76  2018-05-15 by keyandfeels


People should keep certain things to themselves.

herpes is not among those

They should definitely keep that to themselves, and not spread it to anyone else.

ah okay. I thought you meant, mentioning it to potential partners

lmao wat

This nigga>!g!<



Bitch doesnt even know what rejection is.

To femoids a guy not eating out her diseased vagina that's been creampied by 20 different Chads and Tyrones is rejection, to us incels having women view us as subhumans and refuse to even look at us is rejection.

"I feel my misery is worse than hers, therefore she shouldn't complain"

yes lets put words into my mouth

Then why are you invalidating her struggle? You act like what she's saying is so offensive.

Her struggle is hard and must feel bad for her. It's not offensive. Her words are just evdience that most women don't experience the same degree of rejection. She's admitting she's never ever felt more rejected than that, which means she's never felt like most people find her completely repulsive and don't want to go down on her/fuck her ever.

did you not read her post and see how ridiculous it is?

It's pretty shitty to have a painful disease that limits how you express love to your partner.

A disease caused by their own poor choices/ lifestyle.

She’s literally acting entitled to to her boyfriend’s body, very clearly sexism.

They support her too, oddly. From one of the comments on that thread:

Hey, I just want to offer you some validation here, because this is supposed to be a person who loves and cares about you, but he's shaming you for something that isn't your fault, he's not interested in taking care of your sexual needs, and when you communicated with him about it, he attempted to invalidate your feelings. This is not loving or caring behavior, and you're totally right to feel hurt and vulnerable in response. You deserve sexual satisfaction. You deserve a partner who accepts you. You deserve a partner who will work towards a solution to a problem in a relationship rather than trying to convince you that you're wrong about it being a problem in the first place. You are not being unreasonable in asking your sexual partner to sexually satisfy you. You are not being unreasonable to expect to feel safe and validated by your romantic partner.

Also it’s funny how they shift the blame on the guy for not wanting to become infected with a disease.

I'll admit that response was awful and extremely selfish but It doesn't change the post. At the end of the day it's a woman venting about complications in her sex life that are perfectly understandable. It's still selfish to be upset that she's seeking support just because you feel you have it worse than her, even if that is true.

I like how it’s ok for a woman to vent about her sex life, but when we do the same about our lack of a sex life, we get shit on.

complications in her sex life that are perfectly understandable

Can men vent about having a small dick? Seems pretty understandable to me.

Self-inflicted diseases get no sympathy. Just like some disgusting piece of biohazard HIV trash should get no sympathy.

You don't know her. She could've only had relationship sex in her life and still contracted the virus. Are you saying it's her fault for having sex in previous relationships?

It's her fault for choosing partners with the disease. "I didn't know" is not a valid excuse.

Yes, unironically.


So “rejected” lmao

Wtf why would you eat herpes vagina

This is what Femoids consider as a rejection JFL!

This is just gross all over

Source? r/trollxchromosomes?

should be the first result when you reddit search “HIF when”

Thanks for the mouth vomit.

A guy is dating a girl with herpes wtf

Pls no

It just gives the pussy texture. 🤢 🤮

yes lets put words into my mouth

Yes, unironically.