Guy I know went from Incel to dating a legit cutie. It probably won’t happen to you, but never say it’s over

68  2018-05-15 by DepressedEncinoMan


He's not a manlet

They look happy together.

Yeah she gets to go shopping anytime she wants and cucks him,she's happy

Fakecel. Tall, good frame, white, not so bad face bones. Yes he is neither chad nor incel. Normie.

Whatever example someone gives you that's contrary to the blackpill, you'll find some way to counter it. If this guy posted a selfie asking "is it over?" You would've told him yes.

No shit. Because if he found someone then he's not so bad looking is he?

Just look at him, he's hideous.

İf he is hideous i dont know what am i? A cockroach?

Wtf? This guy isn't hideous

Compared to her he is.

Just wait till you see what a truecel looks like you predictably shallow normie.

Lol, I'm probably uglier than you.

Trade pics then.

I asked him for a verification pic and he could not provide.

again with retards who don't even have a sense of what ugly look like.

Good point.

lol no. Everyone kisses the asses of selfie-posters

Give us an update in a few months when she leaves him

That 10,000 cock stare.

she sees something in him that she can use a resource, never trust a female

"Never trust women"

"Waaah why am I a sad virgin?"

The cognitive dissonance in this sub is astounding.

Good example of betabuxxing. She is probably his first. She has already fucked dozens if not hundreds of guys, just look at that bitch face.

What's your ideal woman? Clearly not a pretty one, because you make the crazy assumption they are all sluts.

Actually, most actually beautiful women (girl in OP isn't even remotely close to beautiful) are virgins until 18. Because women are much more envious and bitter than men when it comes to how they feel about their highly attractive peers beautiful girls will tend to be more quiet and nerdy and less popular while 5-6s like the ones above are more so the party animals and crazy sluts.

Ugh....why do I even comment guys are so brainwashed. It's truly sad.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out, faggot.

Insults from self identified "incels" don't really have the desired effect you're going for. Your group is viewed as the "unfuckable, misogynist, pity-party losers" of the world. How can anyone take that group seriously?

Virgin shaming. Buh bye.

Lol! "Virgin shaming" is where you cross the line? Not homophobia or misogyny? Take a good look at yourself in the mirror (that's assuming yours aren't all shattered from your busted mug reflection.)

It's a rule of the sub, dimwit. Try reading them sometime.

But just to humor you I don't look in the mirror and hate to do so, so i won't be breaking any. Sorry to disappoint.

Go back to playing Ark faggot

virgins should be rounded up in concentration camps and exterminated.

/u/GeneticCleansing for some reason the above comment has still been left up for the past 3 days. /u/VonMagnar feel free to add this guy to your examples of inceltears's bullying.

LOL yeah feel free dude i'd be honored. they left up my comment because they know it's true. #VirginHolocaust2018

Do you want your account suspended by the admins? Because that's what's going to happen. They don't fuck around with calls to violence anymore.

no i just really want a virgin holocaust

btw im a virgin too, you're just subhuman diahhera and i wanted to let you know that. good luck getting me suspended lmao. it takes literally 5 seconds to make a reddit account and unlike you im not a fucking pathetic autist who cares about meaningless internet points

Jesus Christ, is this pasta or do you actually believe this?

I have seen it happen with all 2 beautiful girls I've ever seen lol

The delusions these guys spin are incredible huh.

An incel claiming that women are bitter and jealous.

We have reached peak irony.

Where did you get that I am an incel though?

Of course women are bitter and jealous of more attractive women... that is literally the root of feminism lol. You think feminism was women vs men?

No honey, it was ugly women vs attractive women, ugly women did not like the privileges attractive females have had for centuries and now somehow they have those privileges too.

I am probably the least bitter and angry person you have ever spoken to. Most women are attracted to me and I am very content with my life.

Most women are attracted to me


I know, attractive people on Reddit are rare so this may be hard to believe

Yeah every Reddit meetup the best looking person is a strong 4/10 and that's with massive fakeup.

"That is literally the root of feminism"

Sure mate. Women didn't actually want to be able to vote or work or have their own bank accounts or sexual autonomy or anything like that.

They were just all jealous of prettier women.

I keep thinking I've seen the most delusional shit possible in here, but you guys keep outdoing yourselves.

Well I was referring to modern day feminism but I guess I didn't make that clear enough. Apologizes

"Why would you think I'm an incel though?"

Gee I dunno. Maybe because if it walks like an incel, talks like an incel and repeats incel rhetoric on a Reddit incel sub, it's probably an incel.

I said pretty women tend to be virgins much until later than average or ugly women.

When was the last time you've ever heard an incel say that you indoctrinated fucking retard?

Because incels project so much expectation on pretty women that they say stuff like 'pretty women are virgins for longer than ugly ones'.

Q. What kind of delusional shit makes you think bizarre blanket statements like that could possibly be factual?

A. Inceldom

That was hard to read.

virgin, 5/10 at least, will love me as much as I love her

"I don't hate women I just think they're all sluts with bitch faces"

You guys just have to blame everyone else for your situation instead of undertaking a shred of self-reflection. Your bitterness and jealousy is pathetic.

Why are you putting words into my mouth? I dislike most western women, nothing wrong with that. I said she in particular has a resting bitch face.

Get the fuck out of here retarded normie.

If your first reaction to a picture of a woman is to say the worst things you can about her, then yes, you hate women.

I hate western women who ride the cock carousel, what's wrong with that? I have nothing but the utmost respect for women who respect themselves and wait until marriage or at the very least, a lasting relationship.

You just want a virgin because you are one and you hate women so much that you can't stand the thought of them being autonomous beings who aren't here to cater to your persecution complex.

Listen. Even if I had the potential to, I wouldn't fuck around with multiple girls. Is wanting a virgin so fucking bad? It seems people are so cucked today that they are happy to share their gf/wife with other men, quite pathetic.

Stop replying to me, wh*Toid cuck.

It's far more pathetic to be so insecure that you can't stand the thought of a partner having had previous partners. You're a joke who deserves to die alone.


Oh gee ouch that stung so much how will I cope. Probably by getting laid.

Might be coming from left field. But this is retarded. I think you should post at your best when arguing here or else you look worse. 🤔

What? This doesn't even make sense.

Okay nvm. Forget that some people are hard of comprehending..

Some are worse at sentence construction.

Completely agree. Poor grammar and a poor mind doesn't mesh well.

Why do you guys require a gorgeous woman ONLY? If your face is fucked up, then learn to live in reality and aim for someone more on par with your looks.

Men have preferences women have requirements.

Spoken like someone who is terrible at dating and a misogynist.

Spoken like a true feminist

I think you mean "spoken like a decent human being."

Nope I meant awful human being

u are literally a living meme

This thread is literally about someone offering evidence that this isn’t true

It’s so uncommon for an ugly guy to get a good looking woman that there is a thread made when it happens. You basically want to use an exception as the rule. And no, I’m not saying that incels want good looking woman.

Lies and propaganda. The only thing lower than my standards is my self-esteem, LOL

Women have preferences men have requirements.

cope. stop the lying.

I don’t require a gorgeous woman. I would be happy to date women 3 or 4 notches below the woman in the picture. I’m attracted to probably about 80% of women.

This tbh. Most of women I see in the streets are attractive to me. Those who I don't find attractive are usually fat.

it sucks so hard when you’re attracted to almost all women, but almost no women are attracted to you

Do you consider yourself an incel?

Yes, I do.

But you disregard the bottom 20% of women? Would you consider yourself to be in the bottom 20% of men? Isn't this sub's biggest problem with women that they date upwards leaving the bottom ~10% of men undateable?

Isn't this sub's biggest problem with women that they date upwards leaving the bottom ~10% of men undateable?

Our narrative is that it’s more like the bottom 50% of men who are left in the cold by hypergamy, maybe more. I don’t know if I’m in the bottom 20% of men. I don’t really think in terms of people in terms of an objective percentile scale of attractiveness. I just think in terms of women I find personally find attractive and women I don’t find attractive. And I find the overwhelming majority of women attractive. I’m not your stereotypical guy who can’t get laid but only considers dating really attractive women. My standards are pretty reasonable.

Surely, 50% of men aren't incels. Call them a cope or whatever else, but they can't be incels if they are having sex. Isn't voluntarily disregarding 20% of women because you don't find them attractive the same logic as women disregarding x% of men because they don't find them attractive?

50% of men might not be literal incels but the general trend of men who previously would have had no trouble getting married now having an extremely difficult time even getting a date holds true. You seem to be suggeting I have no right to call out this new development if I’m not willing to have sex with literally any and every woman. I think people have a right to have reasonable standards; the main argument of incels is that women’s standards are becoming increasingly unreasonable.

I'm just trying to understand why you consider your celibacy involuntary. I've seen a few women come to this sub and identify as female incels and they're often told that you can't be a female incel because there are always men willing to have sex with you. Those men are the bottom 20% for sure. If there are women that you could have sex with and you choose not to (absolutely nothing wrong with this) then it is voluntary.

I don’t get too caught up on the specific terms. There are different definitions of incel. I qualify under some of them, I don’t qualify under others. It doesn’t really matter that much in my opinion. The phenomenon of hypergamy itself is real, and I consider myself one of the many men affected by it. I have an extremely difficult time getting anywhere with any of the many women I consider attractive under my very reasonable, realistic standards. That’s the main point. that’s why I’m here. Also,

Those men are the bottom 20% for sure.

I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Plus, there are many men here who, if you are to believe their stories, couldn’t even score with what you would call the bottom 20% of women if they tried. So there still seems to be a disparity between men and women.

Bro, us truecels would be ECSTATIC about getting our LOOKSMATCH. But it's still too much to ask. These are just good examples.

Bulbous nose, small lips, beta chin.

Tall, not bad facial harmony, protector phenotype.

Yet another example of a 5/10 normie dating a woman outside of his league, this is lifefuel for delusional mentalcels that think that being average equals being over(it fucking not, retards) this mean nothing for incels.

LOL, this guy is not even close to a 5/10.

He's because he's doing the cucked unconfident beta smile that you think so.

But imagine him not smilling, in an crowd of white collar group of man in the street, did his face will stand out? would you stop to look at him better? or the will be just another nameless white dude that you find the street?

So, if the answer is yes, is literally average, aka 5/10, stop underrating men.

I don't rate based of how he compares to old men I rate based on how he compares to prime men because that is who he is competing with.

Considering that he looks in his 30 i think that's ridiculous, is Trump objectively hideous (Blackops2cel tier) because Chico amogs him?

You should consider race and age to rate a person.

Not sure why you think it isn't happening. On the dating market I always get women, even ones my age, compared me to men 10+ years younger than me.

Remember in 2018 there's always a story once a week of a female teacher screwing a teenage Chadlet because she doesn't want a normie or a facecell her age (or even legal age of consent).

Rate his face compared to the average population, not Chad. 5/10 is not based on counting imperfections compared to a male model. It's just average. He's not attractive, but he just looks like a generic white guy.

No he’s not. Even if you believe all women only want Chad, most will never get one and settle. Which means they go after average. He’s average which is the point.

He's chin is good

Alpha ears tho

Give me a fucking break dude. Guy appears to have a harelip for gods sakes - an actual facial deformity, but he's a normie.

A 4.5 it's the worst rating i can give him, still norman territory.....Still, lifefuel for the babyfaced betas that think they are incels.

lol did you just ignore that hair line?

if this guy is 5/10 I'm atleast 7 or even 8 lol

Soon to be divorcel lol

She’s fucked lots of chads, parties and did drugs in her 20’s and is now “settling down” with a guy with a little bit of money and minimal experience with women. She will cheat on him and divorce him in 5-10 years and take 75% of his money.

I’ve seen this pattern play out multiple times.

he looks like an absolute clone of men in office jobs who have 'wives' and make pretty good money but are rarely home and rarely get sex and say things like 'happy wife, happy life!' they even admit they are servants!

sniff I smell jealousy!

TIL experiences = jealousy!

Lol 'experiences' get fucked, loser

Incels say "women are superficial and shallow", and then they see a picture of a good-looking girl and say, "She's fucked lots of Chads".

Do you guys not see the hypocrisy in that?

mogs her in height ofc

All these comments are just fucking sad. It's like your whole mentality is to go to the worst case scenario 1st. No wonder why you never fuck stacy, you give in to failure before even trying.

You must be retarded,let's really dive into their lives and let's find out he gots a good career and high bank accountf with a house. Do you really fucking think hed get anyone without that?? Step into reality

Yes im a fuckin retard. A not very good looking one who is poor and has been with a stacy for 11 years now. Met her when i rented a room in my friends basement making 15$ an hour. So i definitely wasn't a betabux provider. But you know its only money or looks that get you women.

15 an hour is actually good money ,you probably had mommy and daddy support too. She probably had a poor life.

All these guys know are rejection, sadness, and pity parties.

Mail order bride

Betabux!!! Seen this stuff on Facebook though

Bet he has a great job

This guy has an unattractive face.What happened to the theory that Face>height.

He could just be a beta-bux,but some of you guys saying he is avg when he would have been rated as below avg or told its over if he had posted a pic of himself alone is hypocritical.

OP does he have a well-paying job or is this truly hope?

Easy, hes the one that spends money in this relationship. RIP to this dudes bank account, but if he’s happy he’s happy.

that guy has child support written all over him.

That or raising a mulatto

Eew he definitely looks like he used to be incel

Good for them!

These comments though, Jeeeeeeesusz. Haters gonna hate.

The jealousy is rampant.

He's a betabux provider. She probably realized it's time to hop off the carousel and settle with a beta who will pay for her meals/rent.

She will never crave him. She yearns for Chad and always will. I mean seriously look at them. She might end up divorcing this beta and taking half his stuff or he'll need to settle to an "open" relationship when she wants to "explore" 8 years into marriage. Sad.

congrats to your friend. i am jelly. there are a small minority of girls out there that don't mind ugly guys for some reason, just like there are some guys who are into BBWs. i feel like finding one is like winning the lottery though.


Lol she prob doesnt work or is leeching off of him for security. If sue isnt already, she will be fucking some chad behind his back

According to her FB she is an engineer


Never say it's over for you.

Also OP:

holy shit, just checked your post history. you are in 100% denial if you don’t think you are an incel buddy. It’s over for you

Non of you have follow through on anything. That's why you will always be losers.

Lmao looks more like her dad than partner.

But hey you fuckers looking to put him down are just envious he is up to his nuts in this hotties guts.

Even if it does all go to hell dont pretend like you wouldn't give anything to tongue her asshole for juat 10 minutes.

He is a 5. His height and whiteness tips him over the area of being a 4.

It's odd she's with him as she's actually quite hot.

WE NEED MORE DETAILS FROM OP, FFS, to determine the nature of this relationship. Job, his money, his personality, her background, etc. how long they have been dating, have they had sex.

Bullshit. He has a subhuman face and she looks decent. Only way they're together is if he has money in which case its betabux, not a real relationship.

Cuck maybe?

That's awesome! Happy someone made it out of the incel circle jerk!

He: engineer at a military company and clears $240,000 a year and is on the pension trackHer: single mother with 4 kids and her lost job was at Starbucks

Perfect match indeed.

According to OP, she's actually the Engineer

Lucky dude, he will have attractive children

not a truecel. hes tall and built well. Solid normie.

His daughter is cute

"I went from an incel to a pathetic betabux" now i got to financially support her till she dies, might support her lovers aswell, but hey at least i get to fuck her two times in a year😊

hes a cuck

She looks everything but loyal. She probably just found a betabux that either doesn't care about her fucking guys on the side or is too blind to look into it. There is absolutely no way she is going to waste 10 more years of cock carousel to settle down with that dude.

Simply look at their body language. Her eyes are dominant, she controls him. She's going to divorce him after fucking around for a few more years.. then marry a 7-8/10 betabux. You can't even blame her- blame the game not the players.

See that evil grin on her face? It says "I may have settled for him, but Chad if you're watching call me"



Poor guy. It’s obvious that he’s just a betabux after the femoid rode the cock carousel all her life. Sad part is that the guy genuinely looks happy. 😞

He isn't a sub5 anyway. And he doesn't look like an uggo turbo manlet to me. It is over.

There's a twist here isnt there?

Sure brah

Meh. No boobs.

Good for you dude shes hot

How many biracial children do they have?

Just be a two-time Super Bowl winning quarterback, bro.

I just hope when she inevitable ends up breaking his heart for a ''better'' male, it's not too harsh on him.

Mogs me.

Not skinny. Doesn't look like a teenager at age 33. No acne. I'll bet his voice doesn't sound like a prepubescent Kermit the Frog, either.

He's because he's doing the cucked unconfident beta smile that you think so.

But imagine him not smilling, in an crowd of white collar group of man in the street, did his face will stand out? would you stop to look at him better? or the will be just another nameless white dude that you find the street?

So, if the answer is yes, is literally average, aka 5/10, stop underrating men.

I don’t get too caught up on the specific terms. There are different definitions of incel. I qualify under some of them, I don’t qualify under others. It doesn’t really matter that much in my opinion. The phenomenon of hypergamy itself is real, and I consider myself one of the many men affected by it. I have an extremely difficult time getting anywhere with any of the many women I consider attractive under my very reasonable, realistic standards. That’s the main point. that’s why I’m here. Also,

Those men are the bottom 20% for sure.

I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Plus, there are many men here who, if you are to believe their stories, couldn’t even score with what you would call the bottom 20% of women if they tried. So there still seems to be a disparity between men and women.