Imagine the dopamine your brain would release by knowing thousands of men are suicidal just because they don't have your attention.

54  2018-05-15 by Hydroeletric_

This is how women who come to r/braincels must feel.


they fucking love it I hate them I hate them I hate them

“Just MORBID curiosity”

Yeah, they want to see who ropes first. They’ll cum whenever that happens.

Why would anyone be happy that someone else is suicidal?

They're delusional as usual.

Because they would laugh their asses off at women being suicidal they think women are all like that.

You are probably right to some extent. I really hope all incels dont feel that way though.

You've been here longer than me. Some of them have no sympathy for women no matter what happens to them. Some of them even wish cancer and death on women.

It's not doing them any favours. I've found some of the more controversial stuff on other subs, and the comments are disturbing.

While there is definitely a vocal group that have those radical beliefs. I know some of it is just internet tough guy talk. As in they would probably be nothing like that in real life. Also, some incels have messaged me and just joined the community because they were going through similar struggles but didn't like the misogyny.

Idk maybe they do want us to all die though lol.

Well, all they have to do is wait. We're all going to die eventually... lol

haha funny joke. haha.

Are you the first immortal then?

hahahahHAHAHAHAH 😂😂😂 my sides! stawwwp it bb. 😘😘😘


Suicide is a terrible thing despite of gender.

I said "some", not all. And I've seen the "Cancer and STD appreciation" threads. Plus the "women don't commit suicide they just do it for attention" etc.

Some people believe suicide is terrible for any human being, and some who think the opposite.

You know they say stuff just to trigger you, right?

Also there isn't a single country in the world where women commit more suicides than men. There are women's issues, this is men's issue.

Have a guess why more men die from suicide than women...

Because men are far more likely to lead a completely meaningless existence due to the fact that they are disposable.

Because men are less likely to go seek professional help about their issues, and therefore become more depressed and end up suicidal. Women accept mental health help and are fine about taking antidepressants.

Men are less likely to go to the doctor for anything. If better medical attention would help, why is it that the Western countries, with the best healthcare in the world, have an even large male:female suicide ratio?

How about the fact that women knowingly choose less lethal means to end their lives?

There are studies about why women choose the lesser options you can read about. They are no less willing to try and and their lives in many cases.

If men are not going to seek help for their problems, then they are not going to get help for their problems and then end up as suicide statistics. It all comes down to being seen as "weak" but if you broke your leg, you'd go to the hospital and get it fixed, so why is mental health any different?

I can't explain why we avoid the doctor. But you're more likely to enter the mental health system after a failed suicide attempt. Over half of men do not have any previous attempts. Whether they're less willing or not, women are more likely to survive suicide attempts.

If men actually went to the doctor to see about their depression instead of shoving a gun in their mouths, then less men would be a statistic.

The epitome victim blaming. They should've just gone to the doctor, their fault. And how many men have blown their antidepressed brains out? How many of those spree shooters who were on antidepressants as well?

How many women took themselves to the hospital and handed themselves in because they felt they were a danger to themselves or others? How many women phoned the mental health crisis team when things got bad? How many men? Obviously not enough.

Too many guys take the extreme option instead of admitting they need help, or seeking it, and even if they do, they then are made to feel even weaker by society, because mental health is so stigmatised and seen as a "woman's thing"

So, let me get this straight. Women seek the proper clinical help more often and are just as willing to end their lives when they attempt. Yet they attempt 3-4 times more often than men. GTFO you can't have it every which way that makes women look good.

You obviously read the data then.

Women choose less instantly lethal methods than men, like tablets and suchlike and end up getting their stomachs pumped, or they slit their wrists and do it wrong, so they don't bleed out.

I wasn't trying to make women look good. I'm just trying to say that society is unfair in viewing men as needing to "man up" instead of getting the proper help.

I'll accept that men not seeking help, in part, contributes to the gap in suicides.

You have to accept that women seeking attention, in part, leads to the opposite gap in failed suicides.

Oh yeah, there's plenty of the "attention" attempts, or "cries for help" go on among the women, but even so, some of them are a legitimate attempt that is undermined by not wanting to actually finish the job and upset people, although that's kind of subconscious.

But yes, there's still a lot of "I'm going to kill myself!" drama shit used for manipulation.

Women accept help because society as a whole cares more when a woman is feeling down. In fact, society as a whole cares more about women in general, not just when they are down.

Men are told to just tough it up and stop being pussies.

Need proof of this? browse this sub more.

Stop being a pussy

Man up

Stop being a drama queen

Just accept that you'll be alone forever and move on faggot

These are all extremely common comments.

And because of those comments (which I don't endorse), men don't go and get the help that's on offer, because it's "weak".

Get over it as a gender, and get the help that women get, because it's there for a reason. Stop listening to the toxic shit of "man up" because it's killing men.

If it's a terrible thing why would women wish it on someone else?

because femoids are terrible humanoid organisms

I didn't said that.

I said: The dopamine rush women get from the ego stroke of knowing there are people who want her attention so much to the point of contemplating suicide if not receiving it.

Ya a dopamine rush implies it brings women hapiness. I imagine most people wish for hapiness. Why would you think that if it is a terrible thing?

Lmao how are you not able to wrap your head around a simple sentence.

Here's an analogy. You own a house. People like that house so much they'll commit suicide if they don't get it. You receive a dopamine rush/happiness because you have something desirable.

That is literally exactly what I said. Incels are arguing differently...just stop

Can you read? Incels in this thread are saying stuff like women give incels attention and feel good. I'm the one saying that women depriving incels makes them suicidal and wondering why you would think that? I understand perfectly...your fellow incels not so much.

Just lol. Please read.

I think you need to go look at the rest of this thread. Incels are interpreting this basic sentence wrong not me. That's exactly what I'm assuming when asking these questions. Women deprave incels and make them suicidal which makes women happy. Which is a ridiculous statement lol. This is also why it's silly op here is talking about how terrible suicide is.

For someone implying I'm dumb and cant read, it's pretty ironic that you didn't read anything lol. Go read and get context before you make a bad half-baked comment and insult me 🤣

I was kind of understanding the idea here until this analogy. If people were killing themselves over desire for my house, I would think that was fucked up. I would not be getting hits of happy - I'd be distressed and panicking. I'd probably try to get rid of the house so I could sleep at night. But a woman can do little to change the fact she's a woman (unless she's ready to make a biiiig commitment).

You're taking things very literally and purposefully being a moron.

Simplest way to explain this:

If people are envious of something it has value. If you have something of value dopamine increases.

Food, water, clothing, shelter. All things people commit suicide over yet you're still able to sleep at night shut yo lying ass up.

Not because we are suicidal, but they think they are needed here.

That isn't what the title says lol.

It what it implies, "those guys are depressed because they have nobody, better offer my attention to them. God, I'm such a good person"

No, it says women get a dopamine rush by knowing incels are suicidal. That's it. All that other stuff is you rofl.

Rofl no it says I'm happy because you dont have my attention and that makes you suicidal. That's almost the opposite of what you said rofl. No where in there does it say women feel good because they give incels attention. I mean what are you even talking about? Lol

Yes, it's right there in the title. "Because they don't have your attention". Why are you arguing this minor point? We both know what the OP meant and this reply shouldn't even be necessary.

Title says women get a dopamine rush by knowing incels are suicidal. That's pretty straight forward, not much room for interpretation. Definitely nothing about women thinking they are needed here lol.

No its saying incels dont have women's attention and it makes them suicidal. Nothing about incels attention to women lol.

They don't have your attention, meaning that you know you're wanted by a lot of men and that makes you feel good.

Great now that i helped you read it, you understand. Why are you trying to argue about it now?

Why would anyone be happy that they have so much power over someone else?

Killing and torturing men is considered humor to femoids. Imagine if we treated them the same way they treated us.

Why do you think that women feel this way?

Propaganda from the jews.

A surprisingly large amount of women have absolutely no empathy for men at all.

The only men that can escape misandry are chads.

Mm I think the children and women thing is more an extension of the basic structure of humanity through time. It's always been men protect the women and children. Now it manifests in people occasionally overvaluing the opinions of women to protect women's emotions and white knighting. This is because there isnt any imminent danger to protect women from anymore. Dont think it has anything to do with men not being valued. If women cant see all the amazing shit men have done then they are blind and dumb.

Which leads me to my other point which is you are so misguided on no empathy. There is plenty of empathy, women dont enjoy turning away men. I can see how you guys struggle and I think others do too. The problem is when women come to help you all mock and attack them. So women quickly become defensive and turn their shoulder to incels. There was empathy there but you almost always beat it right out of them.

That last sentence is just ridiculous lol.

Your kind is inherently evil.

Women have a very high ingroup bias, meaning they trust/like/are friendly towards women more than men. This higher regard of other women also manifests as a lesser regard of men.

Yup! This is why u/BoardGaming is a mod

Karma will usually get women like bbw_gaming. She’s sick and depraved.

If you are suicidal you need professional help, not a girl. It's not women's fault.

Not my fault when a woman gets raped and I don't call the police or help. She's not entitled to my help

I mean, you're not wrong. Neither is /u/popcornjjbean

So, let me get this straight. Women seek the proper clinical help more often and are just as willing to end their lives when they attempt. Yet they attempt 3-4 times more often than men. GTFO you can't have it every which way that makes women look good.

Ya a dopamine rush implies it brings women hapiness. I imagine most people wish for hapiness. Why would you think that if it is a terrible thing?