get affection and a sense of belonging, since they're disinclined to empathize with a larger society that withholds those things from them.

Posts about morbid things like rape, genocide, etc. are mostly just people venting or shitposting. Places like r/IncelTears filter the more benign and melancholic posts that make up the majority of incel posts because they're not interesting and don't generate karma and upvotes like the off-kilter stuff does. If you're basing your opinion entirely on what you see on those subs, keep in mind the foundation for your opinions is skewed.

Perfect definition on my opinion

I wouldn't be proud of an inaccurate and clearly biased perception.

But you can keep doing you, as smugly as you can.

Smug lol


noooo not the /s

and every time they make a great point about the futility of their situation, or how their lives were determined by things outside of their control, and how they can't just 'suck it up' or 'find happiness from within', we'll just reply and say:

at least we have homes

Literally just had a cuck do that exact same thing.

Lol truth

I've had a home, mate. They're not all they're cracked up to be.

If you can't be satisfied without a shelter then how can you expect to be satisfied with one? I've been without a roof over my head - in fact I went camping just last weekend - and I didn't sit around complaining about my situation.

Ironically a shower probably would actually do for them - WONDERS

"Who hurt you sweetie?"

Actually, we arent selling you this house because you dont have enough money, its because we would prefer to sell it to a family with kids. Teehee

Homeless kill themselves "And nothing of value was lost".

Lol this stuff is too good

Just go home bro.

Just go home bro.

Honestly, we should make a satirical sub of IT, where we repost what they say while changing the words.

Like menkampf.

Any ideas? I'll set it up if you guys want me to, as you all know I got a ton of time.

You better not make the roastie the top mod of that as well

it sounds fun tbh

Do it.


Please do it

Ripped kind of did that with /r/niggertears

You aren't entitled to a home, if you really want a home then you just have to work on improving yourself until you earn one.

women's hypergamy causes homelessness, otherwise they'd take them in as much as men take in women

Lol I'm sure incel tears would harass them too

The creator of inceltears has posted about their desire to create an IT-style sub for mocking short men. That's not a joke, that's not me fucking around for fun, the post has probably been deleted by now but some of the oldcels will remember the truth. The memes write themselves.

It's believable,they are all retarded bullies

Does anyone have a screenshot of this?

I was linked to the original post and it was already quite old at that time. It wasn't screenshot worthy and caused no controversy so maybe it's still up

this but unironically

Join the fight!

You're not entitled to shelter!




"yeah not enough women are homeless I agree"

Women can be homeless too guiz

what i hate about homeless women is that they can just prostitute themselves for money, compare it to a male where if you're homeless and no one is supporting you, you're fucked.

uh because the homeless aren't hideous

Then you shouldn't complain when homelessness is on the rise.

god i wasn't going to


i'm loving the comments so far. Yeah this should be a sub for real

Just get a job bro it's that easy

I've been outside before, and it wasn't that bad. In fact, I went to a park earlier today and it didn't kill me. You can thrive and live a very fulfilling life in a park

I love it. I'd back you up in propping up that sub

We would never be allowed to keep that sub, reddit is too cucked and has too many double standards.

Homeless unlike incels are not enforced by laws to not to buy homes or share small rooms but involuntary celibates are forced by laws to not to share prostitutes !. If you want sugar baby you should pay all expenses alone

In Australia - while it is true many, many of the homeless have drug and/or alcohol issues. They almost entirely (nearly 100%) have serious mental health illnesses (such as severe schizophrenia, etc). Their mental health is so bad that they are literally unable to engage with the services available to them and if an outreach agency helps them - sooner or later they'll end up back on the street as a result of being unable to care for themselves.

At any rate, I know the situation in the USA is different, without a doubt. And I don't want to say anything (good or bad) as I don't know enough.

But I do know that you shouldn't make fun of Australia's homeless, as they're almost exclusively people with no (supporting) family, friends or anyone else and they have extremely, debilitating mental illness(es) - combined with drug/alcohol (which has usually been supplied to them, until they're addicted, by someone more mentally capable).

That doesn't seem right. The arbiters of morality at IncelTears said to me, that no one is entitled to anything, and that disadvantaged individuals should mocked unashamedly, regardless of whether they can help themselves or not.

Sorry - I know the whole thread / post is tongue-in-cheek.

It's just a sore-spot as my wife is a Mental-Health Outreach Worker. And it's just amazing how many people say really fucked-up shit like "they should just get a job" or even, a fan-favourite here "take a shower" lol

Anyway, I know your post is a 'metaphor' - so I shouldn't take it seriously.


what's the tenor and the vehicle

I'd think it's obvious but the tenor is Incel and the vehicle is homeless People. Surely that's quite evident?

I'm not a master of language. Perhaps there's a better description than metaphor, although it fits better than allegory or euphemism :/

IT poking fun at us constantly is a sore spot with us, personally, but we're still handling it with humor.

Yeah, IT are a bunch of losers. Seriously they have about 4x as many subscribers as this sub, so there's really 70k+ people bullying 20k.

They need to get lives.

jfl if you think there are more than 50 truecels on this sub

Haha - yeah, IT is probably similar though. So the ratio is probably still like 4:1

my wife


Yeah - I'm not an incel. Although, apparently I AM a "betabux" loser.

deep down you know that and are mad and that is why you came here

why not take something seriously just because it is a metaphor

really it's an allegory

why not take something seriously just because it is a metaphor

Because you don't take the literal meaning of the metaphor seriously, as it's only a metaphor for something else; you take the something else seriously.

really it's an allegory

Well - someone else replied to this comment of mine and I replied back that I don't believe it is an allegory and I'll stand by that.

it's used to help you understand something, you don't know something means, so we compre it to something else that you do understands. and it is directly relatable, you can't win an argument by saying don't use this fact that proves your point, it's not that simple. this is a common practice in human rhetoric for centuries.

wait a second, i just remember that there's actually a homeless-cel on here, this shit might be especially cruel for him lol

If they showered they wouldn't be homeless

Do you even income bro?

If they just got haircuts and showers they wouldn’t be homeless teehee

They have bad personalities -- that's why they sleep under bridges.

Wow, begging for money on the street like that! And they wonder why they're homeless!

Because that’s totally the same thing.

Why do rich white kids who got legacy admissions to Yale receive cushy sinecures, but I have to work two grueling minimum wage jobs just to keep a roof over my head?” By even asking that question, you prove that you think of bosses as giant bags of money, rather than as individual human beings who are allowed to make their own choices. No one “owes” you money just because you say you “work hard”, and by complaining about this you’re proving you’re not really a hard worker at all. I’ve seen a lot of Hard Workers (TM) like you, and scratch their entitled surface and you find someone who thinks just because they punched a time card once everyone needs to bow down and worship them.

If you complain about “rich white kids who get legacy admissions to Yale,” you’re raising a huge red flag that you’re the kind of person who steals from their employer, and companies are exactly right to give you a wide berth.

I generally hate incels and their views on women, but the inceltears users are such fucking assholes. I'm trying to convince them of what shitty people they are but they just won't look in the mirror.

admit incels are correct too tho

When homeless starts spending thier entire day on an Internet forum bitching and moaning about every single thing that don't go their way and calls totally regular nice people all kinds of shit terms, maybe we will...

Because regular people are nice amirite


Seems like you're the one who is bitching and whining tbh

And you clearly very unaware of the meaning of the words then, might be why you don't stop yourself in this redicules victimization...

based on your name black Philip you should be black pilled and kek why are you such a numale

really not surprised incels don't get the reference...

Haha yeah


Drinking copious amounts of soylent to cope

you just keep running for the victim-olympics, nothing gets panties wet like a self-victimizing "man"...

nothing gets panties wet like a male feminist cuck hahahaha. Go Chad GO!!

Not being an incel=being a male feminist cuck

Because incel logic!

homeless aren't entitled to spend their day on the internet

so edgy....

Black Phillip with the home truths

"if you people just found a way to shower and dress nice you would be better off. Y'all need to work on your personality and find a job, Its so goddamn easy if you just TRY. If more homeless people killed themselves the world would be so happy knowing there's less of you around"

They're creepy horrible people that deserve it for being smelly and having disgusting personalities. They are not entitled to a home. Let them rot on the streets. tee hee.

If they made a forum that talked about rape and murder. As well as resulted in people being killed by car attack yeah I would try and show people how crazy they are.

They just need a haircut and then they'll stop being homeless!

Blacksamoorai on suicidewatch

This post is gold. The comments are gold. And of course, IT is nowhere to be found in this thread. This is the best thing I've seen in a while.

fuck homeless people thinking their entitled to a HOUSE and basic living commodities! odds are they weren’t working hard enough to keep their jobs and not lose their homes! I went camping once and it wasn’t that bad they can totally live without homes I don’t get why the complain.

Fuck this thread is peak incels. Its funny as shit and at the same time self aware. Fucking A. This is why I love this community.

Reeeeee no one owes you a house.

May be if they left their toxic echo chamber(shelter) they would have a home in no time.

Ironically enough I bet r/Inceltears would actually believe this is unironic, and use it to bully braincels harder lmfao. Their cancer has to loop over itself to reach it's final form

Homeless people don't believe all women are whores and they don't say they are entitled to government mandated girlfriends.

Fallacious analogy.

I'm a 34-year-old married, male feminist normie (definitely not "Chad") who was a virgin till his mid-20s.

No one hates you because you aren't having sex. Most men get sex rarely– and a few don't get it at all– from 16 to 23; women in that age group don't want it as much, and there's competition with older men. Young guys have lots of competition and the fewest options they'll ever have. Having a rough go of the 16–23 years is painfully normal for men. No one worth their salt is going to hold it against you.

However, if you start posting shit about "femoids", or demonizing women, then you're being offensive and wrong. (I don't just mean morally wrong; I mean flat-out incorrect.) So we're going to call you out on your shit; we'll point out your absurd premises and faulty logic. We don't even know you as people– we're strangers on the Internet– but a lot of the ideas that pop up on this sub are disgusting and need to be called out.


why are you a male feminist

why are you a male feminist?

Well, to start, because while our society is vicious to men and women both, it's even worse toward women– and everyone loses. By all metrics, societies improve as women have more economic opportunity and personal freedom.

Despite the demonization of female sexuality here, actual female preferences favor quietly competent men who are fun to be around over the womanizing sex-monster "Chads" that incels obsess over.

Who earns the higher income in your marriage?

Varies by year. Usually me for now, but she'll probably plateau higher than I do; she's better at corporate politics and more materially ambitious. (I'm ambitious, but I care more about influencing culture than making money.) I'd write full time if I could get a reliable $50-100k (more than enough, because most of the things I enjoy aren't expensive) out of it... but it takes years to get to that point, and I'm also not willing to compromise the quality of what I write just to sell quickly.

Are you in a poly marriage?

Oh, God no. I already found the woman I want to be with for the rest of my life, and she feels the same. Sex with strangers doesn't appeal to me. It's too intimate a thing. If open relationships work for someone else, then good for them; but we're not interested in that.

Does your wife have children you help raise?


He was an incel who turned to feminism to get a green card Filipina wife lmao


Society already does this. society is full off deluded fucks like the cucks at IT

You guys are really crazy, I have this one homeless friend who is 5 inches tall, you think he just sits around being homeless? No he tells funny jokes and now he has a home. Explain this incels with your cognitive disonnance

I would probably frequent such a sub honestly, for the meme

"Estaties are awful people"

Umm sweetie maybe if y'all spent less time on this toxic sub and more time working on your marketable skills you wouldn't be homeless in the first place? "Estaties" are just decent people who've put time and effort into their careers, stop being hateful

imagine you could walk into a thing called a sexshelter and be given sex that is paid for with the taxes of other people that have sex. there's be guys who didn't like the landwhale sex provided at the shelters and go out begging for hot girl sex, which they would then trade for heroin

High IQ

Your totally right. Let's help your ideologies of raping women let's see how that goes.

deep down you know that and are mad and that is why you came here

it's used to help you understand something, you don't know something means, so we compre it to something else that you do understands. and it is directly relatable, you can't win an argument by saying don't use this fact that proves your point, it's not that simple. this is a common practice in human rhetoric for centuries.