Remember, being a manlet is worse than being an ogre

52  2018-05-15 by supakomanija


Life fuel for me.

So I am basically life fuel for you. We are both equally unattractive to women.

It's just the title of this thread that is lifefuel for me.

Same, got that going on for us, which is nice

How tf can you be 6'4" and incel?

he's a facecel, wristcel. Idk have u seen his wrist but those are tiny, like of someone who has some illness or something.

Naturally yellow teeth Crooked teeth Negative canthal tilt Recessed chin Weak jaw Crooked nose Round eyes Can't grow a beard Big feminine lips Huge brow bone Eyes pushed in towards my skull Puffy cheeks even tho I'm low BF Saggy face skin I'm 20 but I look like I'm in my 30s Moles on my face and around neck Mouthbreathing due to constantly clogged nose from allergies during the spring and the summer Bad posture Balding Knees turned inwards which make me walk weirdly Acne on arms, chest and back Gyno Skinny neck Scoliosis from gymcelling Very small frame, big head Uneven hips Feminine wide hips Flat feet Moles all over my body Small weak wrists Skinny feminine legs Poor vision Small wrists Neet No college degree

The only good things I got going on for me is my height, dick size and high IQ but I'm stupid.

I’m 5’8 and there’s 9 year olds who are taller than me...

True. As long as you're not particularly hideous, a not-so-great face can be compensated by a tall, large-framed, naturally muscular body. A short, scrawny guy with the same face is a total turn-off.

Not even the Dark Triad can save you if your name is meant to be read as "Fuckwad".

Eh. I never got why girls want a guy over six feet. 5'2 I can understand, but six feet seems like king of a stretch since the average American woman is around 5'5

Let's unpack this.

Is there anything about Lord Farquaard's ACTIONS that women night say is unattractive?

Or is his height the ONLY thing that's wrong with him?

Farquaard: Hides in his castle, sends his minions out to do his dirty work. Oppressed whole population. Tried multiple times to have Shrek killed. Tortured the gingerbread man. Deceived and manipulated Fiona.

Shrek: Stands up for himself Keeps his word Doesn't burden everybody else with what he perceives as his misfortune. Is himself with Fiona.

Nah, obviously it's all because of Lord Farquaard's height...

Genghis Khan is the ancestor of 8 million and the murderer of 40 million.

As a counter point, why did they feel the need to make the craven douchebag comically short? Is it because we perceive short/unattractive people as less trustworthy?

Actually his likeness was based off of a combination of megalomaniacs and dictators. In particular, Napoleon, hitler, Stalin, and Tojo who were all historically (or at least in pop culture) short men. They also made him look like Michael Eisner as a personal dig from the studio. You read to much in to this. It's a cartoon and not an assertion about height specifically meaning he's a dick, case in point- donkey always wants to be a steed but people learn to love him and he has kids with the dragon.

lmao, napoleon wasn't short. The brits made him short just to make him even less appealing

No shit, that's why I said at least in pop culture. Congratulations on pointing out that incredibly well known fact though, I'm really glad you took the time to point that out to the rest of us.

Incels truly think shrek got the girl cause a dictator was short. Damn y’all are embarrassing

I´m 6'4,5". As a fatcel women still ignore me and i have back pain. The grass is always greener...

lose weight and you'll have more chance han a manlet. I've seen women literally drool over guy that are basically just tall. That's it nothing special about them, just tall

I lost 55 lbs. Now i weigh 235 lbs. Want to lose another 45 in 2-3 months.

Just improve your personality and you’ll get taller.

he's a facecel, wristcel. Idk have u seen his wrist but those are tiny, like of someone who has some illness or something.

Naturally yellow teeth Crooked teeth Negative canthal tilt Recessed chin Weak jaw Crooked nose Round eyes Can't grow a beard Big feminine lips Huge brow bone Eyes pushed in towards my skull Puffy cheeks even tho I'm low BF Saggy face skin I'm 20 but I look like I'm in my 30s Moles on my face and around neck Mouthbreathing due to constantly clogged nose from allergies during the spring and the summer Bad posture Balding Knees turned inwards which make me walk weirdly Acne on arms, chest and back Gyno Skinny neck Scoliosis from gymcelling Very small frame, big head Uneven hips Feminine wide hips Flat feet Moles all over my body Small weak wrists Skinny feminine legs Poor vision Small wrists Neet No college degree

The only good things I got going on for me is my height, dick size and high IQ but I'm stupid.

No shit, that's why I said at least in pop culture. Congratulations on pointing out that incredibly well known fact though, I'm really glad you took the time to point that out to the rest of us.