365 2018-05-15 by human-cannibal
1 Salvador66 2018-05-15
He coped for our sins.
1 pimpdaddy_69 2018-05-15
you're legit a legend here imo
Thank you. St. Blackops2cel has blessed me with the wisdom of Black Pill knowledge.
He roped so that we may cope.
1 tehgymcel420 2018-05-15
Behold, the lamb of God.
1 DankIncel 2018-05-15
May he bless our copes
1 mittrinilli 2018-05-15
We are not worthy
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-05-15
This is the best image to ever exist on the internet.
1 deathlyhapa 2018-05-15
you drew him too handsome here. he looks like a roman statue, with a chiseled jaw and strong cheekbones. this is not the real blackops2cel
1 supakomanija 2018-05-15
yup. roman statues probably made those people look better than they actually are
1 GaelicPrince7 2018-05-15
Ikr, I bet this nigga believes all Romans had six packs because they’re on every statue
1 thr0w123away456 2018-05-15
Someone should read into verism, although you are mostly correct.
1 foreignincel4 2018-05-15
its not op
1 sabadr 2018-05-15
His jaw mogs my life
1 dontneedit123 2018-05-15
Blessed image
1 StBlackOps2Cel 2018-05-15
He is the Pope of hope for cope or rope
Blessed are those who cope in the name of the lord
1 OnAllDAY 2018-05-15
1 Fummy 2018-05-15
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-15
Peace be upon him.
1 Ironcrusher38 2018-05-15
He got that bullet for us. Praise him.
1 nigguhcel 2018-05-15
My nigga this my niggs ri'er
1 aliceelza 2018-05-15
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of chads, i will fear no stacies
1 WalmartFap 2018-05-15
1 xStar_Sailorx 2018-05-15
May Allah bless our nigga, St. Blackops2cel, peace be upon him
1 WahmenMustDIe 2018-05-15
Our Lord and Saviour
1 reanimatedjimjones 2018-05-15
We seen this b4
1 uglyloser567 2018-05-15
Maybe look after all incels who have chosen the rope.
RIP St Stagetail RIP St Blackpill98
They both died too young
1 itsbeenover 2018-05-15
Rip st.shuaiby
1 MyNameIsDalton 2018-05-15
praise be
1 T-Earl-Grey-Hot 2018-05-15
He's Bosnian so probably Muslim. Probably has an arranged wife by now.
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-05-15
Arranged marriages aren't a thing in Bosnia
t. Bosnian
Oh, ok. Are there many incels in Bosnia?
1 MutantTier 2018-05-15
Mogs me.
1 Ninjakilla_X 2018-05-15
St. Blackops2cel died for the blackpill :(
1 tehreal 2018-05-15
Is he really dead?
1 jak1ns4to 2018-05-15
what a shitty, chadified representation of the person closest to a possible "idol" of true inceldom unlike ER and AM
1 HistoriaBestGirl 2018-05-15
The perfect fanart doesn’t exi-
1 [deleted] 2018-05-15
1 Trumpisagoldengod 2018-05-15
Y'all can't even prove this guy is am incel
1 FinalFantasycel 2018-05-15
1 currywristcel 2018-05-15
1 Salvador66 2018-05-15
He coped for our sins.
1 pimpdaddy_69 2018-05-15
you're legit a legend here imo
1 Salvador66 2018-05-15
Thank you. St. Blackops2cel has blessed me with the wisdom of Black Pill knowledge.
He roped so that we may cope.
1 tehgymcel420 2018-05-15
Behold, the lamb of God.
1 DankIncel 2018-05-15
May he bless our copes
1 mittrinilli 2018-05-15
We are not worthy
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-05-15
This is the best image to ever exist on the internet.
1 deathlyhapa 2018-05-15
you drew him too handsome here. he looks like a roman statue, with a chiseled jaw and strong cheekbones. this is not the real blackops2cel
1 supakomanija 2018-05-15
yup. roman statues probably made those people look better than they actually are
1 GaelicPrince7 2018-05-15
Ikr, I bet this nigga believes all Romans had six packs because they’re on every statue
1 thr0w123away456 2018-05-15
Someone should read into verism, although you are mostly correct.
1 foreignincel4 2018-05-15
its not op
1 sabadr 2018-05-15
His jaw mogs my life
1 dontneedit123 2018-05-15
Blessed image
1 StBlackOps2Cel 2018-05-15
He is the Pope of hope for cope or rope
Blessed are those who cope in the name of the lord
1 OnAllDAY 2018-05-15
1 Fummy 2018-05-15
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-15
Peace be upon him.
1 Ironcrusher38 2018-05-15
He got that bullet for us. Praise him.
1 nigguhcel 2018-05-15
My nigga this my niggs ri'er
1 aliceelza 2018-05-15
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of chads, i will fear no stacies
1 WalmartFap 2018-05-15
1 xStar_Sailorx 2018-05-15
May Allah bless our nigga, St. Blackops2cel, peace be upon him
1 WahmenMustDIe 2018-05-15
Our Lord and Saviour
1 reanimatedjimjones 2018-05-15
We seen this b4
1 uglyloser567 2018-05-15
Maybe look after all incels who have chosen the rope.
RIP St Stagetail RIP St Blackpill98
They both died too young
1 itsbeenover 2018-05-15
Rip st.shuaiby
1 MyNameIsDalton 2018-05-15
praise be
1 T-Earl-Grey-Hot 2018-05-15
He's Bosnian so probably Muslim. Probably has an arranged wife by now.
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-05-15
Arranged marriages aren't a thing in Bosnia
t. Bosnian
1 T-Earl-Grey-Hot 2018-05-15
Oh, ok. Are there many incels in Bosnia?
1 MutantTier 2018-05-15
Mogs me.
1 Ninjakilla_X 2018-05-15
St. Blackops2cel died for the blackpill :(
1 tehreal 2018-05-15
Is he really dead?
1 jak1ns4to 2018-05-15
what a shitty, chadified representation of the person closest to a possible "idol" of true inceldom unlike ER and AM
1 HistoriaBestGirl 2018-05-15
The perfect fanart doesn’t exi-
1 [deleted] 2018-05-15
1 Trumpisagoldengod 2018-05-15
Y'all can't even prove this guy is am incel
1 FinalFantasycel 2018-05-15
1 currywristcel 2018-05-15
1 T-Earl-Grey-Hot 2018-05-15
Oh, ok. Are there many incels in Bosnia?