fucking lol

99  2018-05-15 by everythingshewants7


Braincels bullying people while crying about people bullying them

I never got bullied and never claimed to have been. So all of our pounts are invalid because this picture is funny?

It's called pointing out how women think einstein

Manlets aren't people

And you wonder why you’re called the most toxic subreddit lol

Why would we care what you think soyboy

You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t care what people thought

Its actually the opposite, when you align yourself with incels, you accept that people are going to hate you and make generalizations about you. If we did care what people think, we wouldn't be here, opening ourselves up to scrutiny and criticism

you wonder why we call you a soyboy

why is IT so confused about bullying? Bullying is punching down not up idiot. Making fun of Bruno Mars isn't bullying, he doesn't hear any of this and it wouldn't matter to him if he did. Making fun of virgins on the other hand is different

yeah Bruno, first off woiuld never go on reddit but maybe he might do an AMA and some redditer would ask him what he thinks about incels making fun of him he'd be like uh who cares I get laid

You are incredibly stupid

"Everyone who disagrees with me is from /r/inceltears"

never bullied anyone. if I did tho I'd go to your cucktears sub and bully you there. not gonna tho, no point.

"everyone who disagrees with me is from /r/inceltears" you kids are worse than feminists, inceltears is your patriarchy.

You realize we're all as short as the guy in the pic, if not shorter.




Now that I am here, I am clearly starting to see more Bruno Mars memes on this sub. Anyways, that was extremely funny, OP.



Same height as him. Fucking infuriating when a girl is way taller than me (above 5’10)

I'm 6'2" and yet Taylor swift in heels would still mog me like wtf

They literally talk down to you like you're a child. It's fucking unreal. You kw start to understand why sulfuric acid is so popular in Pakistan and India.

ok let's not

Salvador on suicide watch

Just lol


Mars got milkies

If only I can get milkies.

The weird thing is he is 5.5 and she is 5.10. These photos make her look 8 feet tall.

8.0 feet = 2.4 metres.

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I like when women say "you don't have to be tall, just be taller than me with heels on." But then they still go for a guy who is 6' 3" lmao.

a 5'8 guy is is like so I'm thinking ok cool a girl who is 5'1, she will still be shorter than me in heels.

she shows up with stilts she got from this guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stilt-Man

A fourth unidentified female variant appears in The Amazing Spider-Man #611, calling herself "Lady Stilt-Man". Deadpool defeats her by removing a manhole cover, causing one of her legs to fall in, and her other to step onto a high heel attached to the top of a truck. She doesn't appear to be connected to any of the other Stilt-Men, and claims she is using the name as an "homage". This version is more clumsy and uncoordinated, and Spider-Man himself says she is "trying too hard."[28]

based spiderman and deadpool

I'm let you finish

this baba

Soy milk of course

Bruno Mars is lucky that he was able to not be incel because of his high status and money. If he was a random guy with low status and an average income he'd get almost no pussy whatsoever because of his low tier height, which is a shame. He's not an ugly guy. He looks better than me.

Tyga on the other hand is a complete subhuman. That guy is yet another lucky example of not being incel. He's incel 100% without his status and money. A true subhuman.

Nah, Tyga is black. So he'll get pussy anyway.

That is such cope. There are a lot of black incels because they're subhuman. Get this BBC bullshit out of here already.

Mega cope. Ugly blacks can't even bang prostitutes.

what the fuck

Salvador btfo

8.0 feet = 2.4 metres.

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I like when women say "you don't have to be tall, just be taller than me with heels on." But then they still go for a guy who is 6' 3" lmao.