Normies: “If they treated women like people and acted like decent human beings they wouldn’t be virgins.” ALSO NORMIES:

101  2018-05-15 by rileymils

One of my friends is a virgin at 28 years old. He’s a SUPER sweet guy and not all misogynistic, unlike these loser incels he doesn’t blame his virginity on women and think he isn’t entitled to sex. Incels blaming their misogyny on being virgins is a bad excuse. My friend is a 28-year-old virgin but has tons of female and male friends and we all love him and his amazing personality! He doesn’t blame women or become bitter for being rejected 73 times for his looks.

You are incel because of your bad personality.


also normies: 'just because you're nice, etc. doesn't mean you're entitled to sex wtf'

Normie here.

"Nice" is the candy coating. The inside can still taste like shit. Candy coat a turd, and it's still a piece of shit.

I can't believe the dumb asses that come through here like you


I guess women that fall for abusers enjoy eating shit with peanuts in it and a slight serving of vomit then.

fuck normies

no you fuking retard, i dont believe women owe me sex



im not, but youre stupid and dont know us

We need to blackpill everyone. White sharia now!


Women don't owe anyone sex -- the issue is that any thinking, observing person can see that Voids choose men based on ass-backwards, retarded reasons that are actually a detriment to society and producing more unwed mothers, more abortions, more broken homes.

Fucking Voids have no fucking clue what they're doing and they'll send us back to mud huts if men don't wake the fuck up.

The term void fits this terrible creature perfectly.

Beware the beast, void

They don’t care about broken homes after getting a whiff of that 9-inch Personality.


Keep on hating women, that will surely get you laid sooner or later right?

Dumbfuck, hating women isn't a sexual strategy, it's a product of constant rejection .

Here's a harsh reality for you: hating women in general is unattractive and it's going to stop you getting laid or finding a relationship.

You are going to have to find a way to rise above it. Find a way to lose the chip on your shoulder about women. Find a way to be you, so that people like the way you make them feel about themselves.

Arguing with me on here won't make it happen.

Agreeing with real incels that women suck won't make it happen.

Nothing will make it happen, that is why I'm here. I wasn't born hating women.

YOU can make it happen, by not nuclear meltdowning over being rejected. Find something other than women that can make you happy, a hobby or career. Go to a place that has those things and meet people. Like anime? Go to a con, tons of girls there that WANT an otaku bf. Like games? Go to a meeting up hosted on a gaming board, those exist. Like reading? Go to a midnight release party at a book store. Like food? Start cooking and posting pictures of your creating on social media, even tag it saying "I need someone to come taste my new dish".

Find a common ground with a girl, something attractive besides her tits and face. The friend zone is a stepping stone, I won't say it's easy to get out of, but it can happen. Yeah, you'll get rejected a lot, it'll fucking happen, but you'll eventually find a girl that accepts you.

Just don't fall into the pit of "it's ALL the woman's fault, NEVER mine" and you'll survive somehow.

Funny, cause nearly all weeb girls I ever knew had generic athlete chad boyfriends. It's been a long time though, maybe everything changed.

I have tons of weeb girl friends, I don't think any date outside of the anime con circle, but that could be a culture thing. It might depend on what part if the world or country you live in.

You wanna stop being rejected? Quit fucking acting like you own us or we owe you anything. You can do your very best and be the best person ever and still get rejected. It fucking happens.

Your pain is not a product of getting rejected, it's a product of how to handled being rejected. Blaming everyone and anything but yourself for your own problems.

I've been rejected too, many times. I don't blame them. I'm a 3/10 at best. Chad wants Stacy, not me. I don't want Chad either.

yeah. that's why we are incels. no matter what we do, we are destined to be alone. we will get rejected no matter how we improve ourselves. we are just ugly.

yeah, i don't want a stacy either. but even normal women don't want someone like me.

I'm going to paraphrase something I said in another thread.

Get a hobby you enjoy, something you find passion in other than women. Like gaming, go to a tournament. There's a good chance some girls might be there and will have a common interest with you. If you like anime then go to an anime convention, literally hordes of single girls there that typically want an otaku/anime fan boyfriend. (Anime con forums are amazing for finding girls.) If you like reading them go to a midnight release party at a bookstore, tons of girls go there.

I know there's no magical solution, but trying your best is 1000% better than sitting on /r/incels crying. No one mocks your pain, they mock your dramatic overreaction and methods. Sometimes incels say some of the weirdest shit, like the "organ donor/sex with corpse" theory. That's the shit we mock.

Women won’t like men for their hobbies. Women like good-looking men who also happen to have hobbies.

Also, what you wrote is just a load of bs.

cope more boyo. am going to apply all this advices and get a gf.

The anime con thing might work. Whe your competition is unwashed weebs standards of attraction are going to be a lot lower.

It’s bs advice. How many guys vs how many girls go to an anime convention? The relatively small amount of females that go there are going to be approached by thousands of guys which will put them in a position to be picky. In the end Chad always wins.

Is Chad going to be at an anime con though?

Yes, Chad watches mainstream anime like One Piece, Dragonball and Naruto. A few of those Chads will attend a convention. It’s the same with “gamer girls”. Gaming communities consist mostly of males and when a female is spotted every guy whiteknights and orbits the fuck out of her. Just take a look at female twitch streamers.

Throwaway for reasons. I help run 2 30k+ anime cons. Tons of cute girls but most will be underage so you don’t want to take that risk. There are a few chads but they will generally be out of your way. Just go to the Saturday night raves and hope that your luck is good, otherwise you can just cope with alcohol.

Why would Chad be anywhere else by 35 different girls bedrooms at once? /S

yeah. am cosplaying as chad from bleach.

I can tell you right now, as someone who has worked in anime cons for 12 years, more girls go to cons than guys. Have you ever been to one? You'll shit yourself. Granted some are going to be underaged, but most cons have color coded badges for "under 18" and "under 21", so don't worry.

I went to an anime con recently- - more girls than guys - very young, diverse crowd- many seemed likely to be in high school. - tons of cosplay, tons of young people of all genders exploring their attractiveness through cosplay, but far more women then men. The men dressing up in skimpy outfits were definitely enjoying the attention though.

It wasn't at all the stereotypical demographic of the "sci-fi convention." The Saturday dance party felt just like a regular club night except more high schoolers and pikachu costumes. Honestly it was just super social, and you'd have lot of chances to start conversations by just saying "You're (character) from (obscure series)? I love (series.)" I'm sure different conventions have different vibes, but this one was just not what I expected and seemed like a heck of a hook-up scene for people in the right age range.


What you wrote was the load of bullshit. Apparently you think all women want handsome guys and look at nothing else.

There's nothing uglier than a guy with no personality or who is an asshole.

Appearances are deceiving. Any woman who goes for guys purely by looks is going to end up miserable and is probably just a shallow idiot. Why even go for those girls?

Appearances are deceiving. Any woman who goes for guys purely by looks is going to end up miserable and is probably just a shallow idiot. Why even go for those girls?

So all women will end up miserable? I don’t think so, most women are happy, even though they all go for looks.

And yes, women have a minimum attraction level. If you’re below that, no matter how good your personality is, you won’t havr a chance. Personality only matters if you’re good-looking enough, and women find 80% of men to be unattractive. Women have requirements, men have preferences.

I'm a woman and let me tell you, your personally I'd the biggest turn on for me. I don't care if you look like a burn victim or Sasquatch, if you like my same hobbies I'll at least give you a chance. This "all women" argument hold no water in the real world. Just like neither does "all men". Not all women were created equal, not all were born super hot with huge tits. Not all want Chad and his monster dong.

Some of us just want a guy who will watch our show with us and understand our passion, or play a round of kart with us. I personally want a guy who will cosplay with me and go to cons AND plays Warcraft on alliance. That was literally my set of standards. Not looks. Just hobbies.

Holy shit, you wrote a post that is more delusional than Flat Earth/chemtrails stuff. Congrats, I guess?!

I'm feeling for my own point of view? For hope I feel? Then why don't you tell me how I feel? You can't, because I'm not delusional. I know what I want, you don't.

You are delusional.

you're a slut i bet i could fuck you

I never look at what women tell me, I look at what they do. Of course you care only about hobbies when the looks treshold has been met. Below that you don’t even see men.

I don't even care about looks, there is no threshold for me. My niece is a total shallow bitch who didn't care about anything but looks, and she's a miserable as fuck single mom at 17.

I'm quite happy with the guys over dated in the past, even the incel ones.

I can understand what this guy means. What I love the most about my fiance is how he dries my tears, his laugh when we are just watching dumb series on bed and the jokes he makes while he is making me a nutella sandwich at 4 am and kisses me over the kitchen counter. He is my best friend, and even tho I could look at his face all day, that's nowhere near a priority for me anymore. I'd adore him even if he went bald or got his face burn. I'd love him if he became obese or lost his muscles. I'd desire him just as much even if he was shorter than me. The moment I met him, all the other men in the world became gray before my eyes. I no longer feel attraction for anybody else, I'm forever his. However, honestly, if 5 years ago when I met him, if he wouldnt have had that beautiful manly green eyed face that was the very first thing i noticed in him, when he said hi to me for the first time, I would have answered out of courtesy and not given him a chance, missing out on the best, funniest, kindest person in my life. I can't speak for all women, but definitely appearance is what has driven me to give this beautiful human the chance to get to know him.

so you wrote all this just to prove that you guys are superficial af? thanks.

Don't you think that's a bit hypocritical? Guys here call overweight girls things like landwhales or disgusting, rate girls based on looks (and oftenly wrong, rating attractive people in low ranks), criticize women skull shapes and stuff. I think that's something actually superficial. The point of what I wrote is that though the looks of my loved one are no longer a priority for me, it is what called my attention in the first place, and that was mutual or he wouldn't have approached me. Looks are the first impression. If I met him again and I could recognise him, even if he was no longer beautiful, even if he looked ugly to me, I'd choose him without second thoughts.

yeah, but you actually know him now because he is attractive. we incels are below averge. so that initial attraction is out of the window. so yeah, all of what you said proves the blackpill.

a lot of incels are just mad because these "landwhales" have a higher "SMV" than them. i don't approve of bullying here. so these guys can fuck themselves.

yeah, because you got to know more about your bf after that first impression. incels can't get into a relashionship becuse we don't have the looks for the first impression. you get what am saying?

I think you're absolutely right and that's something really saddening. However I was only talking about my own experience and I'm sure there's girls who fall for people's kindness, I've met a few very pretty girls who fell in love for unattractive guys because "they treat them like princesses"

well, i hope if find on of these girls.

Well that's shallow of you. At least you realize now that you'd be missing out if you went just by looks.

Blaming everyone and anything but yourself for your own problems


I don’t hate women, why would you think I do?

It doesn't matter who you blame or how you act.

It's probably over regardless.

he secretly posts here

Please dont spread this message... It is completely fine to be an incel, but noone is destined to be an incel. If you look at it from a statistical point of view: First, lets assume a the probability of someone getting into a relationship in the next year is 40%. Now lets have 100 of those guys. So, after 1 year 40 of those guys are in a relationship, 60 remain. Next year, 24 of those 60 are in a relationship, 36 remain. The next year, 14 more guys get a girlfriend 22 remain. 9 guys get a GF, 11 remain.. 4 get a gf, 7 remain. Now, those 7 guys have been incels for 5 years, but their chance to get a GF next year is guess what: 40%. Of cpurse those numbers are completely made up, but the message is the following: sometimes you just were the unlucky one. That does not mean something has to be wrong with you, it can just be bad luck. Maybe you are more attractive then you think, maybe not. But keep on going, trying and hoping. Bitching on incel sites and thinking of women as sluts, thinking you are destined to be single; that is for sure gonna decrease your chances.

How the fuck can you decrease your chances when they are already 0?

How the fuck do you know your chances are 0? And how the fuck does complaining on incel websites help you if your chances are 0? Am i complaining on a website that i am gonna die? If it really is inevitable, then you should let go.

How the fuck do you know your chances are 0?

Because I have a fucking mirror in my bathroom, lmao?

And how the fuck does complaining on incel websites help you if your chances are 0?

Helps me cope and it feels good to talk with other people that are in the same situation.

I have yet to see a man or a woman of whom i would think he truly is ugly. I dont believe you. You may be not attractive, but that doesnt have to stop you.

Yeah, I also doubt that you have. But it's obvious that you haven't, because we incels are at the really long tail of a multivariate distribution and don't go outside much for the obvious reasons.

If you really are that ugly, be proud of it. You were born that way, there is no reason to give into society. Off course you dont have to parade around like "hey i am special look at me i am so ugly", but sre you fine with society telling you what you are worth? Still, i dont believe you at all.

Your opinion on nobody being truly ugly is meaningless.

A lot of retard normies on this post,have you ever heard someone so stupid you just want to punch theiir face?

Normie here. I would never say "If they treated women like people and acted like decent human beings they wouldn’t be virgins." It simply isn't true. There are all sorts of reasons why a person might be a virgin late in life. Perhaps he just got unlucky and never met anyone at the right time.

You shouldn't quit misogyny because it will get you laid. It might not. You should quit misogyny because it's the right fucking thing to do. As for getting you laid, there are no guarantees in the world, but it can't hurt.

If nothing else, if you stop using up so much energy on hate, you'll have time and emotional presence for other things, like work, hobbies, and the gym. Obsession and anger clearly aren't doing much for you guys.

Dumbfuck, hating women isn't a sexual strategy, it's a product of constant rejection .

I don’t hate women, why would you think I do?

yeah. that's why we are incels. no matter what we do, we are destined to be alone. we will get rejected no matter how we improve ourselves. we are just ugly.

yeah, i don't want a stacy either. but even normal women don't want someone like me.


Blaming everyone and anything but yourself for your own problems


How the fuck can you decrease your chances when they are already 0?

Don't you think that's a bit hypocritical? Guys here call overweight girls things like landwhales or disgusting, rate girls based on looks (and oftenly wrong, rating attractive people in low ranks), criticize women skull shapes and stuff. I think that's something actually superficial. The point of what I wrote is that though the looks of my loved one are no longer a priority for me, it is what called my attention in the first place, and that was mutual or he wouldn't have approached me. Looks are the first impression. If I met him again and I could recognise him, even if he was no longer beautiful, even if he looked ugly to me, I'd choose him without second thoughts.

well, i hope if find on of these girls.