"Chad is willing to use me as a fucktoy, but he won't commit, so he's an asshole" bingo. Found on r/trollx.

35  2018-05-15 by hugeostrichegg


Lmao at the entitlement on these roasties

Are they serious about this? "sorry work has been busy", "sorry my phone died", "he's just a friend", disappears for weeks at a time, starts speaking to you after months of silence as if nothing happened are all 100% classic girl moves.

Well, they both operate on the same principles.

Due to the difference in SMV the women extracts resources and time from her orbiters while Chad extracts pussy juices from his.

You only get this dynamic in those cases.

Nice Guy behavior is also typical woman behavior, but society has double standards.

Horrible personality, he should be incel. Wait, he isn't? HOW?!

This is fucking hilarious. This is exactly how every single fucking roastie behaves. These dumb cunts have absolutely no self-awareness.

They're complaining about a cheat sheet Chad's use to have easy sex with them... ironic.

Looking back, I'm guilty of a lot of these. It took me years to become a decent person after puberty because bad behaviour has so much positive reinforcement in society.

I do half this shit lol

Not Instagram or Snapchat though. That shit is fucking cancer and dumb

But have you ever said 'hi' cuz that shit is unforgivable

Sometime should tell the foids they're not entitled to his constant attention :(

When I see things like this always wonder if these women are just projecting because this is exactly how they themselves act.