
44  2018-05-15 by CptBeetle


I know you all hate gymcels as much as you hate yourselves, humanity, everyone in humanity and life itself.

However - a guy in this sub, today - just now, told me to go over to r/fitness. Anyway - this was literally the top thread.

now - I'm not saying OP was an "Incel" to begin with.

But fuck me - that is a really fucking impressive transformation in 10 months. Seriously.

direct link to the whole thread

He was on roids if that's in 10 months

Aren't all body-builders? Even so, still impressive.

I am!

Have you ever seen the inside of a gym?

Yes. I have done roids and posted my body here before faggot. STFU.

Your reply tells me all I need to know about you.

Shut up and stop coping. There is no way this is a natural transformation.

Where does a 12 year old get steroids though?

Wherever you got your shit sense of humor from

I don’t think a 12 year old can buy steroids from 90’s tv.

He had the frame and height before. Manlets with narrow frame look so weird if they put on muscle.

He had the frame and height before.

Oh definitely. I'm about the same height as him, but skinny as fuck and would not look anything like him if I stacked on 20KG of additional muscle.

However - there are certainly some incels who claim such status but are pretty big-ugly dudes with large/tall frames. They could definitely gymcel their way into being a huge, well-built monster - just with a brute face, but that's not a total game killer (having a killer, wide-tall, ripped body and a ugly/rough face).

I know you all hate gymcels

Says who?

Me. It's tongue in cheek mate, not to be taken literally.

Numale -> Normie

Normie? You don't reckon the right-side is Chad-Level? Come'on!


Still normie. Right side doesn't have the facial aesthetics to be Chad.

chad’s kinda unattractive. I mean that dude’s not ugly But like I’m not tryna fuck

Oh come'on! FFS - is Chad a fucking God in your mind or something?

No, he just looks intimidating. I don’t like super masculine traits, they scare me. no deep voices or strong jaws thank you am good UwU

jaw too masculine 2/10 would not fuck

Hey, I never said it was a common opinion, nor did I say it makes much sense. I’m just small and weak and scared of men damn :’^

you're scared of him because you know you have no chance with him

Yep, I don’t like being judged negatively by the opposite sex, but that applies to all guys. Still don’t find him attractive.

Chad: Spends years in the gym following a careful diet, invests and works hard.

Girl: Is female.

Chad: Spends years days in the gym following a careful diet with roids, invests chills and works hard manages his dad's business.

Girl: Is female.

ugly ears, and weird shape of a head. not a chad

Chadlite at most. he needs a tan tho

Nintendo Switch vs Ps4

This is what my crypto portfolio did from Jan 2017 to Dec 2017, sadly he stopped going to the gym in Jan 18 and lost some gains but is still pretty strong.

Oh god man. Don't remind me. That said, some of my early 2017 buys are still up pretty good. Take BTC as a prime example; it was only $1,000USD Jan 2017, it's still hovering around 8-9K. So that's still fucking good gains.

But for all the cunts that got in late, like Nov-Dec, holy shit they must have lost their friggen houses. So many billions lost every day omg!

well actually nov was a good time to buy. 2rd half of dec was a bad time

Well - depending if you sold or not. Nov wasn't a great time to buy if you're still holding lol.

However, I''m buying up at the moment. But as well as some long-term positions I've bought up (hopefully cheap), but I've also been playing on exchange with day-trades and such and I've been shorting a lot of coins and making a bit of cash on the drops.

I always feel a bit cynical playing a short position. but fuck it - cash is cash.

Sometimes I'll actually back a coin each-way (short and long) with a trailing-stop that executes that position once it drops more than $X from it's highest value (so if you trail with $1 and a long-pos is worth $20, if it goes to $25 then drops to $24 it will sell-off because of the $1 trailing stop).

So i put a forward stop on the shorts and a regular trailing on on the long positions - and then if it shoots of 5-20%+ in either direction (up or down) I make a killing. But I lose if if dips up and down more rapidly rather than booming in one direction.

i dont know about what nov u talking about but im up 230% from nov (well in crypto this is nothing i admit) but u you shouldnt have lost any money if you bought at nov. what are u hodling tho?

This makes me want to hop on gear

lol ikr

fuck it dood, its cant get any worse.

Nothing about this screams gear, he is nowhere near lean and only 225lbs at 6'. Posing and lighting make a difference too.

I'm not saying he's on gear, I'm just saying I want to be

left side:

-goofy expression making eyes smaller and eyebrows higher -terrible beard -glasses


-taken from a lower angle to accentuate his lower third

-beard makes his jaw seem bigger -forced dom expression

not pictured:

incurable numale personality

Jesus Christ you are fucking bitter, aye.

no, i'm sweet and kind.

Glad to hear

incurable numale personality

Proof required.

That's some impressive shit dude, great body shape.

Fucking kill me already. Been lifting for a decade. Never taken a break, religious about food. Made big gains. Still going. Muscular & low body fat. But, small skeleton + naturally lean = clothed you can't even tell I lift.

Yet this guy goes from overweight to tank in 10 months. Just ice me. It's fucking embarrassing even going to the gym anymore having to work out near guys like this.

I have a feeling I would be the same as you - I also have a very skinny frame.

Serious question : have you tried juicing? Did you get noticeable gains?

I mean don't let it stop you, you'll look great in a vacuum.

No I haven't. I don't want to, plus illegal, plus hard to get here, plus the blackpill has taught me it won't help (not tall, weak jaw etc). It'd be like putting a bodykit on a 1990 Toyota Corolla.

Yeah - I'm not going to let it stop me. I'm married anyway, I just want to look nice for my wife, not out to mog someone at a nightclub so i can hookup or some shit lol

I wouldn't juice either. I think anything in life, legal or illegal, can be weighed up on a cost vs benefit, pros vs cons and risk vs reward analysis. And obviously with illegal things, most fare so bad on risk vs reward that they're almost never worth doing and then with 'roids, once you factor in all the costs and cons as well as the risks then the rewards, pros and benefits just don't stack up!

start juicing

Actually I feel a lot better after seeing his other pics on his IG. He looks pretty shitty in every other photo.

What’s your height/weight? I can’t imagine lifting for a decade and being small.

5'10" 175. I'm not skinny but I cannot compete with hulks.

If you’re actually lean then you should be pretty stacked at that height. More likely you’re just not actually as muscular as you think

7% bodyfat. Sorta like this.

That is far from 7% bodyfat lol

Size wise I mean.

you are the sort of brave guys . im even more fited genetically than op and cant believe how you guys admire him

lost 50 kg fat

Lovin the vintage genetics tank bro

Everyone look at Mr Anabolic here. He takes steroids

Even so, who cares. So many incels here literally say things like "might as well just die". I mean - if you care so little for life, who fucking cares whether or not you juice-up to look better?


I believe the politically correct phrase is: Advanced-Gymcel'n

Fair. I hope to start roids soon.

Fatcel = Volcel

what's Volcel?

Voluntarily Celibate

lifefuel tbh

For sure. Maybe not for everyone. But definitely for some.

Yooooo 😍🔥😍

Yep, I don’t like being judged negatively by the opposite sex, but that applies to all guys. Still don’t find him attractive.