Nuclear RacePill - Currycells on Suicide watch

53  2018-05-15 by VoidPillz



You can't beat a wife for infidelity in India,the third wave feminism has been propagated here.

Left half gives no credit to the element of genetic recombination, doesn’t account for the morphology between northies and southies

Which race has a higher population though?

India's population exploded after 1940's. Basically after independence. We never adapted smartly to the 2 major tools of the west - Industrialization and Western medicine. Death was a natural birth control method, people try to have 5-10 kids but many die in childbirth and before the age of 10. Western medicine basically destroyed this method. We were closer to natural selection before western medicine became popular. Not to mention western countries wanted to eradicate diseases which would wipe out a lot of people. E.g. Malaria - this is a symptom of unhealthy living. Instead of curing the disease, efforts should've been made to eradicate the standard of living which caused it in the first place. But that is not the cheaper or the easier option. Now we have people living in filthy conditions with expected life span of just 10 years lower than people living a good and healthy lifestyle. My country is a fucking mess. We never asked for so much shit dumped on us.

Damn, that is a new way of looking at things. Very interesting.

👏 this is probably more high iq than any sociologist could come up with. Very well done.

Ok nerd

why is every girl the same on a chart ranking looks.

it would reveal that ugly women create more ugly men thus a never ending supply of future incels.

Yes however on average both women and men should get less ugly by the day

The reason is to show the effect on simply male attractivness.

This wasnt to discuss whether hot guys get hot girls. This was to show that arranged marriages have objectively less attractive males.

This is a true pill. In South India, first/second cousins from one side of the family are not really called cousins. They also marry each other. Not just south India, the intra-caste marriage also leads to people basically marrying into cousins from extended families. I am not saying race mixing is the answer, but there is a sweet spot somewhere in between. You must not marry someone from completely different race but at the same time it shouldn't be fucking third/fourth cousins or something too.

The intra-caste marriages exist for a reason. The people of the upper castes don't want their high IQ genes mixing with the lower castes low IQ ones which would give rise to dumber children.

Same reason why marrying Africans is discouraged too, it has been scientifically proven that Africans have lower IQs than other races and no I'm not racist, this is fact. Ofc there may be a few outliners, but the general consensus is that Black people have lower IQs, but are much better athletically than other races.

5ft 9. Lol @ US subhuman genetics.


lol. there will always be incels. They come from ugly women getting fucked by chad not from ugly men fucking stacy or becky.

But you have a country to go back to where you could get laid. That’s how I feel about currycels and ricecels. Where the fuck am I supposed to go?

I tell them the same thing every time. I have no sympathy for any Incel who isn't white.

You're wrong. Times have changed. In 2 - 3 years, you can forget about arranged marriage to an educated civilized Indian women from India. Progressive Indians , ie 20 year olds are way less likely to hoose arranged marriage as an option. Also, there is a misconception that an arranged marriage is a mail order bride. It isnt. The girl still has to like you, in order to accept the proposal.

TL:DR Its over

But it would be a lot easier to unfuck India than to unfuck the West. Just because the West is so much farther gone. I would probably get fired from my job if I publicly said I agree with the idea of arranged marriage; would that happen in India?

No, because people aren't that fragile here

i hate my ancestors so fucking much for not allowing sexual competition back then such that today i wouldn't be this ugly

India's population exploded after 1940's. Basically after independence. We never adapted smartly to the 2 major tools of the west - Industrialization and Western medicine. Death was a natural birth control method, people try to have 5-10 kids but many die in childbirth and before the age of 10. Western medicine basically destroyed this method. We were closer to natural selection before western medicine became popular. Not to mention western countries wanted to eradicate diseases which would wipe out a lot of people. E.g. Malaria - this is a symptom of unhealthy living. Instead of curing the disease, efforts should've been made to eradicate the standard of living which caused it in the first place. But that is not the cheaper or the easier option. Now we have people living in filthy conditions with expected life span of just 10 years lower than people living a good and healthy lifestyle. My country is a fucking mess. We never asked for so much shit dumped on us.