The revisionist appearance of jesus is the biggest blackpill there is. Personality = looks in everyone's mind.

65  2018-05-15 by bcat124


If Americans saw Jesus today they would freak out, a zombie manlet Arabian looking socialist jew carpenter. They would rope him in a heart beat. It's over even for Jesus!

If they saw Jesus, they would instantly renounce their faith.

If you haven't already rescued Mary Magdalene from stoning it's over

at least it’s being recognized that he probably wasn’t an effeminate caucasian with long hair.

only chad can look good with long hair

And Zyros.

Twist, Jesus was a blackpilled incel who scammed them all for the lulz

Remember him scolding the roasty at the well

dad was a cuck

mom was a lying whore

it's over for messiahcels

Is this jesus?lmaooo i feel so bad for laughing

Most Jews look white. Also I’m surprised /r/braincels is missing the point - no one would have followed a cult started by an ugly person. The pic on the left is probably more accurate as weird as that sounds.

it's like how a lot of Turkish people look white

No one follows ugly cult leader, Ever heard of Eckhart Tolle?

he looks like he's saying uhhhh bro you got any more of them pills

if you’re not jesus of nazareth in 2018, it’s over.

Nigga that's Desmond from lost!

lol a huge portion of the west is raised worshipping a literal hippie Chad. They probably had to Chad up Jesus in all the paintings to get the roasties to buy in. [Take the Jesus pill](

not even the chains of religion are strong enough to bound these whores anymore


See ya in anotha life brotha

Mogs me