When you read a post from a youngcel who isn’t even done highschool but knows it’s over

73  2018-05-15 by azucel


anime needs to be banned for enforcing the stereotype that females are actually nice creatures

What about hentai 🤔

Hentai shows women’s true nature. Anything with a dick get women horny and will enjoy it even if they’re getting raped in public.

Especially If IT has tentacles


I guess I don't understand how anyone can type all of that out without realizing how hilariously wrong it is. I should have stopped reading at "Hentai shows women's true nature".

Your lack of self-awareness is truly insane. It's over for you.


what about it

no delete this anime waifus are pure

anime is cope they always have a dumbass weak male character who lives with a harem of women that all want him

Well 20 years ago an "unpopular", young kid would have been told: "Just wait. You'll meet someone in college." And he would not even know about the boyfriends or girlfriends of the more popular kids if he was not friends with them.

Today social media is mandatory. Fire up your fav. app and you get showered with the (sexual) adventures of your peers. You are forced to see what you are missing out on in real time. Of course it's harder to stay "bluepilled" today.

I'm an oldcel and I remember at first in high school the internet was not such a big deal but one day some based kid started a website and it had gossip about who everyone was fucking and also who was on drugs etc. it caused quite a stir. nowadays I imagine kids would be like whatever

Freshman don’t even bother you’ll be at home for your senior prom

If you're that young and posting here you're sabotaging yourself imo

No you aren't, if I found out about this site when I was 13. I would use all the information I can get here to atleast attempt to be a low-tier normie.

Incels know the truth about women

You don't need an Internet connection to understand that you are a subhuman, brah.

Looksmaxxing is far more effective if you start b4 age 18 , but thats assuming the dude is willing to put in the work and not give up

They still shouldn't give up, though. I would have bet a million dollars that my college friends would have been truecels, just like me. But they turned out to be late normies. Youngcels owe it to themselves to looksmatch and try to be social until at least 25.

Honesty good on them. I knew it was over by mid way through secondary school.

Anime sucks but early recognition of inceldom can be really good for the young. It lets them move around to the correct way of thinking.

Yeah....and then they stumble upon this page, and you guys fuck the person up for life reading all these pity party stories. Leave the kids alone.