119 2018-05-15 by geneticSubhumanTrash
1 escapetheinceldom 2018-05-15
I can tell they suck each others dicks just by their posture.
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-05-15
That was my first thought as well. When you put both hands to your face as a gesture of surprise, you don't need fucking doctor to tell you you have low T levels.
1 wannabe-wonderwoman 2018-05-15
But Eugene is a total 9/10
1 thr0w123away456 2018-05-15
He mogs them all.
I'm in love with him
1 Geleg456 2018-05-15
Get out roastie
I'm a virgin lol
1 Moonstartravis 2018-05-15
he's actually the one who had the highest testosterone levels lol
Yeah, I would think Ned had the highest because of how aggressive he is
1 Ryzasu 2018-05-15
They all had less than an average grandpa, it's not like, slightly below average
1 Cock_Demon 2018-05-15
1 Ropeismycope23 2018-05-15
Not gay btw
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-15
Wow, huge surprise.
1 Hoeasss 2018-05-15
Is the middle Ahmed ackbar? I've personally met him
1 GuyFromDaStore 2018-05-15
Ironic the Asian guy has the highest testosterone level, that of a 70 year old man.
1 escapetheinceldom 2018-05-15
I can tell they suck each others dicks just by their posture.
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-05-15
That was my first thought as well. When you put both hands to your face as a gesture of surprise, you don't need fucking doctor to tell you you have low T levels.
1 wannabe-wonderwoman 2018-05-15
But Eugene is a total 9/10
1 thr0w123away456 2018-05-15
He mogs them all.
1 wannabe-wonderwoman 2018-05-15
I'm in love with him
1 Geleg456 2018-05-15
Get out roastie
1 wannabe-wonderwoman 2018-05-15
I'm a virgin lol
1 Moonstartravis 2018-05-15
he's actually the one who had the highest testosterone levels lol
1 wannabe-wonderwoman 2018-05-15
Yeah, I would think Ned had the highest because of how aggressive he is
1 Ryzasu 2018-05-15
They all had less than an average grandpa, it's not like, slightly below average
1 Cock_Demon 2018-05-15
1 Ropeismycope23 2018-05-15
Not gay btw
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-15
Wow, huge surprise.
1 Hoeasss 2018-05-15
Is the middle Ahmed ackbar? I've personally met him
1 GuyFromDaStore 2018-05-15
Ironic the Asian guy has the highest testosterone level, that of a 70 year old man.
1 thr0w123away456 2018-05-15
He mogs them all.
1 Moonstartravis 2018-05-15
he's actually the one who had the highest testosterone levels lol