Why is it so hard for redditors to admit that they're losers?

30  2018-05-15 by keyandfeels

The egos on these people are insane. Say what you will about incels, but at least we know our place on the social hierarchy. The fat, mentally ill, socially awkward retards that infest this putrid website all think they're the greatest, smartest people in the world.

Just because you fuck a lot of guys doesn't make you a winner. And getting a post wall bipolar hamplanet to settle down with you after they fucked chads throughout their twenties is not an accomplishment. The real winners are experiencing life in the real world. Fucking thots every day off tinder, traveling, and doing cool things while you mock "neckbeards".

Put redditors into an actual social situation with cool people and you'll be able to separate them in a second. Thoughts?


Its an ego thing. Nobody wants to admit they`re below average when it comes to anything in life.


"It happens for many reasons: Others are too polite to say what they really think, incompetent people lack the skills to assess their abilities accurately, and such self-delusions can actually protect people's mental health, Dunning told LiveScience."

I'm a loser.

They live in echo chambers where everyone and everything is awesome and rad.

Weak millineals who have inflated egos who were told they are special and awesome since infants

Redditors aren’t white

Everyone is the hero in their own story. Too many people lack the self-awareness to realize that they're often dead fucking wrong.

Totally agree, however not all topics discussed on Reddit that have a clear 'dead wrong ' but being able to admit that there is a grey area isn't as 'interesting ' and most people opt for a dualist viewpoint since it will generate the most controversy and consequently up or down votes.

yeah. pretty much. I'm still a loser.

Reddit gives people a forum to broadcast their bullshit and makes them believe that people listen and or give a shit. It also lets them curate their broadcast and lie through their teeth in a way they think will ingratiate themselves and others. Negative brigading of whatever marginalised group is one easy way of feeling part of another. It allows people to indulge in the most disgusting behaviour and get a small token of self esteem through upvotes. As a micro Reddit encourages the same negative behaviour as the macro phenomenon of all social mediums.

Cause their internet lives are so important. I’m a loser right now but once I get a job or go back to school I will definitely stop going on Reddit.