Ugh idk why guys keep staring at me, they are such pigs. Im just trying to go on my date with Chad.

59  2018-05-15 by Gole_The_Shredder


Women be sinners, my guy. They got the devil up inside em real talk

gahd, shut up, poindexter.

Nigga please

oh - i guess you’re really not white then. mahbad.

they are literally good at nothing more than showing off their body thats the only thing they are known for

The only value of a woman is her body, imagine a universe where women didn't have a pussy. Would you still talk to them? I'd not

Men spend resources on women because we are forced to by our hormones, it's an instinctive behaviour we can't control.

If we weren't forced to like them then women would be extinct.

I agree

And so would men.


" Im showing off these little boobs just for my self, ok"?

She only wears it because it's comfortable, you creep!


Kendel Jenner is probably the biggest slut and creephating woman in the industry.

she went to the public half naked with just a 3000$ shitty table cloth over body, but it's okay guys she isn't a whore because it's fashion

west is doomed

They probably don't care if you only looked (unless you wers weird about it) But A) girls dress like this on nights out to look nice but not neccesarily to get allroached by guys B) is bad when you grab their tits and shit which happens so often in clubs

Fucking whore.