41 2018-05-15 by MutantTier
1 Backseatmotheryucker 2018-05-15
You guys don't think their is such a thing as being too tall?
1 MutantTier 2018-05-15
Mog or be mogged.
Your right. My ideal height is 6'1.
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-15
1 Cuckkiller95 2018-05-15
Being freakishly tall automatically gives you status, you can get laid by height-queens its the same as having a 10 inch dick and looking like Ron Jeremy.
1 fucktheluck 2018-05-15
No. IMO as long as it's healthy, taller is better. If it were up to me I would choose to be 10 feet. I'm not joking, 100% serious.
1 CountyMcCounterson 2018-05-15
If I were 50 feet tall with chad genetics then I could literally spear women to death on my cock so that wouldn't be a disadvantage really
1 incelthrowawayteehee 2018-05-15
Girl here. I think the guy on the left is really cute actually. Teehee.
1 andrethehill 2018-05-15
LMFAOOOOO i love these
He is Ike Catcher, he is about 6' 9'' (2.06 meters). He is also a bodybuilder filled with drugs. He framemogs more than 99.9% of the world.
1 Jsm96 2018-05-15
Yeah, wouldn't really be fair to put this guy next to anyone.
1 finnanut27 2018-05-15
A lot more than just 99.9%, how many 6'9 body builders have you met throughout your life lmfao
1 Salvador66 2018-05-15
Big bro, little bro!
1 throwawayricecel 2018-05-15
If I was whitey I’d keep my gf away from Tyrone
1 kebabcel 2018-05-15
The white guy and that black guy are the same species
1 VartanX 2018-05-15
The left guy: classic incel face. It's over for nursecels and doctorcels.
1 broscientologist 2018-05-15
Why did the guy on the left drop frame?
1 6ix9ineZooLane 2018-05-15
How tall is the white guy? About 165cm?
1 goodcel 2018-05-15
1 ItsOkToBeBlack 2018-05-15
Bbc theory confirmed
1 uuman91 2018-05-15
the beginning of a cuckold video.
1 AyeThatsAGoodNagger 2018-05-15
is that scrubs
1 bigman4004 2018-05-15
That right guy is black? No way. Having a single African ancestor does not make you black. He is a dark-skinned white.
1 Parkinmyyard 2018-05-15
Lmao the white gig is Rucka Rucka Ali
1 rovad_ 2018-05-15
Can you imagine how powerfuk youd feel in such a body?
I know plenty of black guys who get laid ah tee hee
1 Backseatmotheryucker 2018-05-15
You guys don't think their is such a thing as being too tall?
1 MutantTier 2018-05-15
Mog or be mogged.
1 Backseatmotheryucker 2018-05-15
Your right. My ideal height is 6'1.
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-15
1 Cuckkiller95 2018-05-15
Being freakishly tall automatically gives you status, you can get laid by height-queens its the same as having a 10 inch dick and looking like Ron Jeremy.
1 fucktheluck 2018-05-15
No. IMO as long as it's healthy, taller is better. If it were up to me I would choose to be 10 feet. I'm not joking, 100% serious.
1 CountyMcCounterson 2018-05-15
If I were 50 feet tall with chad genetics then I could literally spear women to death on my cock so that wouldn't be a disadvantage really
1 incelthrowawayteehee 2018-05-15
Girl here. I think the guy on the left is really cute actually. Teehee.
1 andrethehill 2018-05-15
LMFAOOOOO i love these
1 fucktheluck 2018-05-15
He is Ike Catcher, he is about 6' 9'' (2.06 meters). He is also a bodybuilder filled with drugs. He framemogs more than 99.9% of the world.
1 Jsm96 2018-05-15
Yeah, wouldn't really be fair to put this guy next to anyone.
1 finnanut27 2018-05-15
A lot more than just 99.9%, how many 6'9 body builders have you met throughout your life lmfao
1 Salvador66 2018-05-15
Big bro, little bro!
1 throwawayricecel 2018-05-15
If I was whitey I’d keep my gf away from Tyrone
1 kebabcel 2018-05-15
The white guy and that black guy are the same species
1 VartanX 2018-05-15
The left guy: classic incel face. It's over for nursecels and doctorcels.
1 broscientologist 2018-05-15
Why did the guy on the left drop frame?
1 6ix9ineZooLane 2018-05-15
How tall is the white guy? About 165cm?
1 goodcel 2018-05-15
1 ItsOkToBeBlack 2018-05-15
Bbc theory confirmed
1 uuman91 2018-05-15
the beginning of a cuckold video.
1 AyeThatsAGoodNagger 2018-05-15
is that scrubs
1 bigman4004 2018-05-15
That right guy is black? No way. Having a single African ancestor does not make you black. He is a dark-skinned white.
1 Parkinmyyard 2018-05-15
Lmao the white gig is Rucka Rucka Ali
1 rovad_ 2018-05-15
Can you imagine how powerfuk youd feel in such a body?
1 ItsOkToBeBlack 2018-05-15
I know plenty of black guys who get laid ah tee hee